Life Simulation: Add Entries Starting From Health Preservation Skills

Chapter 65 Qualification Improvement! Double your lifespan!

The killing of Zhang Tianwen and Meng Zhi in the inner city caused an uproar in the Black Rock City area.

Under pressure, the Wu family carried out screenings in the entire area of ​​Black Rock City. Even Li Fenglei, the head of the Li family, and Chen Xuan, the head of the Chen family castle, went to the county government to cooperate with the investigation.

Some other martial arts masters who did not practice martial arts also went to the county government one after another in order to prove their innocence.

If you just rely on the Zhang family and the Meng family, you don't have such a lot of energy, mainly because the nature of the incident is too bad.

For a while, the blood-level warriors in the city were very nervous, and they didn't dare to run around at night.

It's a pity that the 'murderer' is right under everyone's noses, practicing hard from six to ten every day.

In this way, nearly three months passed quickly.

Although the Zhang family and the Meng family still insist on investigating, everyone knows that the longer this kind of thing is delayed, the lower the chance of finding the murderer.

In the evening, Han Zhao returned home.

Martial arts:

Health-preserving formula (the third level is 8%, which can be improved; special effects: physical strength level 7, pure yang level 2, life extension 100 years)

Luanfeng Heming Kung Fu (the first level is 100% complete, can be deduced; special effect: Yin-Yang harmony level 3)

Hidden Spirit Jue (the first level is 100% complete, can be deduced; special effect: Hidden Spirit Level 2)

Yin Sha Palm (Second layer success 56%, can be improved; special effect: poison avoidance level 2)

Vajra Jue (minor success of the first level is 15%, can be improved; special effect: Yijin Level 1)

Duanyue Saber Technique (8% of the third floor, can be improved)

"Tomorrow, the second day of October, happens to be my twentieth birthday, and it's also the time when the entry [Great Talent Late Bloom] takes effect."

Han Zhao looked at his martial arts column and thought to himself.

In the past three months, he has stayed in the city to practice peacefully, and all martial arts have improved a lot.

The progress of the regimen has increased from 2% to 8%, an increase of 6%, with an average increase of 2% a month.

After all, it is an upgraded version of the health-preserving formula. It is probably because of the improved aptitude of the Diamond Jue that he can achieve this speed. At the same time, he is not short of money now, and he stuffs all kinds of big fish and meat into his mouth every day.

The cultivation speed of the Hidden Spirit Art is the fastest, and it has the effect of concealing the breath.

Luanfeng and Minggong also practiced to the upper limit.

He didn't practice the Vajra Jue, it hurt too much.

For other martial arts such as 'Blood Spirit Strategy', 'Bone Shrinking Skill', and 'Sword Raising Technique', he had reached the upper limit earlier.

Recently, he has no time to specialize in cultivation, and it may not be easy to break through.

As for adding some deduction, it is not yet the turn of these martial arts.

【Collect all 65 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesize once, consume prompt fragments 40, gold 30 taels.]

"Upgrade the Vajra Jue first, and improve your aptitude."

"This simulation can change the way of thinking. Since there are strange things in the area of ​​Black Rock City and Yufeng City, there may be other cities, so look for them!"

Before the simulation started, Han Zhao kept hinting in his mind that he was looking for weirdness.

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of nineteen, you killed Zhang Tianwen and Meng Zhi, and then hibernated in the city to practice for three months. 】

[Twenty years old, Zhu Kangsheng sent you the news that Qi Xing appeared in Jiulian Town. 】


[One year later, you found a strange place in Tiannan Mountain outside Jiayuan City. 】

[You broke into it, wanting to stimulate the 'Shadow Palm' to break through to the third floor by absorbing the evil spirit. 】


[When you left Weiqi, you encountered a monster and were captured. 】

[The demon has become interested in you, and forcibly injects demonic blood into your body, your blood spirit breaks through on the spot, and your vitality soars. 】

[Half a year later, you were sent to Yuanchang Mansion by the demon, and fell into the hands of the great demon 'Sky Fiend King', who used your body to conduct various fusion experiments of demon blood and demon blood. 】

【Tiansha King tells you that as long as you can survive the experiment, he will give you back your freedom. At the same time, he will also give you all the magic skills you have cultivated, so that you can hope to step into the realm of supernatural powers in the future. 】

[One year later, you exploded and died during the experiment of the Heavenly Fiend King. 】

"The monster is engaged in 'scientific research', right?!"

