Life swap game

187. Daughter and granddaughter (third update/silver update)

There are limits to human appearance, and the gap is not as huge as described in fantasy works.

The reason why sometimes there is a feeling of love at first sight is just the combined influence of the other person's posture and the other person's environment.

Those who fall in love at first sight will lose much of their charm at the second sight.

The girl's appearance is similar to An Siyao's, and her temperament is also the same as An Siyao's, a little timid and like a little rabbit.

At first glance, Xia Yu thought it was An Siyao in his childhood.

In addition, the feeling of comfort transmitted by telepathy was stronger than that of Tina, which made him stunned for a moment.

But after a while, the mood returned.

"It's okay. You go back to sleep. Grandma, I'll watch the stars for a while." Xia Yu said to the girl.

Although it was strange that grandma could be so romantic, the girl did not ask and returned to the room.

Xia Yu began to answer the old lady's questions again.

"I won't conjure anything. You go to the bank to apply for a card tomorrow, and I'll have someone transfer the money to you." Xia Yu said.

"No, you are a criminal! If you have too much money in your bank account, you will be beheaded!"

The old lady firmly refused and gave an example:

"The great fool in our village, Bodhisattva showed up and got 500,000 yuan from his bank card account. He just spent 300,000 yuan to build a temple for Bodhisattva, but was arrested before he finished building it. Even Bodhisattva tampered with the bank card. Your hands and feet are meant to catch people, how can you be more powerful than a Bodhisattva?"


Xia Yu thought that this was probably because the bank wired the wrong money, traced it to the other party, and then took it away.

He wanted to tell the old lady the truth, but he knew that the old lady would not believe it.

"Then don't use your bank card to change it. I'll change it for you from another place." Xia Yu promised.

The old lady finally cooperated and Xia Yu began to ask for information.

After the old lady's explanation, he understood the situation.

First, the old lady’s name is Yin Shulan, and then the old lady’s granddaughter’s name is Yin Ling.

Then there is the old lady’s family situation. In addition to a granddaughter, her family also has a bedridden daughter and three sons who work in the town.

Because of her daughter's illness, her family owed a large amount of money.

A full hundred thousand.

One hundred thousand is not much to Xia Yu. For young people in big cities, it is an amount that can be saved by living frugally in a year. But for Yin Shulan, who makes a living by weaving baskets, it is already an astronomical figure. , fortunately, my three sons have been helping.

As for her son-in-law, Yin Ling's father, he disappeared when the debt reached 50,000 yuan.

Finally, there is the surrounding situation.

This is a small mountain village with a big mountain at its back. If you walk to the nearest town, it will take you a whole day to get back and forth.

In short, this is a relatively ordinary mountain village family.

Xia Yu asked some more questions, and Yin Shulan answered them one by one.

She didn't completely believe Xia Yu, and asked Xia Yu from time to time when he was going to get the money.

"I can only come here for eight hours a day. I'll come over today to have a look, and I'll start helping you fulfill your wish the day after tomorrow." Xia Yu replied.

It was still early and there was nothing to do at night, so he opened the door to the yard and wandered around.

At five o'clock, he was called to the kitchen by Yin Shulan to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast is ordinary porridge without pickles.

"The eggs are hidden under the haystack." Yin Shulan asked Xia Yu to boil the eggs again.

Xia Yu took out three eggs, and there were three people at home.

"Put one back." Yin Shulan said.

After the eggs were cooked, Xia Yu followed Yin Shulan's instructions and first woke up his granddaughter Yin Ling to eat porridge and eggs. Then he sent a bowl of porridge and the last egg to another room for his daughter on the bed.

Finally, he started to eat the rest of the porridge.

It doesn't really taste that good.

And porridge alone is not nutritious.

After eating the porridge, under Yin Shulan's guidance, Xia Yu started making baskets.

Although his life was a little difficult when he was a child, he had never done such a job. Fortunately, he had dexterity LV4 and could learn quickly.

After seeing the baskets that Xia Yu's men had quickly completed, and figuring that it would only take her half the time for Xia Yu to make one, Yin Shulan stopped urging Xia Yu to get the money.

Xia Yu could make her twice as much money by making baskets for her.

At the end of the day, it was a full fifty yuan extra!

That’s one thousand and five dollars a month!

Yin Shulan was very satisfied.

Not knowing that Yin Shulan had already regarded him as a basket weaver, Xia Yu thought that he must get money for Yin Shulan quickly. He didn't have time to cook and make baskets every day. He came here to study medicine!

After eight hours, Xia Yu returned to his body.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief, walked out of the room, took a bottle of Coke and a bag of potato chips, and lay on the sofa eating lazily.

This is the life a young man should live.

He just spent two hours making up the trap!

The time has come. If the time has not come, he will make up a daytime! And cooking lunch and dinner!

There is no time to delay in getting money for Yin Shulan.

However, because Yin Shulan was not knowledgeable enough, she was very repulsive about transferring money from bank cards. If she tried to force her to do so, Yin Shulan would definitely think that she was trying to harm her and immediately block herself. She would never think of going to her again in the future.

But without bank card transfer, how else can I give money to Yin Shulan? The mountain village where Yin Shulan lives is far away. Eight hours is simply not enough time for a round trip, and we cannot use someone else's body to go there.

Want to go there in person?

This will create a relatively big loophole. There are few outsiders in those remote areas, and they will be recognized and remembered as soon as they go there. If Yin Shulan has evil intentions, he may be found.

Although Yin Shulan seemed to be a good person, she owed a hundred thousand yuan to treat her daughter's illness, and she also helped her daughter raise her granddaughter. She couldn't save the eggs for herself and only gave them to her daughter and granddaughter.

However, good or bad is relative. Some criminals are also good people in the eyes of their wives and children.

Or think of another way.

He opened the skill panel and looked at it.

[Music LV5, Dexterity LV4, Programming LV4, Dressing LV3, Language LV3, Soothing LV3, Painting LV3, Ikebana LV2, Makeup LV2, Intimidation LV2, Mental Healing LV2, Fighting LV2, Video Games LV1, Elegance LV1, Night Vision LV1, Telepathy LV1, Inspiration LV1, Business LV1, Dexterity Bonus LV1]

The outfit is upgraded by relying on Xu Youxiang's bonus to reach LV3.

Among many skills, music, dexterity and programming are the highest level. Dexterity and programming are of little use in remote towns, leaving only music.

Go to a cafe in a small town to play the piano?

This is a good idea, but is there really a cafe in this small town?

Maybe I should go to a teahouse to play the erhu instead?

You can try it.

Taking this as plan A, Xia Yu started thinking about plan B again.

His comfort is not bad, but it is more difficult to get some money through this, because others will not believe it.

Maybe teach foreign languages ​​in a small town? Language LV3 is better than most foreign language teachers.

But where do the people in a remote town want to learn a foreign language?

Forget it, I'll go to the town for a walk the day after tomorrow and check out the situation.

As for tomorrow, he needs to go to An Siyao's place. Although the task has been accomplished, the psychological treatment room cannot be shut down suddenly.

If it suddenly broke off, he would be relieved, but how would An Siyao face his classmates?

Just change it to twice a week.

Fortunately, the college entrance examination is not far away, and you can get rid of it when you get to university.

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