Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 209: Shot With Anger (Subscribe)

It is estimated that this beholder tribe at the peak of level 6 never dreamed that the moment he saw this human tribe would become the moment when his body was about to die.



The beholder closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Shua la, hua la."

More and more demons have come around.

The aura of these demons is generally at level 5-6. Looking at the gloomy demon who looks like wheat waves, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of this kid who was called the No. 1 martial artist in the human realm.

"Prisoner Dragon!"

Following the urgency in Chen Mo's mouth, wisps of regular aura gradually spread out like spreading mountain waves.

I saw one after another neon light scattered around Chen Mo's surroundings, and just for a moment, with Chen Mo's palm as the extreme shooting point, one after another was emitted, and large groups of demons howled and fell down.

After getting rid of all the demons, Chen Mo's cheeks showed a little warmth that had been put away before.

If these demons are not resolved, they may be as troublesome as maggots attached to the bones. Although they will not cause any hindrance to Chen Mo, the small gold-eating beasts next to him may not.

Although this Hogg has more or less reached the aura of a sixth-level practitioner, but in this crowd of demons, it is always better to be careful, and simply send them all to see King Yama.

"Dove Dove."

It's really interesting, at this time, under a tree, there stood a devil with a strong Devilish Qi covering his eyes with a hat and cloak, and he let out a strange laugh.

"Eternal Realm."

Chen Mo's pupils were slightly condensed.

Even Chen Mo did not expect that there would be a demon from the Eternal Realm in this operation.


"It seems that you are the last big boss."

Chen Mo showed his white teeth and stared at Carl motionlessly.


"Human Realm boy, you surprised me."

"Huh, it's really intoxicating."

Immediately, Karl greedily took a breath of the slowly condensed human boy's breath in the air.


Carl spoke horribly.

"Devilish Qi.

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I saw that Karl's pupils had turned blood-colored strangely.

A huge grimace slowly condensed and appeared in front of Karl with a touch of cold air.

The breath of eternal war exuded from Karl's body.

"Little ant, are you ready to die?"

Perhaps Karl didn't care about Chen Mo's life or death, because in his opinion, no matter how he handles this human race boy, he is a dead word.

Because just from the level of Practitioner, it is difficult to cross. Each level has a gully almost like the abyss of heaven.

This is precisely the source of Karl's strong confidence, but if Karl knows that the human kid in front of him is actually a super master who can instantly kill Eternal, he just doesn't know what kind of wonderful expression will appear on his face. 953

"Little ant."

"Are you ready?"

"Dove Dove."

"Devilish Qi."

With a cry from Carl's mouth, that vain grimace attacked Chen Mo directly.


"grown ups."

In the panicked pupils of the little iron-eating beast, Chen Mo's hands reappeared that mysterious neon star bar again.


Following an angry roar from the man's mouth, the pair of fists with extremely strong fist power bombarded the giant face demon's treacherous and evil appearance so heavily.

Then the grimace began to step apart, forming fine cracks one after another.

"This, how is it possible?".

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