Life swap game

25. Annotations

After finishing the daytime classes on Friday and going to a coffee shop to play piano for two hours, Xia Yu returned home, had a simple dinner and lay on the bed.

He entered An Siyao's body.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar piano room and a plate of white jade dumplings again.

After eating two dumplings first, Xia Yu responded to An Siyao's greetings, and then asked, "Do you know some modern music?"

"Bianruo's son's gallery, Jiulang's amulet, these?" An Siyao said.

Xia Yu checked in advance and found that the difficulty of these two songs was not low in the encyclopedia.

This girl always wants to trick me into learning difficult music.

"No, as long as it's Reed Name Autumn, Echoing Reed Leaves or something like that." This was a piece recommended to Xia Yu by the young store manager. He thought Xia Yu already knew it, but was fooled by Xia Yu.

Although young people want to make their small cafes more upscale, the public is more familiar with Ashina Autumn than a series of classical music such as Guda etudes.

An Siyao was a little confused when she heard that what Xia Yu wanted to learn were two extremely difficult pieces of music. However, the fact that Xia Yu could continue to practice the music was enough to surprise and reassure her.

"I don't know these two pieces of music," the girl said.

"No?" Xia Yu's heart sank. In other words, does he want to practice by himself?

"But it doesn't matter. It's such a simple song. You can show someone else's performance video and I'll know it after watching it." An Siyao continued.

So strong?

Taking out his mobile phone, Xia Yu chose a video of a pianist's performance and watched it with An Siyao.

After the song ended, Xia Yu didn't even remember the score, but An Siyao told him that he could start.

The girl did not deceive Xia Yu. Her skillful teaching made Xia Yu suspect that she had actually known this piece of music for a long time.

We obviously watched it together, why do you still want to learn it when you already know it!

Are you a god?

Under the girl's guidance, without using experience cards, it took Xia Yu five hours to basically master these two songs.

If An Siyao hadn't seen it again and made comparisons, Xia Yu would have been very proud of his speed, but now he just wanted to have a cigarette.

He spent the rest of the time learning a slightly more difficult modern piece called Senhoji's Momiji.

I don’t expect to finish learning this piece until next time.

Putting down the piano cover, Xia Yu lamented that it was different if someone taught him. If he was allowed to explore on his own, it would probably take several times as long.

Why can't that Xu Youxiang be as friendly as An Siyao?

Her breasts are not big, but her temper is not small.

Arriving at An Siyao's bedroom, Xia Yu spent the remaining ten minutes chatting with the girl.

"By the way, if you girls are particularly irritable, how should you deal with it?" Xia Yu tried to get a solution from An Siyao.

girl? An Siyao immediately became alert.

After thinking about when she would be irritable, the girl replied: "Maybe it will be one of those days. It will be fine in a few days."

"It's not those days, I know." Xia Yu didn't feel any discomfort when using Xu Youxiang's body.

How did you know?

An Siyao's heart rang with alarm bells.

You are indeed looking for another woman!

The girl felt wronged in her heart.

"Then I don't know. Maybe it will be better if I stay alone." Although she felt aggrieved, An Siyao still tried her best to give Xia Yu suggestions.

Whenever she was in a bad mood, she would feel relieved by looking at the garden alone on the balcony.

Xia Yu didn't think that Xu Youxiang would calm down after just being quiet. Judging from the other party's words, her anger mainly came from her unable to move legs. Apart from curing her legs, other methods would be difficult to succeed.

Especially because Xia Yu took over her body, she had listed Xia Yu as her enemy.

Sure enough, it's better to forget it, don't want her anymore, and find someone else.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu relaxed.

It's already early Saturday morning, and it's time for vacation. I'll try to find a way to explore in the morning, and then go for the exchange immediately after finishing work in the evening.

When he was making more detailed plans, An Siyao said, "Actually, besides white jade dumplings, there are other things that are also delicious. I'll ask the chef to make some tomorrow. Do you want to eat them?"

"Eat." Xia Yu agreed immediately.

It’s not too late to leave things like finding a new body until Sunday. You don’t have to go to work on Sunday, so you can be more prepared.

"Yeah." An Siyao was in a happy mood.

When the time came, Xia Yu returned to his body.

He sat up and opened the mark slot while thinking about what kind of delicious food it would be.

The fields now are:

1. An Siyao

2. We are cats

3. Swearing luoli

If you want to enter someone else's body, you must have an empty slot. In other words, Xia Yu must delete one of them.

Do you want to delete Xu Youxiang?

If the black cat can choose freely, deleting the black cat is the best choice. After all, the black cat is at home, and it will be the same whenever he is added.

But Xia Yu was not sure whether the black cat, which appeared because of a bug, could be connected after deleting the field.

Try it tonight.

Putting this matter aside for now, Xia Yu came to the desk and read the novel while turning his pen.

He has read more novels in the past few days than he did in the previous semester. The main reason is that he cannot play games without a laptop, and there are really no interesting apps on mobile phones in this world.

At 7:30 in the morning, Xia Yu sent a message to Gui Zixiao. Gui Zixiao had a brother who was a programmer and worked locally.

It would be of great help to Xia Yu if he could get to know some programmers.

Gui Zixiao didn't send a reply to Xia Yu until 11 noon.

"Gui Zixiao: What do you ask the female programmer to do?" 』

"Xia Yu: I received a press release and need to investigate those female programmers"

Xia Yu chose an excuse that fit Gui Zixiao's impression.

"Xia Yu: I don't need your brother to help me date them. In fact, there are some additional requirements for personnel, so just name, company and so on."

"Gui Zixiao: That's it. I'll ask my brother."

An hour and a half later, Gui Zixiao sent another message.

"Gui Zixiao: I stole this from my brother's computer, please don't spread it out! 』

"Gui Zixiao: File "List of Female Programmers in Zilang City""

I thought it would be great to have information about one or two people, but there was actually a list?

"Xia Yu: Don't worry, you still don't know the extent of my confidentiality."

Xia Yu clicked on the file and browsed it briefly. There was a name and company on it, which was normal. There was also a contact number and photo at the back, which was normal, but then there were "I'm free on Sundays" and "I like to be in the wild" , What are the words like "My boyfriend goes on a business trip in the middle of every month"?

Forget it, it's not good to explore other people's privacy.

Taking the list, Xia Yu quickly identified three main candidates and five backup candidates.

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