Life swap game

143. Liu Manman

On the morning of the 23rd, Xia Yu got up from bed after pressing the alarm clock.

He first opened the curtains and took a look at the sky outside.

The snow has stopped, and there is a thick layer of snow on the ground, but the property management staff have cleared the snow off the road.

Because it was completely white outside, Xia Yu felt that the inside of the house had become a little brighter than usual.

After washing up in the bathroom, he came to the dining room, where Zhong Yunze was having breakfast.

The nanny made breakfast, and the nanny also did the cleaning work in the villa, otherwise Kong Hanyue would definitely make a mess.

When he came to the table and sat down, the nanny served him breakfast, bread and porridge.

After Xia Yu sat down, Kong Hanyue and Youxue also walked down. Youxue looked excited, and Kong Hanyue was yawning.

"You are all quite early today." Zhong Yunze glanced at his watch, it was only seven o'clock.

"Well, let's go out and play together today." Kong Hanyue bit her bread listlessly.


Zhong Yunze looked at Xia Yu in disbelief: I worked hard to take care of the company's affairs, and you actually took the opportunity to ask my mother out?

"Don't look at me, she's going." Xia Yu didn't want to take the blame.

"I want to go too!" Zhong Yunze said.

"Don't be stupid. What should you do if you go to the company? Haven't you already found your father's friend? Let's settle it quickly and let's go out to play together later." Kong Hanyue patted Zhong Yunze on the shoulder and comforted him.

Zhong Yunze was speechless and could only bite the bread viciously.

After breakfast, Xia Yu and the others said goodbye to Zhong Yunze and took the subway to a station near Yan Wei's home.

The road was slippery in the snow, making driving dangerous, and Xia Yu was worried about Kong Hanyue's skills.

After picking up Yan Wei and Yan Li, the group took the subway and headed towards the suburbs.

After getting off at the last stop, Kong Hanyue led them onto a bus.

The bus slowly came to the foot of a hill.

"There is an ancient villa up there. It's best to come here to enjoy the snow on a snowy day." Kong Hanyue said proudly.

After registering in front of the mountain road, the group walked up.

The retro stone path and the stone platforms on both sides used to place candles are indeed very charming.

However, this is just a place with beautiful scenery. Does it really mean anything to these children?

Xia Yu didn't care. He had already had a lot of fun in his two lifetimes. With his skills such as painting and music, it was also very enjoyable to look at the beautiful scenery.

But for younger children, it’s better to play than to watch.

He turned to look at the four girls behind him, who were excitedly taking photos with their phones.

Although the scenery did not make them happy, the thought of using photos to show off to others made them happy in their hearts.

This is indirect happiness.

Feeling relieved, Xia Yu asked Kong Hanyue again: "Is this place restricted from entry?"

If entry to such a place was not restricted, many people would come.

"Well, this is considered a private territory." Kong Hanyue replied.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a fork in the stone road, which led to a small wooden house.

There is nothing unusual about the wooden house, but this wooden house is built on a steep slope and is supported diagonally by several logs.

"That's the best place to take pictures!" Kong Hanyue led three followers and walked towards the wooden house.

Xia Yu also followed.

There are tables and chairs inside the wooden house, and there is a long balcony on the outermost side, where you can overlook the beautiful scenery.

But at this time, the dozen or so tourists in the house were not looking out from the balcony.

They were all sitting nicely, drinking tea and looking in the same direction.

The sound of a guzheng came from over there.

When Xia Yu and the other five came in, the song had just finished.

"There will be a performance today?" Kong Hanyue was surprised, and the four girls walked towards the violinist.

As they got closer, Kong Hanyue recognized the piano player.

"Manman!" She waved to the other party.

Sitting there playing the guzheng was none other than Xia Yu's cheap senior sister Liu Manman.

Liu Ronglan called him the day before yesterday, and Liu Manman arrived today and is still here playing the guzheng.

I don’t know what Liu Ronglan said about Liu Manman’s trouble with him.

Liu Manman also saw Xia Yu and his group. She smiled in response and started playing the next song.

Kong Hanyue immediately pulled the three followers to sit down and picked up her mobile phone to take pictures.

Xia Yu asked the waiter for four cups of scented tea while listening to Liu Manman's music.

The name of this piece is called Ruined City, and it is a piece of loneliness with a hint of sadness.

The scented tea came quickly. Xia Yu took a sip and nodded. Although it was expensive, it was indeed delicious.

On the other side, Liu Manman, who was watching Xia Yu, frowned when she saw that Xia Yu actually nodded slightly while listening to her music.

This kind of action can only be done by seniors to juniors. Does the other party feel that he is second in the regional competition and he is third, so he is his senior?

She suddenly stopped her hand and said, "Sorry, I'll do it again."

After saying that, she gathered all her energy and started playing again.

There is a huge difference between the music played seriously and the music played casually to the ears of an expert.

Xia Yu was an expert. He raised his head and glanced at Liu Manman.

If this was a fantasy world, someone would have to take a breath, shout "Late Fighting Spirit Stage", and tell the surrounding spectators who don't understand how powerful fighting spirit is. Moreover, Senior Sister Liu was only in the middle stage two months ago. She has made progress. Brilliant speed.

Pushing away the strange thoughts in his mind, Xia Yu sighed at the opponent's progress. Now she has reached the late stage of level 4, and is still two levels away from catching up with him.

After playing the song, Liu Manman stopped, and applause sounded from around her.

Liu Ronglan's skills are only at the late level of level 5, and she is already very powerful in the late level of level 4.

The song just played made many tourists who listened carefully feel the silence, and those who did not listen carefully also felt it was very pleasant.

After their applause stopped, Liu Manman did not continue playing the next song, but stood up and came to Xia Yu.

The surrounding tourists noticed that there were actually four young and beautiful women sitting at this table.

They looked at Xia Yu with a hint of hostility.

Xia Yu didn't notice this. He was looking at Liu Manman, wondering why she suddenly came to him.

Although she is Liu Ronglan's granddaughter, Xia Yu has no friendship with her.

Liu Manman was also looking at Xia Yu. She said, "Why don't you play a song, second place?"

Did you come here to seek revenge because of your ranking?

In the regional competition, Xia Yu was the strongest at the early stage of level 4. Because of the amazing song pod042, he was able to overtake Liu Manman, who was at the mid-level level of level 4.

The music can bridge the gap at one level, but now I have taken a step further! Liu Manman felt that this time, she would be able to let Xia Yu know who the senior was!

Then with power, he asked him to agree to his request!

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