Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 40 Who Is The Most Arrogant? (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Comments, Ask For Everything)

provincial capital.

Dongjiang Martial Dao High School.

There were already many people crowded at the school gate.

Reporters from all walks of life seized the seats early to report on the grand occasion of the young talent selection.

Dongjiang Martial Dao High School!

The senior high school with the best conditions and the most strong students in Dongjiang Province!

Those who can enter here to study are all geniuses.

This time, Dongjiang Province also arranged the trials for the selection of talented Practitioners to enter the Tenglong class here.

Everyone has already talked about it!

In Yangcheng, it was still a gossip trial competition, and the streets and alleys in the provincial capital already knew about it.

"Have you heard that the young people entering the selection this time are all Practitioners under the age of 18, and all of them are recommended by Great Masters and provincial officials!"

"Not only is the background strong, but the strength is also strong... I heard that many of them are comparable to level 3 or even level 4 Practitioners! Hehe... before going to university, they are level 4 Practitioners! These monstrous geniuses! "

"Hiss——! So strong! But it's normal...the background of these Martial Dao families is too deep! Many people have connections from the battlefields of all races! The Heavenly and Mortal Treasures obtained are all used to cultivate their own descendants. ...Of course it's amazing!"

"Speaking of... there is someone with no background, I heard it was recommended by Governor Henry Zhang! From Yangcheng!"

"You said Chen Mo...that kid is really not weak! I heard that he killed two level 4 Practitioners in Yangcheng! Although it was a sneak attack...but he still has some strength!"

"I just don't know if I can make it into the top five this time...the quota is too small, and there are too many strong players! After all, Yangcheng is only a small place..."


A super cool sports car stopped at the gate of the school with an arrogant roar.

A young man with red hair jumped out of the driver's seat.

He walked to the door with a full face.

The security guard frowned and said, "Sir, you can't park here!"

The young man threw out a wad of money.

"I'm here to participate in the trials! Go and find me a place to stop the car! It doesn't matter if it doesn't stop, the thousand dollars will be a fine!"

The security guard was taken aback.

There was a trace of indignation on his face.

What do you take me for?


You know, I am also a Level 1 Practitioner, and I also have dignity!

The young man saw that the security guard looked unhappy, and took out a thicker stack.

"Five thousand dollars!"

The security guard changed his face instantly.

Nodding and bowing with a smile, he said, "It turns out that he is a talented Practitioner who came to participate in the competition... Please come inside! As for the car... don't worry! I'll park it for you!"

The people outside were dumbfounded.

I have seen rich people and arrogant people!

But it's the first time I've seen someone so rich and arrogant!

This security. . . What a shame!

The security guard ignored the taunts from the crowd around Own.

You know what a fart!

Give 1000 yuan, daddy is a security guard!

Give 5000 yuan, daddy will be the doorman!

If you give 50,000 yuan, let me be a watchdog for a while!

All the gifts from fate have been secretly priced. . .

People around had already recognized this arrogant red-haired youth.

"This one belongs to the Zhao family in the provincial capital! The richest man in Dongjiang Province! This kid's Cultivation Base is quite strong... I heard that the master he hired is a Great Master Practitioner!"

"No wonder you are so rich... This car is also a limited edition, right? So arrogant!"

"320 million units! This one is limited to the world! It's just a concept car... He is willing to let the security guard drive it..."

Everyone is discussing.

An extremely exaggerated convoy appeared.

Each one is exactly the same black luxury car!

The most exaggerated is the license plate number.

From Shicheng 0001 to Shicheng 0010!

It turned out to be a serial number!

Still the smallest size.

Someone has recognized these cars. . . It belongs to the provincial capital Admiral's Mansion!

On Shicheng 0001, a young man came down.

Good-looking, full of confidence.

Except for him sitting on 0001, the other 9 cars were empty!

It's just a prop.

The Lin family in the provincial capital!

Grandpa is the vice-governor of the province, and father is the admiral of the provincial capital!

Lin An looked at the convoy and smiled with satisfaction.

This is the aura of the Lin family!

There is a place where you are, and idlers retreat!

At this time, the security guard who had just parked his car saw a row of black luxury cars at the door, and his face was full of confusion.

No matter how stupid you are, you know that none of these cars can be let go!

