Life swap game

233. 3333333 (first update)

On the morning of Wednesday, April 19, Xia Yu came to school.

During the morning reading class, the math teacher walked into the classroom excitedly holding the test papers.

Standing on the podium, he called the two classmates in front of him and asked them to distribute the test papers.

Originally, mathematics teachers reported each student's score based on ranking, in order to motivate students and make students more aware of their position.

But now, with two months left before the college entrance examination, the math teacher has given up on this custom out of fear that students will be too stressed.

After taking his test paper, Xia Yu looked at the scores.

One hundred and forty-eight.

This score is already the limit of LV4’s exam-oriented education. Using this score to compete for the first place in Zilang City is almost enough, but the premise is that Chinese and history are not biased.

In previous exams, there were even geniuses who got a perfect score of 160 in mathematics. However, such geniuses were generally partial to subjects, so they could not get the first place in the city.

"Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless Pizza, bless..." A sound of chanting reached Xia Yu's ears. Turning his head, Xia Yu saw Gui Zixiao praying to the test paper in his hand.

His expression is serious and his demeanor is serious.

After praying, he opened the test paper.

"One hundred and fifteen points, perfect!" Gui Zixiao was overjoyed. This was different from the previous scores obtained by using his copying ability, but was achieved by his own efforts!

He looked at Xia Yu again: "Xia Yu, how much do you have? One hundred and forty?"

Although he asked about one hundred and forty, Gui Zixiao didn't really believe it. How could the test of one hundred and forty be so easy?

After seeing Xia Yu show a score of 148, he let out a low voice, and all the excitement he felt just now disappeared.

"Your score is too high. If you did well in the Chinese and History exams, you would have gotten first place in the school, right?" Gui Zixiao tried every means to comfort herself, "It's a pity that you didn't do well in the Chinese exams."

"Yes, yes, then reading and comprehension is too difficult." Xia Yu said cooperatively.

Gui Zixiao became happy again. He compared his scores with other students, and his mood quickly returned to its peak.

On the stage, the math teacher made a simple comment: "This monthly test paper is jointly issued by five schools. In terms of difficulty, it is similar to last year's college entrance examination. You can basically regard this as your college entrance examination score. Make mental preparations in advance. Have an estimate of your college entrance examination results to avoid a sudden ups and downs of mood."

After a pause, the math teacher continued: "This time the number one in our class is Xia Yu, with a score of 148, and he is also the number one in the liberal arts class, but there is another one in the science class who is even more powerful, with a score of 155. point."

Sure enough, there are stronger ones. A sense of crisis flashed through Xia Yu's heart.

From LV4 to LV5, approximately 80 experience cards are required, which is 640 hours of hard work. Even if he only studied for ten hours a day, he could still collect 600 hours in two months. He had already studied for more than forty hours before, which was completely enough.

Taking out Wu San from his schoolbag, Xia Yu continued to write the questions. He had already finished writing the latest version of Wu San. What he was writing now was the old version of Wu San.

The students who looked at the math teacher after hearing his words were amazed when they saw his serious attitude.

The math teacher did not miss this opportunity. He added: "I have been recommended by BGI, I have a handsome face, and I have talent, and I have worked so hard. How can you, who have nothing, have the nerve to continue to be undisciplined!"

The students below all cursed in a low voice. They had forgotten about this matter. Now that the math teacher mentioned it again, their mood suddenly reached the bottom.

"Two months is not a long time, but as long as you work hard, you might be able to add ten points to your total score. Ten points, but it makes a huge difference!"

The math teacher began to make up examples: "Two years ago, one of your seniors, named Li Xiashuo, had the lowest grade in the last monthly exam and could only get into the top three. But after two months of hard work, he successfully got into a good university. Two books, just a little bit close to reaching the line of one!”

The math teacher knew that if he said something too perfect, he would be doubted, so he created a regret.

Sure enough, many students were so deceived by him that their eyes blurred.

This made the math teacher even more excited. He used his ability to learn about MLM organizations when he was young and worked hard to feed the students chicken soup.

Xia Yu didn't listen to what he said. He just answered the questions normally.

At the last class in the morning, the Chinese teacher walked in. Under the propaganda of the math teacher, he found out about Xia Yu.

While talking about the test paper, the Chinese teacher wandered around the classroom. When he passed by Xia Yu, he stopped.

Seeing Xia Yu still finishing math questions quickly, the Chinese teacher coughed: "Xia Yu, if you work hard on math, you also need to work hard on Chinese. You are still a member of my literary club. You can't speak well in Chinese." .”

"Teacher, please stop talking nonsense. There is a loose connection between the literary club and Chinese language scores. I know that Wen Ziying often fails to get even three digits in Chinese language exams!" Gui Zixiao said, taking advantage of the Chinese teacher.

The Chinese teacher blushed: "Shut up, do you have the right to speak!"

There was laughter all around, and the classroom was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Teacher, don't worry, I also read Chinese." Xia Yu answered the Chinese teacher.

The Chinese teacher has a very good relationship with the students, and often uses the relationship with the principal to engage in secret operations, such as the school's blackboard newspaper competition. No matter what the class does, their class will definitely win the first prize.

Before Xia Yu went to participate in the musical instrument competition, the Chinese teacher was also very busy.

Glancing at Xia Yu who was still writing math problems, the Chinese teacher shook his head. He felt that Xia Yu was fooling him.

None of the teachers knew that Xia Yu would do math problems whenever he had free time and would not touch other subjects. How could he have ever reviewed Chinese?

The Chinese teacher estimated that Xia Yu still wanted to have fun when taking the college entrance examination. Because he was not pursuing total scores, but only pursuing experience, he specialized in one subject.

Although he understood, the Chinese teacher still couldn’t help but complain:

My relationship with you is not that bad. I even helped you take your sister to Kaiyang before. Why did you choose that flirtatious bitch in Mathematics instead of coming to my Chinese language bedroom?

Feeling a little green on his head, the Chinese teacher lost his mood. He lazily finished explaining the test paper and returned to the office.

Entering the office, he saw his colleagues gathered around his desk.

"What are you doing?" The Chinese teacher's heart suddenly thought, could it be that the Chiluochun he had hidden was discovered?

"Old Wen, congratulations." All the teachers congratulated him.

"Congratulations to me?" The Chinese teacher looked confused.

"That Xia Yu in your class did really well in the exam," the teachers said.

The Chinese teacher thought they were talking about Xia Yu's math scores. He was Xia Yu's class teacher, so it was normal to congratulate him.

Sitting in his seat, the Chinese teacher said: "That's what he should be doing. He studies math problems every day and looks like he is dedicating himself to math. It's no wonder he's not doing well."

After saying that, he complained again: "You guys think that bitch in mathematics is good, but he won't even touch my Chinese language."

The colleagues didn't reply, and the Chinese teacher didn't pay attention either. He saw an extra pile of test papers on the table and knew that the corrector had already finished correcting the test papers. He picked up the test paper and said while looking for Xia Yu's score:

"Let's see how many points he can get in Chinese this time!"

The teachers around him were still silent. The Chinese teacher raised his head and felt that they were suppressing laughter?

"Stop looking for it, the test paper is here." A teacher already laughed and slapped the test paper in his hand on the table.

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