Life swap game

118. Driver: A fight between wealthy families! (First order requested!)

The meeting was not today. After breakfast, Xia Yu and Youxue went to the noodle shop downstairs to help their grandfather.

The noodle shop was not very busy, and the two old men did not let Xia Yu and Youxue do any work. The role of the brother and sister was to let the two old men show off.

Just like after getting a new brand-name bag, you immediately go shopping with your best friends. Shopping is secondary, showing off the bag is the serious thing.

After staying there all morning, he determined that all he needed to do was nod, call someone, tell someone about his grades, etc. Xia Yu safely handed over the matter to Tuo Yu and entered An Siyao's body.

Just in time for lunch, he also met Luo Yali and An Feixiong.

Just as An Siyao said, An Feixiong is a noisy naughty kid, and he is not light. Judging from the appearance, it is quite appropriate to call him An Feixiong.

Under Luo Yali's coaxing, An Feixiong ate a few mouthfuls of food and then jumped off the chair to play outside. Luo Yali could only hold the bowl and follow An Feixiong out.

Shaking his head, Xia Yu thought that An Siyao would have a plot in which the stepmother relied on the help of her illegitimate son and her husband's preference to compete for property with her illegitimate daughter whose mother died young.

Now it seems that he is overthinking, and both Luo Yali and An Feixiong are useless.

It's really lonely not having an enemy of enough weight.

After sighing, Xia Yu went back to the room to rest for a while after lunch, and walked out of the room at two o'clock in the afternoon.

As he passed the vestibule, he saw a maid.

That was one of the maids in the villa, who was ordered by Luo Yali to look after An Feixiong.

The maid was using a clothes pole to poke into the nearby tree.

Looking up, Xia Yu saw the football on the tree. He looked next to the maid again and saw An Feixiong, who was accusing the maid angrily.

The clothes pole can reach the football, but there are too many branches around the football to remove it.

The maid stood on tiptoe anxiously and kept poking the football, but the football wouldn't move.

At this time, she heard footsteps next to her.

Turning her head, she saw Xia Yu.

"Miss..." The maid hurriedly wanted to explain, but Xia Yu stopped her.

"Give me the pole." Xia Yu said.

Taking the clothes drying pole from the maid's hand, Xia Yu calculated the height of the football and the length of the clothes drying pole, and made a plan based on the surrounding terrain.

Then he took a running start, kicked his feet on the tree trunk, and when his body reached the highest point, he poked the clothes drying pole in his hand.

The football was taken down.

The maid looked at Xia Yu with bright eyes. What she did just now was so handsome.

After handing the clothes drying pole to the maid, Xia Yu was about to leave, but An Feixiong stopped him: "You soiled the ball!"

The football fell into a patch of mud where new flowers were being planted. It was indeed dirty.

"Go and clean it for me!" An Feixiong continued.

The maid said she would wash it, but An Feixiong disagreed.

"Does she have no hands? Let her pick it up!" the boy said.

This is a magical logic. Xia Yu stared at him.

He came to help because he knew that An Feixiong was not a threat, so he planned to recruit him, but now it seemed that he couldn't recruit him.

When he came to the mud, he picked up the ball and threw it back to the tree as An Feixiong watched.

The ball is positioned higher than before.

"What are you doing!" An Feixiong stepped forward and pulled Xia Yu's clothes away.

Xia Yu turned sideways and tripped, causing the boy to lie on the ground.

An Feixiong burst into tears.

Without paying attention to him, Xia Yu called the maid next to him: "Come with me."

"But Master..." The maid was instructed to take care of An Feixiong.

"I am your master." Xia Yu asked the maid to follow him without further explanation.

"Yeah." The maid originally had a strong opinion on An Feixiong, a naughty kid. With Xia Yu's words, she left An Feixiong safely and followed Xia Yu.

The maid knew that Xia Yu had no intention of taking her out. She just asked An Feixiong away because she had just bullied An Feixiong and did not want her to be angered.

In this case, she becomes the young lady's person, and blaming her for the young master's affairs will cause her to have trouble with the young lady.

Turning her head to look at An Feixiong, who was still crying on the ground, the maid felt a little warm in her chest as she recalled what the young lady had just said, "I am your master."

She giggled.

Xia Yu only thought that the maid was happy to see An Feixiong's misfortune. He took the maid and entered the car waiting at the door.

The driver stood aside like a robot. After the two of them got in, he closed the back seat door, got into the driver's seat, and drove the car to Tonosato Academy.

Throughout the whole process, he said nothing and his face was as dead as water.

But in his heart, he was not at peace.

Infinite Heavenly Lord, what did I see just now!

The young lady helped the young master to get the ball, but the young master was dissatisfied because it fell into the mud. The two had a conflict, which ended in the young master's failure. This seems to be just a small sibling conflict, but is it really so?

In a wealthy family, every detail is a fight without smoke!

It was the same just now, and it has great implications!

Football is the center of the event. It is not an ordinary football, but represents Anjia Group.

The young master asked the maid to get the football stuck in the branches, which was a sign of seizing the Anjia Group.

At this time, the young lady took over the pole and took off the football for the young master, which was a hint.

She expressed her willingness to cooperate with the young master and jointly rule the Anjia Group.

The football that the maid couldn't poke down just now was poked by the young lady, which proved that it would be difficult for the young master to occupy the Anjia Group alone without the young lady.

But the young master did not agree to break up with the young lady. He used the phenomenon of the football falling in the mud to illustrate that the young lady would only make the Anjia Group dirty.

He asked the young lady to clean the football again, forcing the young lady to say that she would no longer interfere with the Anjia Group, because the football became dirty because of the young lady's interference, and the way to make it clean is for the young lady not to interfere.

The young lady was naturally not to be outdone. She threw the football back into the tree, to a place that was higher than before and even more difficult to get down. She told the young master: If you don’t give it to me, you don’t want it either!

The young master was young after all, so he immediately became angry and stepped forward to show that he wanted to start a war with the young lady.

The young lady also expressed in practical terms that the young master would not be her opponent after the war started. The evidence was that the young master was lying there crying.

But these are okay, what makes the driver feel chilling is:

The lady finally took away the maid beside the young master.

What does this mean? The maid symbolizes the young master's help. After the victory, the lady wants to take away the young master's property, leaving the young master with nothing!

The reason why the young master cried so sadly was because he realized this and was afraid that the young lady would kill him.

After all, this is the young lady who has raised a noble girl from an academy!

When he arrived at the gate of the academy, he opened the car door and greeted the young lady respectfully. The driver pulled the car to the side and stopped, got out and lit a cigarette.

I just want to make some money for milk powder. Why am I involved in a fight between wealthy families?

What if the lady asks me to attack...?

I will never do anything outrageous, but what if the young lady is tempted with a lot of money?

Qingqing, everything you do for your husband is for the future of you and your children!

Strengthening his inner belief, the driver put out his cigarette, chewed a piece of green arrow, sprayed a little perfume to cover up the smell of cigarette, and got back in the car.

At this moment, Xia Yu and the maid also arrived in front of Zhong Yunxin's bedroom.

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