Life swap game

207. Dongyang Zhongfu (second update)

Using the black cat's body, Xia Yu distinguished the smell in the air.

Xia Donghai's scent was still well preserved at home and in the corridor, but outside, it became a little thinner.

The wind was quite strong today, which made the search more difficult.

It would be great if I could get a dog's body. Dogs have a better sense of smell than cats.

However, the flavor is thin but discernible.

Repeating the same trick, Black Cat Yu checked the smell at each corner, and then immediately ran to the next corner, shortening the time.

Ten minutes later, Black Cat Yu arrived in front of the only hotel in the town.

Xia Dongyang's scent is a little stronger here, but Xia Dongyang has already left.

However, there is a smell in the hotel, which proves that Xia Dongyang stayed here for one night?

Xia Yu thought for a while and understood the situation.

What happened in the afternoon was not Xia Dongyang's impromptu idea, but a premeditation.

Xia Dongyang should have been in the tomb in the morning, waiting to see Xia Nianhong and others coming, and then go back to do this.

Continuing to sniff, Black Cat Yu walked half a circle around the hotel and followed the smell for more than ten meters before he could no longer distinguish the smell.

The surrounding area is empty, and there are several large trash cans, which emit an unpleasant smell.

But Xia Yu didn't panic, but was a little happy.

This road does not lead to the main road, which means that Xia Dongyang has probably not left yet.

If he wasn't staying in the hotel and hadn't left, where would Xia Dongyang be?

There is only one answer.

After trotting across this road, Black Cat Yu relied on his memory to reach the edge of the town.

There were six country villas around the small road on the edge of the town. When he arrived in front of one of the villas, Black Cat Yu smelled Xia Dongyang's scent again.

Jumping to the window sill, Black Cat Yu saw Xia Dongyang who was drinking with a friend.

The window was unlocked, and Black Cat Yu jumped into the house, lying in the kitchen and listening to what the two said.

"It's difficult, brother, the work of moving bricks is not done by humans!" Xia Dongyang complained.

"I know, especially bricks at noon are extremely hot." The dog friend patted Xia Dongyang on the shoulder, "Come on, have a drink."

After draining the glass, Xia Dongyang said again: "That woman is still urging me to buy a house. Where can I get the money to buy a house? A house in the countryside costs tens of thousands!"

"You still want the house. Who asked you to lose that house? Otherwise, if you sell that one, you can buy six or seven country houses with decorations!" The dog friend had a look of gloating on his face.

"I regret it now, very much. And her day is also related to me." Xia Dongyang said again.

"How do you say that?" The dog friend was curious. It turned out that there was another inside story behind Xia Dongyang's escape?

"When she was in Zilang, she urged me to ask for a house. Although I have a house, how can I give it to her? If my parents don't rush to give it to her, how can they have the money to give it to me in the future?" Xia Dongyang He told his dog friends about his considerations, "I was a little anxious at that time, and then I embarked on a road of no return."

"That's her fault. She knows you're not good, so why are she forcing you?" the dog friend said hypocritically.

Xia Dongyang drank another drink: "Now that I'm in Afang, I can't drink wine or masturbate. What's the point of my life now?"

"By the way, you didn't tell anyone I was here, right?" Xia Dongyang suddenly became wary.

"I was shocked when you came suddenly. Where can I tell others?" The dog friend poured another drink for Xia Dongyang.

Hearing this, Black Cat Yu shook his head and jumped out the same way.

There was nothing good to hear next, and it was impossible for them to talk about where Xia Dongyang put the money.

It turns out that Xia Dongyang was driven by the wild wife, so he lost Zilang's house and ran away. Now he is driven by the wild wife again and returns to his hometown to steal money.

Xia Yu became curious about Xia Dongyang's wild wife. He must be a ruthless person to be able to force Xia Dongyang like this.

At that time, Kong Hanyue had no way to deal with Xia Dongyang.

After leaving the villa, he continued to sniff on the road, followed the scent in the opposite direction, and made a discovery under a crooked-neck tree in the field next to it.

The soil here has been turned over, and although it has been tidied up again, you can still see it if you look closely.

Knowing where the money was hidden, Black Cat Yu relaxed. He wandered around the town casually and beat two stray dogs. After eight hours, he returned to his body.

Picking up the black cat lying on top of him, Xia Yu got up and got out of bed.

It was four o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark. He opened the door and went out, borrowed a big shovel from the insomniac and early-rising man next door, and came to the crooked-neck tree.

After digging twice, Xia Yu found a suitcase.

In the box was the 80,000 yuan.

Putting the suitcase on, Xia Yu's bad taste kicked in. He covered it with soil, dug a few holes next to it, and then filled them in.

Arriving in the woods not far away, Xia Yu was waiting.

Xia Dongyang drank white wine last night. He must have a severe headache at the moment. He probably won't be able to get up before five o'clock.

But it was impossible for him to sleep until after six o'clock. After all, he still had the professional ethics of a thief.

He will not leave by bus. His dog friend has a car. He will definitely ask his dog friend to take him to the city and then go back through other channels.

Before he can get into his dog friend's car, he needs to dig into the suitcase.

Xia Yu looked forward to Xia Dongyang's expression.

It was still early, so Xia Yu called Youxue first to report that he was safe and briefly explained the situation.

At five o'clock, Youxue came to Xia Yu's side, and two policemen came with her.

"Brother, what are you waiting for here to see?" Youxue wondered.

"Look. Let the three of them hide. When Xia Yu pointed at the villa, Xia Dongyang had already come out.

When he came to the crooked neck tree, Xia Dongyang took out a small shovel used to shovel weeds and prepared to dig.

Before digging, it was necessary to determine the location. Xia Dongyang looked for a place with a small slope, which was the mark he left.

Then he spotted three small slopes.


Xia Dongyang frowned, why are there three marks?

Forget it, maybe there are two small slopes originally, three is not too much, just dig them all.

He thought about it and felt that the small slope in the middle was the right one, but when he dug out, there was nothing inside.

He started digging at the one on the left again, and there was nothing.

The one on the right is still missing.

Where did it go?

Did I remember it wrong? Is the slope not a mark?

But the crooked neck tree can’t be wrong!

He started digging in other flat places.

"Here, get a big shovel." A long shovel was handed to Xia Dongyang.

Xia Dongyang was stunned, but he still took the shovel. Now he was in a hurry to find the suitcase. The big shovel was indeed faster than the small shovel.

"Thank you." He didn't raise his head and continued digging.

"You're welcome. It's our duty to serve the people."

After hearing this, Xia Dongyang's hands paused. He looked up at the two people behind him, and his eyes stayed on the police badges on their hats for a while.

"Comrade, let me loosen the soil for this tree." Xia Dongyang swallowed.

"Whoever is a comrade with you, come with us!" The two of them pressed Xia Dongyang to the ground with one hand each.

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