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao was taken aback.

The previous content of this simulation has basically not changed much, but there are some differences in time.

Because the last simulation already knew that the 'Excalibur Villa' outside Yufeng City was where the weirdness was, so he changed his mind and kept hinting that he was looking for other weirdnesses.

In the simulation, he also lived up to his expectations in order to practice the 'Yin Sha Palm', and successfully found another weirdness.

It's just that the death in the simulation was really miserable, and he was caught by the big monster for human experiments.

"One in Black Rock City, one in Yufeng City, and one in Jiayuan City. Isn't there something weird about every city?"

Han Zhao made a bold guess in his heart.

[1. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[2. Obtain attribute points]

[3. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: 230 taels of gold]


[attribute point +11]

"11 attribute points should be enough."

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed, picked up a wooden stick and bit it in his mouth.

"Upgrade the 'Diamond Jue' to the Dacheng stage."

【Attribute points: 11→7】

Suddenly, an indescribable pain filled Han Zhao's whole body. He felt as if his whole body was crushed by a hydraulic machine, and his muscles and bones felt the sharp pain of being squeezed.


The wooden stick in his mouth was crushed by Han Zhao.

Fortunately, the pain only lasted a second.

Martial arts: Vajra Jue (15% of the first level, can be improved; special effects: Yijin level 2, bone forging level 1)

"Improve the 'Health Preservation Formula'." After a while, Han Zhao decided to add the remaining attribute points to the Health Preservation Formula.

According to the usual practice, let the health regimen break through first, which can maximize the increase in the total amount of blood, and then break through three times, and you will get greater benefits.

【Attribute points: 7→0】

"Huh?" Han Zhao picked up another wooden stick and bit it in his mouth, only to find that when the health regimen broke through, it didn't hurt or itch.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of comfort to the extreme, which is addictive.

Martial Arts: Health Preservation (the third level is 7% perfect, can be improved; special effects: physical strength level 8, pure yang level 3, seed qi level 1, life extension 200 years)

"The life span has doubled directly?!"

Seeing the changed regimen, Han Zhao was surprised.

In addition to the previous two special effects improvements, there is one more special effect.

"Seed gas? What is this?"

He circulates the health-preserving zhenqi and gathers the zhenqi in the palm of his hand.

Originally, the health-preserving zhenqi, which was more blue and less white, has become youthful and more white, and has begun to transform into pure white.

A strong breath of life emerged, and this breath also existed in the past, but it was not as strong.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but this true energy seems to transform from a dead thing to a living thing.

"It's really developed towards health preservation." Han Zhao pondered, and began to feel the increased blood in his body.

Qi and blood increased by 50% again!

Although it is said that warriors will only gain significant increase in qi and blood when they break through the realm for the first time, it is not easy to underestimate the total increase in qi and blood after practicing a few more kung fu techniques and superimposed breakthroughs.

After tomorrow, after another three months of practice, he will be able to know the actual effect of the improvement of aptitude through the comparison of the progress of the practice.

After adapting to the increase in strength, he can deal with Qi Xing.

"I have such strong Qi and blood as a support, and the normal strength of one arm is close to a thousand catties, which is no more than that of the martial arts practitioners who have just broken through. The difference is that my printed blood has not been fully converted into strength, and my use of skills is not as good as them."

"After the sword is recast, how much effort will it take to kill the martial artist?"

"There is not much yin energy left, so I have to find a way to make it weird."

PS: Thanks to [Son’s name is Xichen] for the 1000 point reward; thanks to [Marketplace Bansheng] for the 100 point reward.

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