Life swap game

237. Meeting with Yin An (second update)

After successfully upgrading Yin Shulan's pharmaceutical skills to LV4, Xia Yu asked them to get on the bus to Yaoguang.

Guessing that the group was about to arrive, Xia Yu landed on Yin Shulan's body.

At this time, Yin Shulan was on the high-speed train, which had entered the fluctuating light.

Xia Yu originally wanted to let them fly, but Yin Shulan firmly refused, saying that it was not safe.

Without trying to explain, Xia Yu directly changed Yin Shulan's high-speed railway line.

He sat near the aisle, Yin Ling sat in the middle, sleeping on the small table, and Yin Wan sat inside, looking at the scenery outside.

Outside the window, the afterimages of trees moving backwards became intermittent from being coherent at first. This is because the high-speed train is slowing down.

"Our train is about to arrive at the terminal. Please check the luggage rack again..."

When the radio sounded, Xia Yu woke up Yin Ling, who was sleeping soundly, and put the things away.

Each of the three of them carried a backpack, but nothing else. Yin Wan and Yin Ling were easy to deal with. In order to convince Yin Shulan to only bring a backpack, Xia Yu spent a lot of time.

After the train stopped, the three people got off the train and walked out of the high-speed rail station.

Outside the station, Yu Ningmeng, holding a small white flag, was waiting for them.

Xia Yu walked straight towards Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Ningmeng saw Xia Yu first. She greeted him with a smile, and then looked at Yin Ling and Yin Wan next to Xia Yu.

Her expression stiffened.

This is normal. Even Xia Yu was shocked when he first met Yin Ling.

After a while, Yu Ningmeng returned to normal, and she met Xia Yu and the others.

"Are you Grandma Yin?" she asked Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded, not showing it on his face, but muttering in his heart:

My granddaughter is Yin Ling. You are at least twenty years older than Yin Ling and about the same age as Yin Wan. You still call me grandma. Why are you so thick-skinned?

"My lady has already given the order, please rest assured." Yu Ningmeng led the three of them to the parking lot, where the driver was waiting in the car.

At her signal, Yin Wan and Yin Ling got into the driver's car.

Xia Yu, on the other hand, got into Yu Ningmeng's car.

Yu Ningmeng wanted to explain some arrangements clearly to Xia Yu.

"The accommodation that Miss has prepared for you is near Yaoguang Medical University. The research laboratory for you is in the Medical University. There is an elementary school about two kilometers away from there. The school bus will pick you up and drop you off. Miss Yin Ling can go there. go to school……"

Yu Ningmeng's explanation was no different from Xia Yu's imagination.

After finishing speaking, Yu Ningmeng was silent for a while, and then said to Xia Yu, "Grandma Yin, are those your daughter and granddaughter?"

Hearing these words, Yin Shulan in Xia Yu's mind immediately exploded: "Why is this girl talking!"

Ignoring Yin Shulan, Xia Yu replied, "They look like my old man."

"Oh..." Yu Ningmeng wanted to ask again, but it was too rude to ask like this when they just met, so she held back.

She recalled the appearance of Yin Ling and Yin Wan. They looked so similar!

It was not only her who was shocked, but also the driver.

The driver was breaking out in a cold sweat.

He glanced at Yin Ling through the rearview mirror. This little girl looked so much like the young lady that he would believe it if she said this was the young lady's child.

However, it is impossible for the young lady to have such a big daughter, so...

This is the second young lady raised outside!

As for the woman next to her who also looks a bit like the young lady, she should be a relative on the young lady's mother's side. Since she is from the Yu family, she should look a bit like the young lady.

What did the Yu family want to do when they brought the second young lady to the door?

After hearing the second young lady call the other party's mother again, the driver's mind became completely confused.

After three minutes of confusion, he sorted out the logic.

The wife gave birth to the eldest daughter and the second daughter. The eldest daughter stayed with her, while the second daughter was taken away by the Yu family and raised.

The Yu family wants to use the second young lady under their control to plan the An family's industry!

This should involve a factional struggle. One group of Yu family members supports the eldest lady, and another group of Yu family members supports the second young lady.

As for An Jia’s opinion? How could a nouveau riche family have any say in facing the Yu family, which had been passed down for thousands of years?

Now, the second young lady has returned, and the two factions of the Yu family are about to officially start fighting!

Who can truly control Anjia's industry?

Although the driver believed that the ruthless eldest lady could cleanly deal with the second lady, some worries still arose in his heart.

If the eldest lady loses, will something happen to him?

Wait, thinking about it this way, why did Yu Ningmeng ask her to come over to pick up the second young lady? Is she hinting at something? Will the eldest lady kill me to silence me if she finds out?

The driver gritted his teeth and wanted to slap himself. When Yu Ningmeng called him, he thought it was just an ordinary pick-up, so he agreed without thinking. Who knew that the pick-up was actually the second young lady, and now the yellow mud fell into his crotch, and he was finished.

So insidious!

I originally thought Yu Ningmeng was a good person, but he actually tricked me like this!

If he had taken refuge with the second young lady, the eldest lady would definitely not let him go. But if he did not take refuge with the second young lady, if the news about his meeting with the second young lady spread to the eldest lady, the eldest lady would also become suspicious.

How could this woman Yu Ningmeng do this! I'm just a pure driver!

For the present plan, the only way is to go back and plead guilty.

I hope the eldest lady will be magnanimous.

The driver felt heavy.

When they arrived at the villa, looking at the four people entering, the driver took out his cell phone and called An Siyao anxiously, explaining that he had been assassinated by Yu Ningmeng and expressing his loyalty.

An Siyao looked confused as she listened. She thought about it and decided to answer with snake oil: "I know everything."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, the driver thought about what the eldest lady had just said.

The eldest lady knows everything, that is to say, everything is as expected by the eldest lady?

As expected of the eldest lady!

The driver expressed disdain for the second lady.

At this moment, "Second Miss" and his group also saw An Siyao.

An Siyao stood in the vestibule under the villa, waiting.

Like Yu Ningmeng, her eyes paused on Xia Yu for a moment, and then looked at Yin Wan and Yin Ling in shock.

After leading the three of them to the living room and asking Yu Ningmeng to retreat, An Siyao came to Yin Shuyu.

She reached out curiously and touched Yin Shuyu's cheek: "Is this true?"

Grabbing An Siyao's hand, Xia Yu responded helplessly: "That's me."

An Siyao's face showed a happy smile.

Favor also appeared in Xia Yu's eyes.

Their interaction made Yin Wan's eyelids jump as she watched them.

What is the relationship between his mother and this rich lady?

Yin Wan had been curious before about how her mother, who was in her sixties, suddenly had a lot of money. Now, she knew the truth.

For the sake of the family, my mother actually paid so much!

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