Life swap game

189. The heart-thrilling people from District Three (first update)

If he went directly, he could reach the town where Yin Shulan was located in about a day. However, it was too obvious to go directly.

He was going to make a short detour, stay somewhere else for a day, and then pass by the city next to Yin's town, using someone else's body to hide the money in a place for Yin Shulan to get it.

This will take about three days, just after Yin Shulan completes the translation work.

Anyway, this time will also give game points, so it is not a waste at all.

Thinking about it this way, experience cards are really a great tool.

At noon, Xia Yu felt a little regretful after eating a not-so-delicious lunch on the high-speed rail.

You shouldn't eat it early, you should leave it to Tuo Yu.

At one point, he logged into Yin Shulan's account.

Yin Shulan had also arrived in the town at this time.

Arriving at the chemical plant, Xia Yu, his boss and his three "executives" were waiting on the side of the road.

At 1:45, a black car stopped on the side of the road, and a white man and a Chinese man got out of it.

The white man is a middle-aged man named Victor, and the Chinese man is a young man named Ye.

Victor got out of the car and said to translator Ye in Russian with a smile: "I will still trouble you this time."

Translator Ye also smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Victor, you and I have cooperated so many times, and you know my level."

"Hahahaha." Victor patted Translator Ye enthusiastically on the shoulder.

After closing the car door, Ye Yiyi searched around. After seeing Xia Yu and his party, he came over and asked, "Are you from the chemical plant?"

The boss and his three executives could barely understand Mandarin. They nodded enthusiastically and helped Victor take the box.

Translator Ye looked at Xia Yu again. Xia Yu was currently using Yin Shulan's body, and Yin Shulan's appearance was that of an ordinary rural old lady.

"Who is this?" He looked at the boss.

Xia Yu answered himself: "I am a translator."

"Translation?" Translator Ye smiled and looked at the boss, "Maybe there is a communication problem. I am Mr. Victor's part-time translator driver. You don't need other translators. Ordinary translators will only make things worse." There was a breakdown in our communication.”

Translator Ye felt that he needed to prove himself, so he added: "You can now have a chat with Mr. Victor, such as where is our residence? What are the itinerary arrangements?"

The four bosses nodded cautiously, and the boss said: "GG\u0026^^$*(*$$."

Translator Ye frowned: "Sorry, it seems because the road is steep, I have a little tinnitus. Can you repeat it?"

The four bosses can understand Mandarin, after all, they also want to watch TV series and surf the Internet, but when asked to speak Mandarin, they look confused.

What came out of the boss's mouth was the local dialect.


Translator Ye took a step back.

Who am I, where am I, and why can’t I understand what they are saying?

He turned to Victor and asked, "Sir, are we really in the first area? Are we going to the wrong place?"

"You're not wrong, it's just that the people here speak the dialect of their hometown." Xia Yu interjected in Russian.

His Russian pronunciation is even more accurate than Ye's translation.

Victor couldn't help but glance at him.

"That's it." Ye Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't just that he had a problem. He looked at the four bosses again and asked, "Can you speak Mandarin?"

This time, he half-guessed and understood the boss's words: "No."

Clenching his fists, Ye Translator couldn't accept it.

Glancing at Xia Yu, Ye Translator's face became very hot when he thought of the scene where he had just made such nonsense and said that he was enough.

"It's okay. Driver Ye has never been to such a remote town, right?" Xia Yu responded seemingly generously. But in fact, his words were laced with edge.

He was only generous to little girls. Ye Yiyi had just offended him, so he naturally wanted to take revenge.

The three words "Driver Ye" stung Ye Yiyi's self-esteem. He wanted to explain to Xia Yu that he was a professional translator and part-time driver, but when he thought about his boss's words, he only understood "No". With a red face, he could only accept this title.

He felt a little lucky. Fortunately, in addition to being a translator, he also had the identity of a driver. Otherwise, wouldn't it be of no use at all?

At this time, Victor and the four bosses had almost figured out that Ye Translation could not be counted on at all, and only Xia Yu could act as the translator.

The two parties began to communicate.

"My boss said that the place where he will arrange accommodation for you is his home." Xia Yu translated, "The hotels in the town are small and dirty, and are not suitable for people to live in. He has already tidied up his small yard. "

"Oh, the Chinese little courtyard, I'm very curious!" Victor was not unhappy.

The group of people first came to the boss's small courtyard, which was a standard country courtyard with two rooms in the east and west. There was also a Bodhisattva in the lobby, which made Victor pleasantly surprised.

People are not happy only when they see advanced things. They can also be happy in backward places.

Just like Xia Yu's previous life on Earth, many people liked to go to Cambodia.

After letting Victor put down his things and take a shower, the boss took Victor around. In the evening, they went to the best restaurant in town.

Seven people sat at a table and ate the food that was served.

"Mr. Victor, this is the famous pastry in our area - white jade dumplings. Come and try it." The boss personally brought two plates of dumplings.

One plate was placed in front of Victor, and the other was placed in the center of the table.

This means letting Victor eat one plate and the others share one plate.

After Xia Yu translated, Victor picked up the dumplings in surprise: "I've eaten them at Afang, but the ones here are different from Afang's."

Of course it was different. When this plate of dumplings was served, Xia Yu didn't even recognize it!

White jade dumplings are full of color and flavor. Because they look like white jade, and the name of the person who created this pastry is Yan Baiyu, the name white jade dumplings came into being.

But the white jade dumpling in front of Xia Yu at this moment, does it deserve to be called white jade?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Xia Yu still picked up a dumpling and dared to call it the name White Jade Dumpling. Xia Yu also wanted to try it.

After just one bite, he frowned.

There is no doubt that this is a fake and the boss must have been deceived.

Victor, who had eaten the dumpling, also frowned: "This dumpling doesn't have that biting feeling at all. This should, should be..."

Victor couldn't think clearly what to say.

"It's the dough from the outside. It's too loose. The flour probably won't work either." Xia Yu continued.

"Not bad, not bad!" Victor's eyes lit up, and he added: "And there's this stuffing..."

"This is not a special octopus, just an ordinary octopus." Xia Yu added.

"Yes, yes!" Victor looked at Xia Yu as if he were seeing a close friend.

He is also a foodie. When he met someone of the same kind, he couldn't help but want to communicate.

"I was in Afang, and I also had green jade dumplings and red jade dumplings..."

The four bosses accompanying us, with Driver Ye's translation, stared dumbfoundedly at an old village lady in her 60s or 70s, and a Russian gentleman in a suit and leather shoes, chatting from white jade dumplings to the dumpling family, and then back to the dumplings. Went to expensive pastries and even talked about steak and red wine.

Driver Ye swallowed and asked the boss: "What is this old lady's background?"

What they talked about was food that Driver Ye had only heard about. It was normal for Victor to eat all this, but how could that old rural lady eat more than Mr. Victor?

The four bosses looked at each other in confusion.

They didn't know that she was just an old lady they randomly found in a newspaper advertisement.

After finishing the meal, although the food was not very good, Victor was still very happy. It was rare to have a close friend in life. If the old lady in front of him was not really old, he would have wanted to pursue her.

The next day, Xia Yu and Victor came to the chemical plant together to get down to business. Victor came to use a new machine. This machine behaved abnormally in the mountainous area, so the engineer Victor came to investigate.

The problem was successfully resolved within one day.

On the third day, the group climbed the nearby mountain together.

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