Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 123 The History Of The Human Race, The Secret Of All Races (For Subscription)

The battlefield of all races.

War meeting room.

Zhou Chunyang, Ying Guangwu, Zhu Wushuang and more than 30 heads of various departments gathered together.

in front of them.

Standing Chen Mo with an innocent face and Yu Mengzhu who is chubby and chubby.

Zhou Chunyang looked at the man and the beast, and said with a smile: "What a great skill! He was able to steal the Moko fruit tree from the Demon Realm!"

Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's all about its ability, but it has nothing to do with me!"

Zhou Chunyang glanced at Chen Mo, and said: "Your ability is not small! You can instantly kill three Grandmaster realms with one shot!"

Suddenly, Zhou Chunyang froze.

"Have you stepped into the Grandmaster realm?"

Chen Mo laughed: "Yes!"

Zhou Chunyang asked: "How much combat power can there be?"

The voice just fell.

Dozens of Eternal Realm people sitting around also showed interested expressions, and countless tyrannical Mental Energy scrutinized Chen Mo one after another!

Chen Mo's face was full of embarrassment.


Don't look at it, okay?

These are all Eternal Realm powerhouses, their Mental Energy is so strong that you can't hide the color of your underwear with just a glance at yourself!

No, you can't hide anything in your panties!

I am equivalent to running naked in front of dozens of people!

This is too embarrassing!

while thinking.

Chen Mo's Mental Energy raised a barrier!

At this time, Chen Mo's Mental Energy has stepped into the Grandmaster realm and successfully promoted to the seventh Realm, going back to the past!

The Mental Energy barrier had just risen, and all the surrounding Mental Energy was blocked back!

There was an exclamation in the meeting room!

how come!

This is a tiny Grandmaster realm, how come Mental Energy is catching up to us!

Zhu Wushuang looked at Chen Mo with a strange light in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, I just did it casually, and the Mental Energy cultivation method I gave to Chen Mo was cultivated to such a degree by him!

Chen Mo smiled.

"Everyone, although I'm weak, I have a limit! You can't just watch whatever you want!!"

Ying Guangwu sighed helplessly.

"Weak fart! Although you are only a Grandmaster realm now, why do you give me the feeling that you are stronger than ordinary Dazong? How much is your current combat power?"

Chen Mo frowned: "Less than 100 million!"

Win Guangwu:. . .

Zhou Chunyang smiled and said: "It's business! To tell you the truth, the secret realm of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield has opened! We need to evaluate your combat power! If your combat power is high enough this time, we will send you in! If you We don’t have enough combat power, and we don’t want you to die!”

Chen Mo asked strangely: "secret realm?"

Zhou Chunyang said lightly: "Yes, the secret realm will be opened every once in a while on the Ten Thousand Clans Battlefield. Our human race does not have a comprehensive grasp of the opening time of the secret realm, but strong races such as immortals, demons and gods are very clear about the opening time of the secret realm .

These secret realms are all remains of ancient battlefields, and some are real practitioner Immortal Caves. "

Chen Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this [Min Dao: "Are there many good things?"

Yu Mengzhu who was standing aside was a little flustered!

It feels that Chen Mo's greed is worse than when he asked him for fruit!

Zhou Chunyang nodded and said, "Of course there are many!"

Ying Guangwu snorted, "Look at your kid, your eyes are starting to glow!"

Zhou Chunyang smiled and said, "Martial Saint Chu Du, do you know?"

Chen Mo nodded.

Zhou Chunyang continued: "We usually think that Martial Saint Chu Du is the key person who opened the first year of the Martial Dao of the human race!

But in fact, Chu Du is just an inheritor! Judging from the exploration of the secret realm in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, the history of the Martial Dao of the Human Race is farther away than all of us imagined!"

"Those remnants of dozens of Ten Thousand Years or even hundreds of Ten Thousand Years ago are almost all left by the Practitioners of the human race! From those relics, we can see the tyranny and genius of the human race back then!

However, for some reason, all the human races of that year suddenly disappeared, it can even be said. . . Extinction! Let’s call them the ancient race!”

"The ancient race is a ruling force among all races! With immortals as slaves and gods as servants, all the heavens and all races are the targets of the ancient race! According to our observations, the three races of immortals, demons, and gods, As well as other races, the development of Martial Dao almost has the shadow of the remains of the ancient race!

In other words, today's splendid and prosperous Martial Dao civilization, to put it bluntly, was founded by our human race!

It's a pity, I don't know what happened to the ancient people, they were almost extinct, until Chu Du entered the chaotic flow of time and space by chance, and was lucky to fall into a secret realm. After that, after many years of hidden cultivation, he Became the Martial Saint of the human race! But that's all!"

Chen Mo's eyes widened.

~ Martial Saint, that’s all? That is the collective idol of the modern human race, a savior-like existence! If there is no Martial Dao fire seed inherited by Chu Du, the current human race will be raised by the three races of immortals, demons and gods even if they are not extinct Slave!"

Zhou Chunyang shook his head and said: "There are not so many Martial Daos inherited by Chu Du! Many Martial Daos are actually hidden among the people! Such as various sects! In the end, it was their inheritors who resolutely shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving the human world. Bu Wu world!"

"The strange thing is that these sects have their own ancestral precepts! The human race is immortal, and you cannot pass on martial arts! The inheritors of those sects don't know much about these things, but they have always abided by the ancestral precepts until the ten thousand races entered the human realm. Open everything!"

Chen Mo frowned and said, "So, the history books you edited (Hello, Nuo Wang) are all fooling around?"

Zhou Chunyang smiled and said: "History is a little girl who can be dressed up by others! We only show you what we want you to see! Ordinary people don't need to think too much, if you think too much, you will only ask for trouble!"

"Honestly speaking, if ordinary people know that the Daoist race once had such a splendid Martial Dao civilization, but it still died out, their mental capacity is very weak, and they will even doubt the future of our human race, and even fear the Wanzu!

Back then we published a history book, which told some real things, and then..."

A look of helplessness flashed in Zhou Chunyang's eyes, and he said, "Afterwards, all kinds of evil organizations appeared! They are all lackeys of Wanzu! Because they feel that there is no hope for the human realm!"

Chen Mo nodded and asked, "Then why did you call me here today?".

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