Life swap game

148. The psychological experiences of the two Feng sisters (first update)

Facing Feng Yujia's inquiry, Xia Yu asked her to lie on one of the beds.

"Lie down? I feel so ashamed." Feng Yujia hesitated.

At this time, Feng Yumo pushed her away and lay down first.

"I'll come!" the girl said.

"Yao Yao asked me to lie down!" Although she was a little reluctant to lie down, when she saw that the opportunity to lie down was taken by her sister, Feng Yujia still felt jealous and competitive in her heart.

"Who told you to be so slow!" Feng Yumo refused to get up.

Feng Yujia couldn't help her sister, so she could only watch angrily.

Xia Yu put his hand on Feng Yumo's forehead and activated comfort.

Feng Yumo felt that the distracting thoughts in her mind suddenly disappeared, and a sense of tranquility enveloped her, and she couldn't help but relax.

Xia Yu estimated the time and found it was only five seconds, shorter than Yu Ningmeng.

"Lost lamb, what kind of troubles do you have?" Xia Yu asked.

Feng Yumo next to her couldn't help laughing. In her opinion, Xia Yu just touched her sister's head and asked her such a private question. How could her sister answer it?

"I feel like my sister is very annoyed lately." Feng Yumo said.

"What did you say!" Feng Yujia was angry.

Xia Yu shook his head at her and motioned for her to go out first.

After Xia Yu drove him out of the door, Feng Yujia was still thinking about what happened just now. She was not actually surprised by what Feng Yumo said, but she was very surprised when Feng Yumo said it while she was still there.

Who gave Feng Yumo the courage?

Am I too old to carry the knife?

What else are they saying inside? Does that guy Feng Yumo want to slander me in front of Yaoyao?

Feng Yujia's heart was scratching like a cat.

Ten minutes later, the door finally opened.

Entering the house, Feng Yujia was about to ask her sister, but she saw Feng Yumo lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

what's the situation?

Her doubts were explained after Xia Yu asked her to lie down.

When Xia Yu put his hand on her forehead, she felt the comfort of sleeping under the shade of a tree at noon in spring.

"Lost lamb, what's your trouble?"

"I feel like my sister is too annoying lately."

As expected of sisters, even their worries are the same.

Xia Yu continued to ask questions and explained.

Eight minutes later, Feng Yujia fell asleep.

After resting for a while, Xia Yu's next test subject arrived.

After working for nearly three hours, Xia Yu successfully sorted through the hearts of fifteen people.

After stretching, Xia Yu got up and went to the student union to get a glass of water.

After he left, Feng Yumo woke up.

She stared at the ceiling in confusion for a while, and her memory slowly came back to her.

Feng Yumo blushed as he recalled that he fell asleep under An Siyao's touch. Anyone who falls asleep while playing with friends will develop shyness.

"You're awake." Xia Yu came back and saw Feng Yumo who opened his eyes.

"Yeah." Feng Yumo felt happy because Xia Yu didn't abandon her just because she fell asleep.

Being able to fall asleep under Yaoyao's touch also shows Yaoyao the depth of my friendship and trust in her, right?

Only I can sleep so defenselessly, and only I can let Yaoyao wait aside.

Feng Yumo felt sweet in her heart. She sat up, glanced to the side, and her smile froze.

The damn old lady is actually sleeping too.

Wait, why is there someone on the bed next to my sister? Isn't that from Class 3?

Is there anyone next to that guy from Class 3?

After scanning all the beds, Feng Yumo hugged her head when she saw fourteen classmates lying like herself.

"Your sister will wake up soon. I have told the teacher about the remaining classmates. The teacher will watch them. Let's pack up and get ready to go back." Xia Yu said.

After he drank the tea, Feng Yujia woke up. Her mind became clear and her body became relaxed.

"Yao Yao, this is..."

"It's the same as what's on the sign outside, psychological therapy." Xia Yu took out a certificate from his pocket, opened it and showed it to Feng Yujia, "Don't worry, I have a psychotherapist's certificate."

"I feel so comfortable." Feng Yujia moved her body, "Is psychological therapy so effective?"

"Actually, some other methods were used." Xia Yu said vaguely.

"That's great, I really want to sleep like this every day." Feng Yujia's words were suggestive, and she looked at Xia Yu expectantly.

"Yes, as long as you don't mind sleeping here." Xia Yu agreed, but the effect of comfort was quick, and mental treatment was not done every day.

"I want it too!" Feng Yumo refused to be outdone.

Xia Yu agreed.

The three of them walked out of the academy and embarked on their way home.

In the car, Xia Yu took out his mobile phone, edited a text message, and sent it to the mobile phones of the remaining thirteen girls.

"how do you feel? As you can see, this is a psychological therapy. If you feel stressed or tired in the future, you are welcome to come to the psychological therapy room.

I want every student to experience psychotherapy. Can you each introduce a classmate to me tomorrow?

——An Siyao

The reason why he selected one student from each of the fifteen classes was to let them introduce the next test subject.

There are fifteen classes, with about twenty people in each class. One month is enough to treat all the students.

By then, An Siyao's popularity will surely rise to a terrifying level.

After confirming that there was no problem with the plan, Xia Yu nodded and affirmed himself.

After dinner, he looked at the school forum again.

There has been a post on the forum about this matter, and the popularity of the post has quickly become the highest in recent times, almost as much as the president's quote.

Most of the replies contained envy and requests for help, but there were also some doubts.

"How can the effect of psychotherapy be so good, and how can it be possible with fifteen people in three hours!" 』

This is the question with the highest number of likes.

This was also expected by Xia Yu. After he treated all these people, they would realize their mistakes.

Putting the phone aside, Xia Yu returned to his body.

At this time, he was lying on the bed reading a book.

Closing the book, Xia Yu looked at the cover, "Communication Skills - Agree".

This managed AI is actually quite easy to learn.

Picking up Tuo Yu's diary, Xia Yu took a look. During the day, Liu Manman called him and invited him to visit An Siyao in Yaoguang in a week or two to practice ensemble music.

Xia Yu thought for a moment and realized that he already had a recommendation from BGI, so it would be okay if he didn't continue taking classes. Using the reason of the Global Music Conference, he could certainly take a leave of absence.

In a week or two?

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