Life swap game

127. Mysterious Villa

Luo Yali looked at the maid next to An Feixiong again: "Why didn't you stop An Siyao!"

The maid was silent. Luo Yali also wanted to understand that the maid had no control over this matter. She looked at An Feixiong again.

"Don't be afraid when you see her in the future. Mom will make the decision for you!" she said.

"Really?" An Feixiong became excited. He also knew that he had bullied someone, but he didn't expect that he could still get help.


Feeling distressed, she pulled An Feixiong to a maid who was a former nurse and applied some medicine. Luo Yali angrily walked to An Siyao's bedroom, but what she got was the news that An Siyao was out.

"Where has she gone?" Luo Yali asked the maid.

"I don't know." The maid actually knew, but she didn't want to tell Luo Yali at all.

Luo Yali returned to her room and waited for a while, but thinking of An Feixiong's butt and how An Siyao dared to hit An Feixiong, great anger and panic arose in her heart.

When An Tianfeng asked her to come over, she didn't care at all. In her opinion, she just changed a city to play. After all, she was Mrs. An, and she must be the biggest one when she went to her stepdaughter's villa.

Although An Siyao was a legitimate concubine, he had a son, so gender was more important than a legitimate concubine.

When she first came to the villa, the situation was exactly as she imagined. The head maid came to her directly, and An Siyao was always honest.

She would have thought that the abnormality she felt in An Siyao at the birthday party was just her fault.

But in just two days, the situation changed.

The head maid was taken away, and the maid she had chosen, Dong Ci, was transferred back. In such a huge villa, there were more than ten maids, but two of them could not take care of her mother and daughter.

Moreover, all the maids looked cold. Although they were not disobedient, it was obvious at a glance that their attitudes were below the level.

In this way, Luo Yali could comfort herself, saying that the maids here were cold by nature, but they were obviously very enthusiastic when facing An Siyao.

She spoke to the new head maid Yu Ningmeng to find out more about the situation, but found that the new head maid was correcting documents in the room.

As a head maid, what documents need to be changed?

And that An Siyao.

She actually saw two self-portraits painted by An Siyao in the studio, and one of the two self-portraits had a gentle look, and the other a cold look. How can a normal person draw a self-portrait of themselves and paint it in two styles?

What's more important is that even she, who doesn't understand oil painting, can see that the two self-portraits are of two different levels!

Why can one person have two levels of painting?

The weirdness revealed in this villa made Luo Yali feel more and more scared the more she thought about it.

Facing the fear of the unknown, there are usually two ways to deal with it, one is to run away, and the other is to face it head on.

Looking at the bright sun outside the window, Luo Yali decided to face it head on.

She was going to meet An Siyao for a while, so she talked about An Feixiong's matter to make sure she wasn't overthinking it.

In order to prevent her courage from dissipating, Luo Yali took action now. She walked out of the villa and went to a house outside to inquire.

This house is a little far away from the villa and is used for rest by the driver and some temporary workers.

She inquired and found out that the driver who sent An Siyao out had just returned.

Ask the driver to send him to An Siyao. This matter must be resolved today! she thought.

Under the guidance of the guard, Luo Yali met An Siyao's personal driver.

She stared at the driver's face with wide eyes.

She was about to scream in surprise, but the driver shook his head.

"What do you want from me, madam?" the driver asked with a normal expression, as if he didn't know Luo Yali.

Although Luo Yali was confused, she still cooperated with the driver and continued acting.

She asked An Siyao where he was, then turned and left.

Back in the villa, she logged into her email address that she hadn't used for a long time and sent an email to the driver.

The driver quickly replied: "Night, North Street, don't reply, delete after reading."

She deleted the email and lay on the bed tossing and turning.

The driver was one of her former juniors. The two had a good relationship at first, but later she fell in love with An Tianfeng, and the relationship faded.

Logically speaking, when old friends meet again, they should greet each other. How can they pretend not to know each other when looking back on the past?

And I actually had to delete this email after reading it!

After tossing and turning on the bed for a while, Luo Yali suddenly remembered something.

She logged out of her email account, entered the driver's email number as her username, and then entered her password from memory.

It worked, and he didn’t change his password!

After a brief moment of happiness, she felt that it had no effect and the driver would know that she had logged into his mailbox.

Luo Yali, who was about to quit, glanced at her mailbox and saw an email that was scheduled to be released.

The email is scheduled for ten days later, and the recipient’s nickname is Lao Keai, who is probably his wife.

She is not a person who likes to read people's privacy, but she saw the title of the email

Suicide note.

"Dear Qingqing:

When you receive this letter, something must have happened to me. Please do not investigate or hold me accountable, and obey their arrangements. All this is because I know too much..."

The letter is very short, and there is no detailed information in it, but it contains a lot of information.

What was the reason for the unexpected encounter? What is knowing too much? Who are you afraid of by not allowing investigation?

Pacing back and forth in the room, Luo Yali felt uneasy. Before evening, she arrived at North Street at five o'clock in the afternoon and waited at the street entrance in the cold wind.

At six o'clock, a man wearing a stand-up collared coat, whose face could not be seen clearly waved to her and entered a milk tea shop.

That person is the driver.

"What are you doing with me now?" Even indoors, the driver did not put down the collar that covered his face.

"What's going on? What's the suicide note in your mailbox?" Luo Yali asked in a low voice.

The driver stared at her for five seconds. It was a long five seconds. Luo Yali could hear her heart beating violently.

The driver finally spoke: "So you don't know anything."

"What do I know?" Luo Yali asked anxiously.

"You were very innocent before, but now you have become even more stupid." The driver sighed, "I don't know if it's a good thing."

"What on earth are you talking about!" Luo Yali's tone became higher.

After asking her to be quiet, the driver began to explain: "I shouldn't have come to see you, but considering our past friendship, I would like to give you a few words of advice."

"We can't imagine the cruelty of wealthy families. Just be a mascot. Don't listen, don't ask, don't argue, especially don't go against the lady." After saying this, the driver stood up.

But he was held back by Luo Yali.

He added another sentence: "I have a friend who is from the same hometown as the former head maid. I asked him to inquire about it, but the head maid didn't come home at all!"

After saying that, he left quickly.

Luo Yali returned home, still thinking about the driver's words in her mind, and she felt a little cold.

The second person went out to have breakfast in the morning, and she was still thinking about it.

Entering the restaurant, she met An Feixiong and An Siyao.

An Feixiong ran up to her, hugged her waist and said, "Mom, An Siyao bullied me!"

Looking at An Siyao, who looked unhappy and had an aura about her, Luo Yali recalled the driver's words.

Chijama Firefly says

There will be another chapter added by the leader in the evening, and one chapter will be added every day, and it is expected to be completed in nine days.

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