Life swap game

167. Software completed (Third update/Silver update)

After a moment of silence, Xia Yu tilted his head and said "meow" to indicate that he didn't understand.

"Stop pretending. When you came in, I saw you hiding in the corner and using a fork to lure the maid away." Xu Youxiang grabbed the black cat's face.

Was it originally exposed here?

Unexpectedly, Xu Youxiang saw it.

Fortunately, I used a stand-in.

No longer pretentious, Xia Yu came to Xu Youxiang's notebook and typed:

"Yes, it's me"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so is this your third body?"

Xu Youxiang and An Siyao reviewed the days when Xia Yu came here and found many gaps. They had basically reached a consensus on the fact that Xia Yu had other people, but they didn't expect that it was not a person, but a cat.

"Actually, this is my true body," Xia Yu typed.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Xu Youxiang said while picking up one of Black Cat Yu's paws and pressing the meat ball.

"This begins in 1978. In order to detect mineral resources, eleven detectors and a black cat came to Greenland, where they discovered a meteorite. 』

"Meteorites carry unknown and powerful germs. None of the eleven detectors survived. Only the black cat survived."

"And, that black cat got a special power, its name is - body swapping! 』

"Although it sounds quite touching, didn't you tell An Siyao before that you were from the future?" Xu Youxiang held the black cat Yu in his arms by the back of his neck.

There was no excuse. Xia Yu didn't want to deceive Xu Youxiang, he just found it interesting.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Youxiang asked Xiang Xia Yu.

She put the notebook on her lap so that Black Cat Yu could type without leaving her arms.

"I interfere a lot in An Siyao's life, so I came here to see how she feels." Xia Yu told the truth.

"Then you don't have to worry. That girl is very loyal to you and has an indifferent attitude towards her own affairs. Not to mention that you made her famous, even if you let her flee the world together, she would probably There's no problem." Xu Youxiang scratched Black Cat Yu's head with her fingers again.


Xu Youxiang then stretched her hand to the right.

Squinting his eyes, Xia Yu activated his telepathy, feeling both intuitive comfort and physical comfort at the same time.

Yawning, he lay down on the keyboard and prepared to fall asleep, but Xu Youxiang pulled him up again.

"Hey, you said you could heal my leg, right?" Xu Youxiang said to him.

"It should be possible, but it will take time," Xia Yu replied.

"What do you want, do you want me to listen to you like An Siyao?" Xu Youxiang asked again.

"No, I've already gotten what I want from you, I don't need you to give anything more. And I didn't ask An Siyao to listen to me. Xia Yu yawned again, still wanting to sleep.

"In other words, I don't need to keep distance from others for you?" Xu Youxiang confirmed.

Xia Yu suddenly became alert. What did Xu Youxiang mean?

In his mind, all the people Xu Youxiang could come into contact with flashed through his mind, and he felt relieved, feeling that he might have thought too much.

"Can you get on top of a man?" Xu Youxiang's question is not over yet.

"Generally speaking, I wouldn't do such a thing." Xia Yu would not tell Xu Youxiang his information.

"That's enough." Leaving Black Cat Yu aside, Xu Youxiang climbed onto the bed.

Actually crossing the river and burning down the bridge.

Jumping to his laptop again, Xia Yu typed and asked Xu Youxiang to call Youxue and tell her that the cat was at her place.

He planned to keep the black cat in the villa for a while. Although Xu Youxiang's words were very credible, he still needed to observe by himself to see what kind of state An Siyao was in.

After returning to his body, Xia Yu immediately encountered Youxue's inquiry: "Brother, a woman called to say that Xiao Hei is at her place."

"Who is it?" Xia Yu pretended not to know.

"She said her name is Xu Youxiang."

"Oh, that's an acquaintance, I know."

Although Youxue was still a little confused, she didn't ask any more questions. It was obvious from Xia Yu's attitude that she didn't want to say more.

After successfully fooling Youxue, Xia Yu started to worry about how to fool Xu Youxiang tomorrow.

At the time of the black cat, he just said it again and did not tell Xu Youxiang that the owner of the black cat was actually him. I believe that when they meet tomorrow, Xu Youxiang will look surprised and say what a coincidence.

How should I react naturally when the time comes?

If this continues, I can compete for Best Actor without having to have acting talent.

Forget it, we’ll talk about it later.

Lying on the bed, Xia Yu took a deep sleep.

When they met the next day, Xu Youxiang was indeed surprised and said what Xia Yu expected, which made Xia Yu feel complicated.

After dealing with Xu Youxiang normally, Xia Yu took the opportunity to leave the black cat with her.

In the next week, Xia Yu practiced music with An Siyao and Liu Manman in the morning. In the afternoon, he went to An Siyao's place to comfort the students, or to the black cat's place to observe An Siyao. In the evening, he While writing programs and drawing art materials, I also found time to learn Dongxiao from Liu Ronglan.

In order not to make An Siyao and Xu Youxiang suspicious, he also asked Tuo Yu to take over his body several times so that he could go to An Siyao or Xu Youxiang's place in the morning.

A week later, Xia Yu's software was finally written successfully. The next step was to adapt it to each model, as well as detect and fix bugs.

But he didn't act immediately. He had an idea. If this idea succeeded, he wouldn't need to do the rest.

Taking out his cell phone, he called An Tianfeng.

"Oh, is the software ready? Okay, bring it over and I'll have someone show it to you." An Tianfeng said.

Forgetting what happened in the afternoon, Xia Yu took a car to An Tianfeng's company.

After getting off the car, he saw An Tianfeng who was coming back from playing ball outside.

"Come on, mobile software, right? I have professionals in my company."

Taking Xia Yu to his office, An Tianfeng introduced a young man to him.

Manager Ruan, a member of the last investigation meeting, is one of the executives of An Tianfeng Company. From this, we can see that An Tianfeng attaches great importance to Xia Yu.

It was just about paying attention to Xia Yu. An Tianfeng didn't think that Xia Yu could make any good software at all.

You know, to make something like software, technology, creativity and experience are all indispensable, so it is not so easy to succeed.

But he was also curious about what Xia Yu did.

Xia Yu took out a mobile phone that was used as a template and clicked on a petal representation picture on it.

This is a small piece of software. It was not very famous on Earth in its previous life, but it was one of the top pieces of software in that field.

Its name is Forest, also known as Focus Forest. It is a software that can lock the phone and help users get rid of the phone. It is very popular among college students.

However, Xia Yu did not use the representation of trees, but flowers. This was due to another consideration.

As a top software in the field of focus, although it is not worth a lot of money, it can also allow Xia Yu to gain an objective amount of wealth.

"What is this?" Looking at the illustration of a flower on the home page, An Tianfeng and Manager Ruan were confused.

Xia Yu began to introduce.

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