He dared to argue with the Zhao family's kid, but he never dared to mess with the Lin family!

The security guard lowered his eyebrows and pretended not to see this row of arrogant luxury cars.

Lin An walked into the campus, saw the red-haired youth, and said with a smile, "Zhao He? Are you here first?"

Seeing that it was Lin An, Zhao He hurriedly smiled and said, "Yes...unexpectedly, you also need to participate in the selection..."

Lin An smiled and said, "It's just a cutscene! Of course, I'm also curious about the strength of the other Practitioners and how long they can last under my hands!"

There was an undetectable disdain in Zhao He's eyes.

Although I think Lin An is too arrogant, there is no need to offend this guy. . .

Do business. . . Don't make too much trouble with the government!

Zhao He smiled and said, "I'm waiting to see you show off your style!"


A military vehicle stopped at the gate of the school.

A burly young man stepped out of the car.

Looking at the row of black luxury cars at the door, the young man frowned and said, "What the hell is going on? The gate of Dongyang Martial Dao Middle School has been changed to a parking lot? The horses are so arrogant, should I let the driver drive directly into the campus? "

When Lin An heard the young man's voice, his eyes showed a hint of displeasure.


Zhao He smiled and looked at Lin An.

Shen Tu is the son of Major General Shen Yuan of the provincial army!

Strong combat power, cruel and easy to kill!

I heard that Shentu also likes to fight in underground martial arts competitions!

My favorite thing is to "miss" and kill the opponent!

Usually I also like to practice with the captives of the Wanzu, and every time I want to cruelly kill the Wanzu!

In short, this kid is just 18 years old, and he smells bloody, but he is about to catch up with some veterans who have been there for many years!

Is a natural killer!

His father Shen Yuan liked this son very much.

I love him so much.

Even his special car was sent to his son.

Shentu looked at the driver of the black luxury car, and snorted, "I know you are all dogs of the Lin family! Get out of here! This is not a place for you to worry about!"

Everyone was stunned.

Shentu snorted: "If you don't get out, daddy will send tanks here! Believe it or not, they will all be crushed?"

Seeing Shentu getting angry with the Own convoy outside, Lin An's face turned livid, and he reluctantly broadcast a phone number.

"Let's go! Don't conflict with that reckless man!"

The drivers who received the instructions on the phone drove away one after another as if they were granted an amnesty.

Shentu looked into the campus and found that it was Lin An, and laughed out loud.

"Lin An, I knew they were so sensible, they must have learned from you!"

Lin An snorted softly.

This asshole. . .

Who will be buried!

Following Shentu into the campus.

More and more contestants walked in.

Not long after, the campus was crowded with talented Practitioners from all walks of life.

However, the momentum is strong and weak.

The strongest are Zhao He, Lin An, and Shentu!

Everyone was waiting at the gate of the school for the adults who watched and presided over the selection of Martial Dao to come.

A majestic black car drove in.

They even drove directly into the campus!

Longqi car!

The ceiling in a real car!

Everyone looked at the car with a respectful expression on their faces!

Shentu frowned and said, "Is this the Governor General?"

Lin An sneered, and said, "This is not the governor... My grandfather just mentioned this matter last night! The person in the car is a brat who doesn't know what to do!"

Zhao He asked curiously: "Who? Is it the nephew of the governor?"

Lin An shook his head and said with a sneer, "That called Chen Mo! The one from Yangcheng! He is called a hero!"

It turned out to be him!

Lin An's words were not only heard by Zhao He and Shentu, but also many people around him!

Zhao He said with a smile: "A dragon crossing the river, still wants to crush us? Drive directly into the school! What a big face!"

Lin An shook his head and said, "This is what the Governor-General means! He calls a hero, so he must act like a hero!"

Shentu sneered and said, "I just don't know if I have the strength to match it!"

Zhao He smiled and said, "You'll know if you try it!"

"Ding Ping, Qi Xinyuan! The hero of Yangcheng is here, you go and compete with him, isn't it too much?"

The two teenagers named Ding Ping and Qi Xinyuan were taken aback when they heard Zhao He's words.

A weird smile appeared on his face.

"Young Master Zhao, don't worry! That's certainly not too much!"

After speaking, the two walked towards the Longcheer car Chen Mo was sitting in. . .

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