Life swap game

125. Slightly understand Slightly understand

The next day, when Xia Yu came to Xu Youxiang's place, he received the news that the programmer was still making arrangements and had not arrived yet.

He knew that he was impatient.

Because I saw that Yu Liang fired the head maid and replaced Aunt Ning with amazing efficiency, I thought that the dispatch of programmers could also be amazingly efficient. But in fact, even if Yu Liang found programmers at an amazing speed, the efficiency of the other party could not be so strong.

It was said yesterday that it would be impossible to arrive today.

Picking up the notebook, Xia Yu opened the game and remembered another thing.

He brought out Xu Youxiang's bonus.

[Programming bonus lv2, makeup bonus lv2, dressing bonus lv2]

Seeing this bonus, Xia Yu couldn't help but sigh.

If Xu Youxiang follows a normal life trajectory, she will definitely become the most beautiful female programmer in the district.

"What are you sighing for?" Xu Youxiang asked.

"It's nothing." After being fooled, Xia Yu began to think about which skill was useful.

The lv2 bonus can upgrade a skill to lv2 by default. So, which skill should you choose?

It seemed that dressing up was the most useful thing, but Xia Yu was not interested in dressing up. He chose makeup.

After getting the lv2 makeup, he used the lv1 bonus effect on his outfit.

With two more skills, Xia Yu was in a happy mood.

He clicked on the game.

He came here at seven in the morning, and by three in the afternoon, play time was over and he was back in his body.

"Brother?" Youxue called him, "I'm talking to you!"

"Come." Xia Yu took Youxue's hand.


Under the girl's shocked eyes, Xia Yu pushed her down on the seat and took off the rubber band from her ponytail.

After getting a new skill, I tried it on my sister first as usual.

"What are you doing!" Youxue resisted.

"Don't move." Holding the girl down, Xia Yu took the comb and combed her hair neatly.

Youxue made no move, she wanted to see what her brother was going to do.

Since there was no mirror in front of her, she took out her phone and observed it.

She was surprised when she saw Xia Yu skillfully tied herself into a pair of ponytails.

Tying hair looks simple, but in fact it is not an easy task, just like a simple drawing with only a few strokes, but something is wrong for beginners.

Such neat and symmetrical twin ponytails, even for her, would take some time and careful tying to pull them out.

But Xia Yu looked relaxed.

There is only one rubber band, which can only tie one ponytail.

"Wait a minute, I'll get the rubber band!" Youxue said hurriedly.

But Xia Yu ignored it. He loosened his ponytail and divided Youxue's hair into two sections again, one in front of his forehead and one at the back of his head.

He tied the back of his head into a ponytail and the front of his forehead into a three-strand braid. He twisted it around the ponytail to create a hairstyle that looked like a dumpling.

I used my mobile phone to shine on the delicate braids, feeling very happy.

She saw Xia Yu let her hair down again, but she didn't hold it back this time. She thought what was coming next would be a more beautiful hairstyle.

However, Xia Yu just braided her hair into its original ponytail.

After seeing Xia Yu put down his hand and showed no intention of moving again, Youxue turned to look at him in disbelief.

After patting the girl on the head, Xia Yu walked out of the house.

Lu Zhiwen invited him to his home today. Xia Yu thought he had nothing to do at night, so he just went there.

There wasn't much fun in the town at night, so the two of them probably just played games together when they got there.

However, his judgment was wrong.

"Playing games?" Xia Yu asked when they arrived at Lu Zhiwen's house.

"Playing games?" Lu Zhiwen was surprised, "What's so fun about games? Come on, come on, I'll show you my collection."

Pulling Xia Yu to a multi-purpose empty room, Lu Zhiwen took out a painting from his collection and showed it to Xia Yu.

It was an oil painting that seemed to be somewhat famous, but Xia Yu didn't recognize it.

But that doesn't stop him from blowing at will.

With the skill of painting level 3, he can blow very well.

Hearing the professionalism in his words, Lu Zhiwen's eyes lit up: "You can also paint?"

"I know a little bit about it." Xia Yu was not modest. Compared to his level 5 music, he only knew a little bit about oil painting.

