Life swap game

255. Meeting Yuyao - Part 2 (Second update)

Although the counselor was a little afraid of Shen Shengsheng, in order not to be wronged, he still dragged Shen Shengsheng to the office of the Academic Affairs Office.

Borrowing the computer from the Academic Affairs Office to log into the school backend, he entered Xia Yu's name.

Xia Yu's photo popped up.

"Look, I said Xia Yu has already arrived!" Shen Sheng said angrily.

The counselor panicked. He had indeed not seen Xia Yu come to sign up. Why was Xia Yu's name listed on it?

He glanced at the interface again and discovered the problem.

Shen Shengsheng repeated what he said before: "His name is already on it, but it's not on your side. Could it be that he went to another class?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the counselor's voice sounded: "Xia Yu, Chinese Department Area 3..."

"What?" Shen Shengsheng was shocked. He pushed away the counselor and looked at the screen.

On the screen, the words "Chinese Department" are very conspicuous.

Touching his head, Shen Shengsheng couldn't understand why Xia Yu went to the Chinese Department.

I said he underestimated him even though he switched classes, so he just switched departments!

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yuan, I misunderstood you. You will leave later and I will treat you to dinner." Shen Shengsheng said to the counselor.

"No, no, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Then I'll bring the wine!" Shen Shengsheng ended the matter.

He pulled over the staff from the Academic Affairs Office next to him and asked what was going on.

The teacher from the Academic Affairs Office was also very surprised when he saw the students from the Music Department suddenly went to the Chinese Department. He searched for information and understood the situation.

"This Xia Yu was specially recruited into the Music Department last year, and this year he passed the college entrance examination and entered the Chinese Department. Because the special recruitment information and the college entrance examination enrollment information were not shared during the class placement, so Two Xia Yus came out." The teacher from the Academic Affairs Office said to Shen Shengsheng.

"He was specially recruited into the music department and then admitted into the Chinese department himself?" Shen Shengsheng couldn't understand this operation.

The counselor was also very surprised.

"Maybe I don't want to engage in music anymore, so I gave up music to study literature?" the teacher from the Academic Affairs Department joked.

This sentence ignited Shen Shengsheng's anger.

Slapping the table, Shen Shengsheng said angrily: "Nonsense!"

"Do you have the phone number of the Chinese teacher? Give me a copy." Shen Shengsheng felt that he must save this lost lamb and bring him to his big Shengle family.

On the other side, Xia Yu didn't know that he was in big trouble. After dinner, he returned to school and came to his dormitory.

He met his two roommates.

One is fatter, the other is thinner, the thin one is a bit handsome, and the fat one is more ordinary.

After a normal self-introduction, Xia Yu learned their names.

The fat one is called Yi Shiyou, and the thin one is called Qin Youliang.

Yi Shiyou's dress was simple, wearing a T-shirt and cropped trousers, while Qin Youliang was much more refined, wearing a small suit.

After talking a few words about the upcoming military training, Xia Yu asked about another roommate.

"No, there are only three of us here, and there is one empty bed." Yi Shiyou said, "If you have any luggage, you can throw it on that bed."

"Where's your luggage?" Qin Youliang discovered a blind spot.

"My home is nearby, so I didn't bring it with me," Xia Yu said.

Yi Shiyou narrowed his eyes and thought about it.

Qin Youliang just regretted: "It's great. I can still go home. I also want to live outside, but my parents won't let me."

"It's almost time, let's go to evening self-study." Yi Shiyou stood up and stopped the conversation.

The three of them came to the classroom together. Half of the students in the class had already arrived and were sitting in dormitories.

Xia Yu and the other three sat down, and Yi Shiyou skillfully intervened in the conversations of those around him. It was obvious that he was a person with strong social skills and was consciously trying to get closer to others.

Xia Yu guessed that he wanted to compete for the position of squad leader.

It was convenient to have a roommate as the monitor, and Xia Yu provided him with moral support.

Then he looked around.

A common problem in the liberal arts is that there are more girls than boys. When it comes to the literature major in District 1, the proportion of girls is slightly higher, nearly twice that of boys.

