Life swap game

284. Increased endurance

"I just asked you to start a business with me, but you poached me before we even started?" Duan Yi looked at Xia Yu with confusion.

"How are you? Are you coming?" Xia Yu asked again.

"I won't come." Duan Yi shook her head firmly, "I want to start my own business."

"Why do you start your own business? What's so good about opening a milk tea shop." Xia Yu continued to seduce Duan Yi.

Duan Yi thought for three seconds and shook her head: "Forget it, I still want to do it myself."

After rejecting Xia Yu, Duan Yi started to pull him up again: "Didn't you agree with me to open a store together before? Why do you want to do it yourself now? If you didn't agree before, I wouldn't be so quick. development plan.”

"Don't worry, I will still go when you open the store. My job is to show my face anyway." Xia Yu did not refuse Duan Yi directly, but just said that he would not pay much attention to the store's affairs.

"That's enough." Duan Yi nodded. She originally just wanted to use Xia Yu's fame to increase the popularity of the milk tea shop.

"I wish you success." Xia Yu wished Duan Yi on the surface, but secretly, he wanted to wait until Duan Yi's milk tea shop could no longer be opened before dragging the girl over.

He had read Duan Yi's plan. Duan Yi wanted to open a milk tea shop on the street near the school. However, Xia Yu felt that the location was not very good.

If there were no special changes in Duan Yi's plan, this milk tea shop would probably be a little cold.

After a day of study, Xia Yu returned home. In the early morning of the next day, he entered the body of a brown bear.

At this time, it was already morning over there with the brown bear.

The brown bear is in front of the cave. Next to the bear, the girl in the mask is also touching the scar on the brown bear's head.

Her movements were very careful, and Xia Yu felt a little itchy.

He raised his bear claws, trying to scare the girl, but the girl was not scared this time.

She looked at Xiong Yu's raised paw.

After hanging his paw in the air for a while, Xiong Yu could only take it back.

He couldn't scare this girl anymore. What a failure.

With a groan, Xiong Yu stood up and walked away.

He came here this time to prepare to start practicing his skills, and to move the brown bear's activities away from the village to prevent being attacked by hunters.

Now that there is no way to recover the brown bear, Xia Yu can only reduce the danger of the brown bear through this method.

After walking for a while, Xia Yu found that the girl was still following behind. He quickened his pace again, but the girl also quickened his pace.

Xia Yu felt that he could lead her to a deserted cave, and then...

Then he tied her up, wrote words with his paws, and asked her where exactly this place was so that he could come and pick up the brown bear.

But this is too shocking. If you want to avoid being discovered, it is best to keep silent.

Kidnapping and silencing are two things that cannot be done. Bears in the forest are at the top of the food chain anyway, so they will be fine.

When they came to a stream, Xia Yu poured water over it. The girl finally couldn't follow him this time. She stood by the stream with a sad look on her face.

Holding back his softness, Xia Yu moved on.

This time, he ran straight away.

He used game points to buy twenty experience cards, used them on himself, and began to practice endurance.

After running like this intermittently for six hours, Xia Yu stopped and found a huge hollow tree.

Approaching there, Xia Yu estimated the space in the trees. Two bears could probably lie down.

He decided to camp here.

Continuing to run around the neighborhood, Xiong Yu took a look at the bad environment around him, and returned to his body eight hours later.

He opened the skills panel and took a look at his skills.

The endurance skill has been obtained and has reached LV2. According to the previously estimated formula, it is not far from LV3.

After changing into sportswear, Xia Yu went to the gym in the community.

He found the treadmill and started running.

Because this was the first time he came into contact with a treadmill in this world, Xia Yu didn't know how to operate it, so he asked a man next to him to start the treadmill.

After teaching Xia Yu, the man took a sip of water and pressed the start button to start running.

As he ran, he looked at Xia Yu again and again.

He was thinking that he didn't know how to operate a treadmill, and he had never seen him in a gym before, so he was probably an ordinary person.

For ordinary people, running at this speed for about ten minutes would be considered strong.

He smiled contemptuously and silently adjusted his speed to a level higher than Xia Yu's.

He looked back at Xia Yu and felt that he needed to let him know the difference between fitness enthusiasts and ordinary people.

He ran for less than a minute. Xia Yu, who felt that his energy loss was too slow, also increased his speed.

The man frowned and increased his speed again. Xia Yu, who still felt that his physical exertion was too slow, also increased his speed.

After the speed was already very fast, when he saw that Xia Yu no longer increased his speed, the man first breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled contemptuously.

At this speed, an ordinary person can't do it in about five minutes. Let's see the gap between ordinary people and fitness experts!

Thinking like this, the man ran hard.

Three minutes later, listening to Xia Yu's gentle breathing, the man felt something was wrong.

Five minutes later, when he saw that Xia Yu was still persisting and his breathing was only a little messy, the man panicked a little.

However, at this time, he still had a little confidence in his heart.

Another five minutes passed, and the man's breathing was already very rapid, but Xia Yu was still just panting slightly.

The man finally panicked and lost all confidence, but he still persisted.

Twenty minutes later, the man's legs went weak, his feet were taken outside by the treadmill, and he fell to the ground.

If an ordinary person falls, no one will laugh at him, but the man is also very popular in the gym, and everyone who knows him laughs loudly.

A few people who knew his name came up to tease him.

The man responded to the teasing with a blushing face and sat aside, using the machine to stretch his arm muscles while continuing to look at Xia Yu.

The more he looked, the more surprised he was. His legs were completely weak, but the young man in front of him could still maintain his speed.

After Xia Yu finally got off the treadmill, the man immediately stepped forward and asked, "Brother, are you a long-distance runner?"

Xia Yu was stunned and didn't understand why the other party asked. He answered honestly: "No."

"What other athlete is that?" the man continued to ask without giving up.

"I'm a student in the Chinese Department of Huada." After saying this, Xia Yu left the gym.

In the gym, the man was still standing there, thinking about what Xia Yu said about Hua students.

Since he is a student in the Chinese Department, he is naturally not an athlete. He is not an athlete but he has such good physical strength. It is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon among the people!

It's a pity that I didn't ask for my contact information.

The man sighed.

On the other side, when Xia Yu returned home, he received a call from Yu Ningmeng.

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