"Since we are friends, we must have one!" Lu Zhiwen led Xia Yu to the easel and invited Xia Yu to have one.

He pulled out some more paintings and showed them to Xia Yu: "All the friends I met have left a painting with me. When you become a big boss, I will distribute it."

Xia Yu looked at the paintings. The quality of the paintings varied and the techniques were diverse. It seemed that Lu Zhiwen did have such a hobby.

Lu Zhiwen added: "It just so happens that we both draw together. I draw one for you, and you draw one for me, to bear witness to the fate between us."


If he hadn't confirmed that Lu Zhiwen really had such a hobby, Xia Yu would have thought that he wanted to show off.

Picking up the paintbrush, Xia Yu spent half an hour painting a chapter, and then pretended to draw bits and pieces, but in fact he was wandering around.

An hour later, Lu Zhiwen had finished painting. He looked at the painting in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Although this painting was drawn quickly, it unexpectedly exceeded the normal level, and it was the average level in the Kaiyang City competition, and that was it.

He felt a little proud.

Xia Yu was a bit wrong. As a young man with a strong spirit, how could Lu Zhiwen not have the slightest intention to compare. He knew Xia Yu's accomplishments on three musical instruments, so he wanted to balance it through oil painting.

Putting down his pen, he told Xia Yu that he was fine. Xia Yu came to his painting and boasted politely.

His professional bragging made Lu Zhiwen regret meeting him late.

Lu Zhiwen thought in his mind that when he saw Xia Yu's paintings later, he would also praise them. You just have to enjoy the quality of your painting in your heart, and you can't let Xia Yu notice it on the surface.

He came to Xia Yu's painting. Xia Yu painted a plate of dumplings with very simple lines.

A smile appeared on his face, but after a closer look, his smile froze.

He stepped forward and looked at the painting carefully.

This color, this light and shadow, this composition, hiss

If his paintings are at the average level of municipal competitions, Xia Yu's paintings are at the winning level of municipal competitions and have reached the average level of provincial competitions.

His judgment was correct. Xia Yu's painting level was in the middle of level 3. The level given by the bonus would suddenly reach the middle of level.

Looking at the painting in front of him, Lu Zhiwen completely lost his interest in blowing.

Poor painting is called boasting.

After barely speaking a few words, he skipped the topic of oil painting and took out an ocarina.

The ocarina is an unpopular instrument, and Xia Yu definitely doesn't know it, he thought.

However, Xia Yu skillfully played a difficult piece of music on the ocarina.

Just now the oil painting was just a little stronger, this time the ocarina is an instant kill!

Want to continue with the guitar?

He first asked Xia Yu: "Can you play any musical instrument?"

After getting Xia Yu's affirmative answer, Lu Zhiwen avoided the guitar. He thought hard for a long time and finally thought of something that he was not very good at but Xia Yu definitely was not.

He took out fake flowers and a vase, which are practice props for flower arrangement. Not every family can always have flowers like An Siyao's family.

It took him ten minutes to arrange the flowers and looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu stepped forward and dialed it randomly. He activated Hanamichi's lv2 skill and the vase suddenly became much prettier than before.

After being silent for a minute, Lu Zhiwen stood up and said, "Shall we still play games?"

A smile appeared on Xia Yu's face. He hadn't reacted to the oil painting before, but after Lu Zhiwen had gone through so much trouble, how could he not see it.

When facing an excellent person, it is normal to want to find out what makes you better than the other person so that you will not lose confidence.

"I just said the game is fun, but you insist on doing this." Xia Yu said, patting Lu Zhiwen on the shoulder.

Lu Zhiwen felt bitter in his heart.

The two played together all night. The next morning, Xia Yu handed over his body to Tuo Yu and logged into An Siyao's body.

The head maid has been dealt with, and An Feixiong and Luo Yali are still left.

An Feixiong is a bit of a bear, but Luo Yali seems to be quite calm. Xia Yu is a little hesitant about what to do with the two of them.

ps: In the future, the update time will be unified at 6 p.m., and it will be sent out all at once.

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