If Yi Shiyou wants to get the position of monitor, it is not enough to just have a good relationship with boys.

However, his male identity and undistinguished appearance make it difficult for him to gain support from girls.

Girls will also consider their own interests. If the monitor is of the opposite sex, it will definitely not be as convenient for the same sex.

After thinking about things boredly for a while, Xia Yu met the counselor of his class after the music started playing in the evening self-study.

That was a young counselor who was probably under thirty years old. He is also dressed in a campus style. If he were a student, no one would suspect him.

"First of all, welcome to the Chinese language class of Huada Chinese Language School. I am your counselor. My surname is Fu..."

After a series of very official speeches, the counselor asked the students to go on stage one by one in order of seating and introduce themselves.

There were no surprising remarks, everyone made introductions in a normal manner.

After the introduction, the counselor who had completed the process asked everyone to study by themselves, and then called out Xia Yu.

After walking out of the classroom, Xia Yu looked at the counselor in confusion.

"Do you know Professor Shen from the Music Department?" the counselor asked.

"I don't know him, but he might be someone the elders know." The elder Xia Yu mentioned was Liu Ronglan.

"He and I asked about you. You don't have to go to military training tomorrow morning. Come with me to the office of the Music Department to find Professor Shen." The counselor said, "By the way, do you want to try to run for class president?"

This means to open a small stove.

But Xia Yu had no interest in this kind of position. He didn't need this qualification to find a job, and he didn't want to use it as a springboard to join the student union.

Seeing Xia Yu shaking his head, the counselor was surprised. There are many benefits to being a monitor at BGI, but there are still people who are unwilling to do so.

However, considering Shen Shengsheng's identity, he felt that it was normal for Xia Yu to look down on the position of monitor.

"Okay, you can go back." The counselor nodded.

Back in class, Xia Yu wondered what Professor Shen wanted to do with him. Even if he was an old acquaintance of Liu Ronglan, there was no need to specifically ask him to meet him.

Or is it that the meeting was a fake, and that Professor Shen wanted to take this opportunity to reveal his relationship with himself and let the counselors and teachers take care of him?

This is a good person!

"Xia Yu, does the counselor know you?" Yi Shiyou looked at Xia Yu nervously, with a hint of hostility in his eyes, fearing that Xia Yu would compete with him for the position of monitor.

"I just asked an elder to give me a few words. I can't say that I know him." Xia Yu replied.

Yi Shiyou was silent for a while, then turned to Xia Yu and said, "Xia Yu, I heard that our college has a national flag team. It requires handsome and tall people. Your appearance is very good. Do you want to go in and try it?"

Xia Yu thought for a moment and realized that Yi Shiyou was trying to distract himself from competing with him for squad leader.

"You can show up at the flag-raising ceremony every week, and you have special clothes..." Yi Shiyou continued to seduce Xia Yu.

"No, I don't want to participate in any activities or run for any position. I just want to fish every day." Xia Yu said bluntly.

When his purpose was exposed, Yi Shiyou blushed, but he recovered immediately and assured Xia Yu: "Don't worry, I will help you cover it up when I become the monitor. Did the counselor tell you anything about the class?" ?”

Yi Shiyou wanted to take advantage of Xia Yu's relationship with the counselor again.

Xia Yu, who had some expectations for college life, suddenly felt boring.

Forget it, I don’t live in the school anyway.

After perfunctoryly dealing with Yi Shiyou, Xia Yu got down to business:

How was he going to meet An Siyao?

After the evening self-study get out of class, he clicked on the field and logged into An Siyao's body.

An Siyao was in the new villa at this time.

"Why didn't you go to evening study?" Xia Yu was surprised.

"I said I didn't feel well and ran away." An Siyao replied. This is the method Xia Yu taught her before.

"Isn't it possible?" The girl was a little worried.

"Okay, that'll be it from now on." Xia Yu encouraged An Siyao.

"Where should we meet?" An Siyao was more concerned about the meeting than Xia Yu.

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