Life swap game

121. Free noodles (please vote for me!)

The three girls recognized Xia Yu very early, but some were not sure.

Because Kong Han seemed to be dating Xia Yu, it was inconvenient to ask. Now that Kong Han finally walked away, they couldn't wait to come to Xia Yu.

Kong Han, who had just taken two steps, turned to look at the three girls with disdain in his heart.

After all, girls in small places are ignorant. They get so excited when they see a boy with a prettier face.

Talent is what matters.

She continued walking forward, but heard the three girls exclaiming again.

"It's really you. We couldn't believe it when we saw it on TV!"

television? What TV?

Kong Han stopped, a little confused.

"I can't find your information on the Internet. Why don't you update your encyclopedia?" The three girls asked again.

"I just finished second in the entire region. There's nothing to write an entry about." Youxue interjected.

Second in the region.

Kong Han's brows furrowed as she tried to recall recent events, but as she didn't pay much attention to the music industry, she didn't think of Xia Yu's name. If it were An Siyao, she would immediately remember that the second place was not as conspicuous as the first place.

Turning her head, she was about to ask Lu Zhiwen, but Lu Zhiwen, who was supposed to be beside her, disappeared.

Lu Zhiwen came to Xia Yu with an excited look on his face: "I said you looked familiar, and it turned out to be you! I saw your ending and it was really amazing."

Surrounded by three girls and Lu Zhiwen, Xia Yu was a little overwhelmed by their constant questions. Fortunately, Youxue could help him deal with those girls.

The commotion at the table also attracted the attention of other guests, who also joined in watching Xia Yu.

Kong Han finally learned Xia Yu's name from others.

The fastest violinist in the world, the descendant of the Hua Pai guzheng, the only soloist in the e-ending, the second place in the district middle school student musical instrument competition, and the three unique talents of the steel zither...

She now knew why Xia Yu had such an indifferent expression. In comparison, her little game was not enough to watch.

Thinking of what she had just shown off and what she had just imagined, Kong Han quickly walked out of the teahouse while no one noticed her.

It's such a big shame. People in the town will know about it soon. Go home, back to Kaiyang!

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief as he walked out of the teahouse with Youxue.

Fortunately, this is just a small town, there are not many people, and most people are just joining in the fun, otherwise it would be difficult to escape.

"Come to my house when you have time." Lu Zhiwen waved goodbye to Xia Yu. He was looking forward to discussing music, painting and other arts with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu also waved his hand. He felt that this guy was pretty good and he could invite him to play games together when he had time.

"That woman runs pretty fast." Youxue snorted and expressed her dissatisfaction with Kong Han.

"After all, I'm still a child, so it's normal to be a little naive."

Although Xia Yu was a little surprised that Kong Han had become like this, he didn't feel much disgust.

Kong Han is an only child, and her parents love her. It's normal to have some secondary school problems. In the previous life, Xia Yu also did a lot of stupid things when he was sixteen or seventeen years old.

"I'm not naive at all." Youxue said proudly.

"Mature people would not say such things." After patting the girl's head, Xia Yu walked towards home, thinking about how to explain this matter to Xia Nianhong.

His worries were unnecessary. What the two old men were paying attention to at this time was what second place he had won.

The town is small, so disappearances spread quickly. After hearing the news, the bored old people immediately came to Xia Nianhong to talk.

However, the two old people didn't pay attention to it. Grandpa was kneading the dough and preparing the ingredients, and grandma was sitting on the table watching TV.

Seeing Xia Yu come back, they asked, "We heard that you won second place in a regional competition?"

"There is no runner-up, it's the second place." Xia Yu replied.

"Don't try to fool me. Isn't the second place the runner-up?" Xia Nianhong didn't believe it.

"The organizer has no champion or runner-up."

"It's okay if you don't have a row. You are the one anyway." After asking Xia Yu to sit down, Xia Nianhong asked excitedly: "Are you going to get extra points?"

After a moment of reaction, Xia Yu realized that the old man was asking about extra points for the college entrance examination.

"I didn't pay attention to whether to add points or not." Xia Yu replied.

Logically speaking, this kind of competition will give extra points, but whoever can stand out in the regional competition is not the proud son of the old musician and will inherit the mantle in the future. The university he will go to has already been arranged, so there is no need to worry about adding anything. Fraction.

And extra points have no effect on him. He already has a recommendation from BGI.

He was just about to tell Xia Nianhong, but Xia Nianhong said first, "Didn't you pay attention? It's probably gone."

The passion on Xia Nianhong's face disappeared, and she slapped the table: "Okay, stop sitting here, go up and study."

Xia Yu was worrying about when he would be able to go to Xu Youxiang today. When he heard Xia Nianhong's words, he swallowed his explanation again.

If he said something about BGI's recommendation, he would have to be dragged around to show off, so he wouldn't even think about looking for Xu Youxiang during the day.

He walked quickly upstairs.

At this time, what he was worried about came.

"By the way, didn't you go see Kong Han's girl? How's it going?" Xia Nianhong thought of business.

After weighing the pros and cons, and torn between exposing Kong Han's faults and losing a day's freedom, Xia Yu decided to give Kong Han a face based on their previous friendship.

Otherwise, with Xia Nianhong's ability, everyone in the town would know about Kong Han by tomorrow. Children of this age may be too shy to go out for a while.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you add points or not." Xia Yu changed the topic.

"Why aren't extra points important?" Xia Nianhong was stunned.

"I have been specially recruited by BGI." Xia Yu continued.


The dough that Grandpa was shaking fell to the ground.

"What's the special move?" Xia Nianhong's face was dull.

"It's BGI." Youxue explained to Xia Yu, "That district-wide competition is not an ordinary competition. Many of the contestants have already appeared on TV, and there are even celebrities!"

The star Youxue is talking about is Liu Ronglan's granddaughter Liu Manman.

Just like in the earth world, singers and sports players can become stars, and those who play musical instruments can also become stars.

Moreover, there are not a few people who become stars by playing piano and guzheng.

Youxue continued: "So my brother won second place and was recommended by BGI!"

In the eyes of ordinary people, Xia Yu was recommended by BGI because of his second place, but in fact, the invitations sent after the competition were from some music academies. BGI has no regard for music, painting and other artistic disciplines. What kind of pursuit, there was no intention of sending an invitation to Xia Yu at all.

The principal and other insiders were also a little puzzled by Xia Yu's determination to go to the University of China.

They didn't know that Xia Yu had no plans to develop into music.

Leaning against the wall on the side, Xia Yu sighed.

I obviously just wanted to get a job in a cafe, so why did I suddenly become the most anticipated heir to the Flower School?

At this time, Youxue finally made the matter clear.

What happened next was just as Xia Yu imagined, he was left in the noodle shop to help.

Xia Nianhong went to find someone to get a banner and hung it at the door of the noodle shop.

"To celebrate the first student from our town being admitted to BGI, we have free plain noodles today"

When people passing by came in curiously and asked who had been admitted, Xia Nianhong proudly told Xia Yu and admired the other person's shocked expression.

One day, the noodle shop was crowded, and Xia Yu also met a group of seven aunts and eight aunts.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he got rid of the noise and returned to his room.

He landed on Xu Youxiang's body.

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