Life swap game

260. An Siyao: The origin! (Second update)

In the early morning, the soft sunshine shines on the sea of ​​bright flowers.

It was a real sea of ​​flowers, and the entire hilltop was filled with all kinds of colorful flowers.

A girl was walking in the sea of ​​flowers. The girl was walking cautiously. She was walking on an extremely narrow path among the flowers.

She held up her skirt and looked at the path in front of her. At the corner, the hem of her skirt brushed against a flower. She immediately stopped, lifted the hem of her skirt higher, and continued walking more carefully.

A song came from the side. She looked along the sound and saw a bulging hillside. The hillside was bare and there was a huge boulder on the top.

On the top of the boulder is a mature woman of thirty years old. The woman is lying on her back. Placed next to her are picked flowers. The flowers near her body are bright, but more of the flowers outside have withered.

There was only a melodious melody in her singing, no lyrics, and the tone was cheerful.

But against the backdrop of the bare hillsides and many withered flowers, it looked a little scary.

The girl quickly left the hillside. In front of her, she saw another figure wearing the same skirt as her.

The figure did not walk cautiously on the path like her, but walked among the flowers. When he saw the novel and beautiful flowers, the figure stopped, picked one with his hand, touched it, and smelled it, but for a moment Then he threw away the flowers and continued to move forward without any attachment.

The girl wanted to follow, but the path was too winding, and the figure quickly went downhill and slowly disappeared from the girl's eyes.

At the end, the figure turned to look at the girl. The girl saw the other party's appearance.

It was the face of a teenager.

The sunlight suddenly became dazzling, and the girl closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw a somewhat unfamiliar bed.

An Siyao stood up from the sofa and looked at her legs. Her hands were empty.

She turned her head in panic and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Xia Yu sitting next to her.

"What are you dreaming about? You look so panicked." Xia Yu turned a page of the novel in his hand and looked at An Siyao.

They chatted in the room for a while, and An Siyao fell asleep. She probably didn't sleep well because of the meeting last night.

After thinking about her dream and thinking about the last figure she saw in a dress similar to her own, An Siyao replied, "I dreamed that you were wearing my dress."


Why is your girl so perverted!

Even if I wear a skirt, should I still wear your skirt?

What a shame PLAY!

Xia Yu was about to ask more questions, but An Siyao took his hand first and rested his head on her shoulder.

Xia Yu then closed his mouth.

It's too foul to get tired of it so naturally.

Rubbing his face on Xia Yu's shoulder again, An Siyao recalled that the last figure was Xia Yu. Who was the woman on the rock on the hillside before?

She quickly recalled the answer.

That's Yin Wan.

She didn't think about why she had such a dream, she just recalled the feeling of the dream and felt sad.

She quietly raised her head and looked at Xia Yu, who was reading a book.

The sun was about to set, and the last afterglow spilled into the room, casting a spot of light on Xia Yu's head.

That spot of light reminded An Siyao of the end of her dream. It was suddenly dazzling and drove away all sunlight.

Will Guang also drive Xia Yu away?

Stretching out her hand, An Siyao covered that part of Xia Yu's head to prevent the light spot from touching him.

Xia Yu was reading when he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his head. He turned around and found that An Siyao had put his hand on it.

Are you pretending to be asleep and touching my head?

Feeling that his majesty was challenged, Xia Yu threw the book aside and put a hand on An Siyao's head.

After blinking, An Siyao retracted her hand and held Xia Yu's other arm when she saw that the light spot had landed somewhere else due to Xia Yu's movements.

Xia Yu couldn't understand the logical circuit of An Siyao's actions.

Girls who are normally a little playful, shouldn't they put both hands up, then add their feet, and compete with each other to see who can put more?

Or some people are more shy, they will slap their hands away when they are strong, and they will bow their heads and pretend to be ostrich when they are weak.

How could you have such a reaction?

Not knowing the doubts in Xia Yu's heart, An Siyao felt a little confused when she felt the touch of this arm in her palm.

She thought of that day a year ago, when she was given a rare leave by the head maid because she had a low fever and stayed in the room to sleep.

Then, she saw her body and moved on her own initiative.

That was the day when she and Xia Yu looked at each other.

An Siyao was troubled for a moment by the sudden presence of another person in his body, and the control of this person took precedence over his own.

But then, she felt joy.

Responding to the expectations of the maids was too strenuous and she was already tired. It would be best to be replaced by someone else at this time.

But Xia Yu didn't walk on the narrow path as she imagined. Instead, he strolled into the flowers and even trampled some flowers blocking the road to death, flattening the soil and creating a new path. Come.

After Xia Yu returned, she felt relaxed and comfortable, and there was more space left for her in the sea of ​​flowers.

In this way, watching Xia Yu transform the sea of ​​flowers step by step, and finally wreath the flowers, she couldn't help but admire Xia Yu for being able to do such a thing.

Putting Xia Yu's palm against her cheek, An Siyao thought: As long as she follows him, she will be happy, right?

But the figure of Yin Wan lying on the boulder on the hillside still loomed in An Siyao's mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Yu couldn't understand An Siyao's actions, so he chose to ask directly.

"I miss you." An Siyao said honestly.

The next moment, Xia Yu's fist hit her head.

Xia Yu wanted to ask how An Siyao could say such words naturally, but once he asked, he felt like admitting defeat.

"Why did you hit me?" Holding her head, An Siyao felt a little aggrieved.

"Actually, I have a disease that randomly knocks people on the head." Xia Yu chose to lie.

"You're teasing me again." Although An Siyao said this, he didn't feel unhappy at all.

Xia Yu changed the subject.

"How did you feel when you were sure it was me?" He asked curiously.

"I was just suddenly shocked. I didn't expect you to be secretly by my side." An Siyao's words were full of sweetness.

It's like a little boy who found out that the scary doll that had been following him to school was actually a neighbor's older sister. His initial unhappiness immediately turned into sweetness, and he was a little worried about whether his previous attitude was a bit bad. .

The two talked about other things together, until Youxue knocked on the door and asked them to eat.

After dinner, in order to prevent An Tianfeng and Yu Liang from arresting him for torture, Xia Yu and Youxue sent An Siyao back to the villa.

On the way back in the car, Youxue poked Xia Yu's waist and encouraged Xia Yu to hurry up and trick An Siyao into coming to her home.

Xia Yu didn't reply.

The next morning, Xia Yu came to Xu Youxiang's body.

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