Life swap game

204. The old lady’s test (second update)

Because of his outstanding weight, Yin Yuan was the slowest runner, and he was quickly caught up by Xia Yu.

But he was pleasantly surprised to find that Xia Yu ignored him and continued running forward.

Xia Yu walked to the man at the front, knocked him down, and then turned back to deal with the others.

Because Yin Yuan was last, he got a chance to react. He ran back again, but because of his lack of physical strength, he was still caught up by Xia Yu.

Finally pressing Yin Yuan to the ground, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The head-on confrontation didn't take much effort from him, but chasing these people made Xia Yu very tired.

It would be great if I could get another skill related to physical strength. No matter where it is, physical strength is very useful.

Because it took a long time to chase the five people behind, at this time, the three people who were knocked down first had recovered their fighting power. However, they did not get up to retaliate. Instead, they pretended that they were still not strong enough and continued to squat.

"Now let's be reasonable. Grandma, I am a reasonable person." Xia Yu knelt down and looked at Yin Yuan.

Yin Yuan looked back at his brother who fell on the ground: "Grandma, your reasoning is a bit superficial."

"Do you still understand the situation?" Xia Yi was surprised and gave the reason, "I'm afraid that you won't be calm and can't reason properly, so I'll help you calm down."

You are the least calm person! Yin Yuan thought in his heart.

But he didn't dare to say it.

"The junior's affairs should be resolved by the junior himself." Yin Yuan insisted on his own philosophy. He looked into Xia Yu's eyes, hoping that his will could be transmitted to the other person's body.

Xia Yu picked up one of the helmets and smashed it on the ground in front of Yin Yuan's face. The dust stirred up by the helmet made Yin Yuan cough violently.

Xia Yu sighed: "It seems you are not calm enough."

"No, no, no, I've calmed down. I understand. When I get back, I'll teach those boys a lesson and tell them to take a detour when they see your child." Yin Yuan promised hurriedly.

"No, grandma suddenly feels that you are right in saying that juniors can solve their own problems." Before Yin Yuan could be happy, Xia Yu continued: "So from now on, if there are any problems, grandma, I won't bully the juniors. I will directly Come find you."

"Ah? Grandma, why don't you go find them?"

Now he was outside the town and no one could see him. If he were beaten by the old lady in front of him in the town, Yin Yuan would feel that his face would be lost.

Thinking of this, he looked at the brothers lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and felt bitter in his heart:

I thought that I just came here to warn an old lady. What could happen to the old lady? Bringing nine brothers with her is already a big fuss.

But he didn't expect that all ten of his brothers would fall into the hands of the old lady in front of him.

What is this old lady's background? It’s too fierce!

These are ten strong men!

You are an old lady!

How did you get rid of us all at once!

This is because Xia Yu uses relatively insidious moves. Thanks to Xia Dongyang, Xia Yu used to be exposed to aggressive bad guys and learned some from them.

Coupled with LV2 fighting, he has a deeper understanding of how to exert force and how to subdue others.

After a friendly exchange with Yin Yuan, Xia Yu got on his motorcycle and went back home.

He continued to practice medicine.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, he got on his bike and went to the town to pick up Yin Ling.

"I'm going to my youngest son's house for dinner tonight." Yin Shulan suddenly said in Xia Yu's mind.

Yin Shulan had been relatively taciturn when Xia Yu was using his body, and Xia Yu was not interested in the old lady's voice, so he didn't talk to Yin Shulan unless he had something to do.

Perhaps because of this, Yin Shulan's bonus is still only at LV1, and there is no intention of being promoted to LV2.

After picking up Yin Ling, Xia Yu came to an old community under the guidance of Yin Shulan.

There are only ten buildings in the community, each with only six floors.

Yin Shulan's youngest son lives on the first floor.

After knocking on the door, Xia Yu saw a balding middle-aged man opening the door for him.

"Mom, you're here." The middle-aged man looked happy. He was Yin Shulan's third son, named Yin Dingjie.

It's okay to be called mom by a young woman, but Xia Yu has mixed emotions when being called mom by a middle-aged man who is still bald.

"This is for my grandson." Xia Yu handed over the Penguin Star milk in his hand.

"Mom, why are you so polite?" Yin Dingjie happily took Penguin Star over, and he shouted into the bedroom next to him: "Shunshun, your grandma is here, and she still hasn't come out yet!"

After a while, the bedroom door opened, and a boy who looked like a high school student came out.

This is Yin Shulan's grandson, Yin Shanshun.

Yin Shanshun was not in high spirits, so he called her "grandma" and followed his father's wishes, taking Yin Ling to his room to play.

"Mom." Xia Yu's daughter-in-law also came out to say hello to her.

Xia Yu nodded normally.

Coming to his son's house was an unprecedented experience for him, and he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Yin Dingjie was a nagging person. He answered Yin Dingjie's various questions, and Xia Yu could barely hold on. She looked like an old mother.

After talking for a while, Yin Dingjie took out a ball of red notes.

"Mom, this is the money I have saved during this period. You can take it. Now that Xiaowan's illness has been cured, we will pay off the debt together and everything will be fine." Yin Dingjie stuffed the money into Xia Yu's hand.

Xia Yu felt the thickness and found it was about six to seven thousand.

Six to seven thousand is no longer a small number in the countryside. If Yin Shulan wants to save this, it will take at least half a year.

According to the information, Yin Dingjie has a small shop in the town and does some decoration business. He can earn much more than Yin Shulan, but it is also limited. After all, this is just a small rural town, and many people’s homes are just cement. There is no floor or floor tiles.

Moreover, this is certainly not the first time Yin Dingjie has paid.

Xia Yu thought again that among the 100,000 yuan in debt that Yin Shulan had mentioned before, her three sons were not included, and how could her three sons not contribute the money?

"Take it first. I have two sons who are coming soon. Let's see how they are doing." Yin Shulan said in Xia Yu's mind.

Xia Yu understood that this was Yin Shulan's plan.

He collected the money calmly.

A minute later, there was a knock on the door again, and his other two cheap sons walked in.

Some of the fatter ones are Xia Yu's eldest son, while the thin ones are Xia Yu's second son.

The second son gave Xia Yu one thousand, saying that business was not doing well recently and the children needed a lot of money.

The eldest son refused to give the money directly, saying that his wife had been ill recently and all the money had been spent.

Yin Shulan snorted coldly in Xia Yu's mind.

After getting together and chatting about their parents, Xia Yu took Yin Ling back home because Yin Wan was still at home.

Tomorrow is Qingming Festival, and it is the custom of the Yin family to get together the day before Qingming Festival. Because of Yin Wan's illness, a donation link was added to this custom.

Yin Wan and Yin Ling are orphans and widowers. Giving them money is not just a donation.

Judging from the performance just now, the third son Yin Dingjie is the best, the second son is okay, and the third son is a bit indifferent.

Xia Yu couldn't help but sigh, Yin Dingjie, although bald, is a good boy.

Xia Yu could guess what Yin Shulan was thinking. The old lady was also shrewd. She probably wanted to use this to see the character of her three sons. The third son Yin Dingjie would undoubtedly be blessed.

Yin Shulan's bank card currently contains nearly 400,000 yuan.

The eight-hour time limit reached and Xia Yu returned to his body.

He is currently on a bus heading to the countryside.

Tomorrow is the Qingming Festival, and he and Youxue will go back to their hometown to worship their ancestors.

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