Life swap game

11. The bankrupt protagonist and the frightened hamster


The hamster bumped against the cage again.

Satisfied with the hamster's reaction and his ability to explode whenever he wanted, Xia Yu continued to practice.

But after half an hour, the hamster became immune. No matter what kind of creature it is, if it keeps seeing the same scene, no matter how terrifying the scene is, it will no longer make sense.

Xia Yu then began to look for different ways to blow up his hair.

Explosive hair falls from the sky, Explosive hair lurks behind enemy lines, and Explosive hair comes out with a feint...

Such various methods kept the hamster panicked for an hour, but after an hour, the hamster got used to it again.

It found that the creature in front of it just looked fierce and could not enter the cage at all.

Seeing that this kind of intimidation was no longer effective, Xia Yu knew he had to take it a step further.

The hamster thinks that he is safe now, so he is not afraid. Then, as long as he breaks the opponent's safe house, it will become afraid again.

However, letting your hamster run around in your room is not a wise choice.

After opening the door first, Xia Yu jumped on the cage, shook the cage with his two claws, and opened his mouth to bite the cage.

The hamster panicked for a moment, but remained calm until Xia Yu opened the cage and poured it out.

Seeing that his safe house was thrown onto the cabinet by the black cat, the hamster completely panicked. It wanted to run under the bed, but was pulled by Xia Yu and pushed into the living room.

After closing the bedroom door, Xia Yu ran to the hamster and blew its fur apart with a meow.

The hamster's four paws scratched desperately on the floor tiles, stopped its progress, and ran to the right.

Xia Yu ran to the right again, meowing.

An hour later, Xia Yu lay down on the balcony to rest, and also let the hamster take a rest.

Five minutes later, he started the chase again.

In order to make the hamster actively fearful, he suppressed his nausea, lightly bit the hamster, and threw it aside.

Another hour passed, and it was intermission time again. Xia Yu was lying on the sofa, with the hamster hugging the legs of the chair.

At this time, there was a sound of opening the door. It was the door of Youxue's room opened.

The girl who walked out of the room immediately saw the black cat on the sofa, but did not notice the hamster on the chair leg.

She picked up the black cat, and while following the cat's fur, she looked at the black cat's body.

She breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that everything was fine with the black cat.

It seems that my brother did not abuse the black cat. The cry just now was just playing with the black cat.

But as soon as I get home, I hide in my room and play with the cat, which is really weird.

Smoothing the black cat's somewhat messy hair, Youxue walked towards the bathroom.

Xia Yu, who was held in Youxue's arms, looked confused. He didn't understand what the girl wanted to do when she took him to the bathroom.

It wasn't until the girl closed the bathroom door and began to take off her clothes that he understood the situation.

This girl was so unsuspecting that she casually entered the bathroom with the cat. I wonder if the cat could be a person inside?

Standing up, Xia Yu walked towards the door. He was a cat with ideals and morals, how could he do such a thing.

However, when he walked to the door, Youxue grabbed him with a hey.

"You can't take a shower!" The girl's hand held tightly, and Xia Yu couldn't break free.


Opening his mouth, Xia Yu pretended to bite Youxue's finger.

The girl immediately let go of her hand in panic, and he took the opportunity to open the door and ran out.

After closing the door, he locked the lock.

Such a sister who doesn't know how to be alert is also very worrying for the cat.

Youxue was frightened by what he just did and didn't go out to look for him.

After hearing the sound of water running in the bathroom, Xia Yu put down.

He came to the dining table and looked at the chair legs.

Why? Where is my hamster?

Such a big one was here just a moment ago, why is it suddenly gone?

After searching around the living room and under the cabinets under the sofa, Xia Yu still didn't find the hamster.

Where did it go?

With such a small body, it is impossible to climb to any high places!

After scratching his head, he searched around the living room and three bedrooms, but could not find the hamster.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu fell into deep thought. Where did the hamster go?

After a while, Youxue finished taking a shower and walked out in her pajamas.

The girl walked carefully to Xia Yu and stretched out her hand.

Thinking that the girl wanted to hug him, Xia Yu stretched out his paws in cooperation.

But Youxue's palm suddenly retracted.

"Smelly cat, I won't hug you!" After saying that, the girl giggled and walked into the bedroom.

Although he knew that Youxue was probably seeking revenge for what had just happened, Xia Yu still felt a little panicked.

What should I do if my little angel sister dislikes me?

He smelled his body and didn't smell anything, but considering that cats' sense of smell may be different from humans, Xia Yu decided to take a bath by himself.

He came to the bathroom, picked up Xia Dongyang's washbasin, put it under the faucet, and started to pour water.

The faucet was a little high and he had to jump up to push the handle.

After draining the water, he stretched out his paw and tested the temperature. Just as he was about to go in, he found an uninvited guest.

In the corner where the toiletries are placed, a gray hamster is trembling while holding a bottle of shower gel.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu calmly analyzed and thought carefully:

1. Hamster in the bathroom

2. Youxue just took a bath in the bathroom




The hamster was bitten by the black cat and thrown into the living room.

The hamster's intermission was canceled and he chased it until two o'clock in the morning. Xia Yu, who vented his anger, captured the hamster back into the cage and returned it to his body.

Sitting up from the bed, he glanced at the hamster on the ground. The exhausted hamster had already fallen asleep after seeing that it was safe.

The black cat also slept in the same place.

He lifted the hamster cage, shook the hamster awake, and placed it next to the black cat.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Sticking to the corner farthest from the black cat, the hamster was shivering.

Satisfied with the hamster's reaction, Xia Yu sat at the desk and opened the skill panel to take a look.

Seeing the [Intimidation Level 1] above, he smiled.

Facing the hamster again, he recalled the feeling of exploding fur and used intimidation.

"Squeak!" The hamster felt that the giant creature in front of him suddenly expanded its body, fangs sprouted from its mouth, and its eyes revealed a fierce light.

It stiffened and fell into the cage.

Lifting the cage, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the hamster had just fainted.

He also plans to recycle this hamster.

With the intimidation skill, you will have more confidence in dealing with the maid head.

After reading a book out of boredom for a while, he recalled being carried to the bathroom by Youxue.

By the way, Youxue seems to be growing a little fast.

The underwear I used to wear has almost reached the point where I can no longer wear it.

At half past seven, after washing up and eating breakfast, Xia Yu stopped his sister.

"Huh?" Youxue looked at him doubtfully.

From his pocket, Xia Yu took out two hundred bills, thought about it, and added another three hundred: "Go buy some clothes!"

Keenly aware of Xia Yu's gaze, Youxue understood what Xia Yu had discovered.

If she were someone else's sister, even if she didn't look at her brother with disdain at this moment, she would be embarrassed and annoyed. But the reason why Butexue can become Xia Yu's little angel is because she is different from those coquettish guys.

The girl hugged Xia Yu and said, "My brother discovered me. It's amazing."

However, she only took one banknote: "You don't need so much, just one hundred is more than enough."

"This kind of clothes should be better used. You can spend the rest of the money as you like." He touched the girl's head. Although he was distressed that he still had two thousand five thousand in savings, he still gave the girl all the money. .

Deal with the head maid today, then go all out and learn the piano quickly!

If this continues, let alone making money, I will almost go bankrupt!

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