Life swap game

279. The terror of being dominated

After hanging up Kong Hanyue's call, Xia Yu looked at the time. It was now half past one in the afternoon. Zhong Yunxin would arrive at about half past two. He had an hour to prepare.

Xia Yu thought about what method to use to intimidate Zhong Yunxin.

Five minutes later, Xia Yu called An Siyao's number and asked the girl to come to his house.

Afterwards, he also set off for the airport to pick up Zhong Yunxin.

Zhong Yunxin's plane arrived twenty minutes early, and when Xia Yu arrived, the girl had been waiting in the lobby for five minutes.

There were many people in the hall, but Xia Yu recognized Zhong Yunxin at a glance.

Because her dress is really too conspicuous.

Zhong Yunxin wore a red tights on her upper body and a black leather jacket on her upper body. She wore ripped jeans on her lower body and a pair of slippers on her feet.

If it weren't for her outstanding face, she would look like a monster.

Some people close to her were looking at her secretly.

Xia Yu didn't rush forward and looked at Zhong Yunxin like passers-by.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Although Zhong Yunxin regained her boldness in her clothes, her hair was still black and did not turn red.

Seeing Zhong Yunxin scanning around impatiently for him, Xia Yu walked forward.

Before he walked up to Zhong Yunxin, he encountered the attention of passers-by around him.

Although passers-by felt that Zhong Yunxin's clothes did not match, they all expressed their approval of Zhong Yunxin's face.

Clothes are all foreign objects, only the face is irreplaceable and one of the most important parts of appearance.

Several boys had wanted to chat with Zhong Yunxin before, but they were all rejected by Zhong Yunxin.

They were curious about how Xia Yu would be treated.

To their disappointment, Zhong Yunxin's eyes lit up when she saw Xia Yu. She came to Xia Yu and grabbed Xia Yu's hand.

In an instant, the boys who were paying attention to Zhong Yunxin felt their hearts breaking.

At the same time, the girls who paid attention to Xia Yu because of his handsome appearance also felt their hearts were broken.

However, after Zhong Yunxin called Xia Yu "brother", their eyes changed again.

Xia Yu and Zhong Yunxin both felt the malicious looks directed at them. Zhong Yunxin raised his head, glanced at the owners with a condescending look, and turned his gaze away.

This girl's bluff is quite powerful.

Zhong Yunxin has a character that makes her strong when she is weak and weak when she is strong. The more the other person is afraid of her, the more arrogant she becomes. If the other person is no longer afraid of her and becomes aggressive toward her, she will be afraid.

However, generally speaking, the attitude of ordinary people is to calm things down. In Zhong Yunxin's view, this is also a sign of weakness, which will make her even more proud.

Now, she was very proud, because those people she glared at avoided their eyes.

"I'm awesome!" Zhong Yunxin proudly showed off to Xia Yu.

"It's amazing." Xia Yu said perfunctorily, patting Zhong Yunxin's head.

"How are my clothes?" Zhong Yunxin changed the topic again.

"Well..." Xia Yu touched his chin and looked at it for two seconds, "Turn around and let me take a look."

After Zhong Yunxin turned around, Xia Yu looked at it pretentiously for another five or six seconds, and finally concluded: "Not bad, not bad."

In fact, Xia Yu really wanted to criticize Zhong Yunxin's outfit.

However, since ancient times, true love cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

Zhong Yunxin was not satisfied with what Xia Yu said, but she felt that Xia Yu had carefully read the true evaluation, so overall, she was very satisfied with Xia Yu's evaluation.

She patted Xia Yu on the shoulder, feeling that Xia Yu was his confidant.

The two got into the car and drove towards Xia Yu's home.

In the car, Zhong Yunxin talked about clothes again, and Xia Yu catered to her.

The car quickly arrived outside the community, and Xia Yu walked inside with Zhong Yunxin.

When they arrived outside Xia Yu's house, Zhong Yunxin told Xia Yu about Kong Hanyue again: "Kong Hanyue also commented on my dressing up and asked me to take it off, you know better."

"Why would you take it off if you look so good?" Xia Yu said honestly, "If you don't take it off, I won't take it off until you die!"

"No matter what, I won't take it off until I die." Zhong Yunxin believed deeply, "She takes off her clothes whenever she wants. How is that possible?"

"Don't worry, you can wear whatever you want here with me!" Xia Yu promised.

"Okay!" Zhong Yunxin was deeply pleased.

Then the next moment, she saw An Siyao walking out from behind the opened door.


Zhong Yunxin turned to look at Xia Yu: "Where is my room?"

Quickly entering her room, Zhong Yunxin opened her suitcase and took out a regular set of T-shirts and casual pants.

Next to him, Xia Yu said coaxingly: "What should I change into? It looks so good like this. I told you to wear whatever you want."

"That girl An Siyao is a dangerous person. I still have to give her some face. She asked me to change her and I can't do it." Zhong Yunxin said.

"But she didn't let you change." Xia Yu continued.

"...I can feel her thoughts!"

"You said you won't change even if you die?" Xia Yu said again.

Zhong Yunxin finally became angry and pushed Xia Yu out of the door.

Three minutes later, Zhong Yunxin, dressed normally, walked out.

Her expression was reserved, and she glanced at An Siyao from time to time.

After confirming that An Siyao didn't want to cause trouble for her just because of her dress, she felt relieved.

Arriving in front of Xia Yu, Zhong Yunxin took his hand and said, "Why is An Siyao here with you!"

Naturally, Xia Yu would not tell An Siyao that he was the one who called her. He said, "She's here for dinner."

"Why is she eating here with you?"

Zhong Yunxin originally thought that An Siyao had already entered university and she would never see An Siyao again. She could finally get rid of An Siyao's control. But now, she actually saw An Siyao again at Xia Yu's house?

"Because she is my brother's girlfriend." Youxue, who came over with juice, explained.

Zhong Yunxin silently calculated it. An Siyao was Xia Yu's girlfriend, which meant that An Siyao could still control her.

However, now An Siyao is Xia Yu's girlfriend, and Xia Yu is her comrade, which means that she can use Xia Yu to ask An Siyao to leave her alone?

She told Xia Yu this idea.

In order to dispel Zhong Yunxin's thoughts, Xia Yu sighed and said to Zhong Yunxin with a sad expression:

"Actually, I was also coerced."

Zhong Yunxin was shocked, but she felt that the fierce An Siyao was completely capable of doing such a thing.

She patted Xia Yu's shoulder and recalled the days when An Siyao forced her to wear normal clothes.

She said to Xia Yu seriously: "I understand."

"So I really can't help you with the clothes matter." Xia Yu said again.

"I know, I don't want this box of clothes anymore. I'll hide them and wear them when I buy new ones." Zhong Yunxin comforted Xia Yu.

"Where to hide?"

After finding out where Zhong Yunxin was going to hide his clothes, Xia Yu thought that after a few days, Zhong Yunxin would start hiding, so he went to look for it.

But now, the first thing to do is to go to An Siyao's body and confiscate Zhong Yunxin's clothes.

Clicking on the field, Xia Yu came to An Siyao's body.

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