Life swap game

286. Three-color young fragrance

Xu Youxiang didn't want to say it, but Xia Yu couldn't force it.

Xia Yu wrote down this matter and decided to investigate it quietly.

He stood up, went to the window sill, and closed the curtains.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Youxiang said immediately, with a bit of shame and anger in her words.

"I've seen it so many times, why are you so shy?" Xia Yu closed the curtains nonchalantly, and the room immediately became dark.

He opened the curtains a small crack to let in a little light so that there wouldn't be no light at all in the room.

After all preparations were completed, Xia Yu opened the drawer of the bedside table and took out a mirror from it. Lying on the bed, Xia Yu held the mirror in front of him.

He looked at Xu Youxiang's eyes in the mirror.

Under the side effects of the medicine, the color of Xu Youxiang's iris changed magically. Under different lighting, it would change between purple, blue and amber.

At this time, Xu Youxiang's eyes were light purple.

The purple eyes are crystal clear, more gorgeous than amethysts, and more agile than amethysts.

Touching his eyes, Xia Yu sighed at the beauty.

"Have you seen enough?" Xu Youxiang felt a little uncomfortable.

Being looked into the eyes by the person she likes is a very embarrassing thing. If she were to control her body, she would immediately turn her head away, but it was Xia Yu who controlled her body at the moment, and Xu Youxiang had no way to avoid looking away.

"Wait while I take some photos." Xia Yu raised Xu Youxiang's phone, took a photo of the purple eyes in the mirror, and sent it to his mailbox.

After observing like this for twenty minutes, Xia Yu turned on the lights in the room again. Under the lights, Xu Youxiang's eyes showed a light blue color again, like a cloudless sky.

After observing for another ten minutes, Xia Yu opened the curtains and continued to watch.

In the daylight, Xu Youxiang's eyes are amber.

When Xia Yu put down the mirror, Xu Youxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's play games." In order to prevent Xia Yu from observing by himself, Xu Youxiang tried to distract him.

"Let me take a look at the house you live in first." Xia Yu stood up and walked out of the bedroom, preparing to go to the living room to take a look.

But when he opened the door, he saw a narrow corridor with rooms on both sides.

This is a small apartment converted from two bedrooms and one living room or three bedrooms and one living room.

"It's very unsafe here." Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang said.

"I've been here for five days, what did you say at this time?" Xu Youxiang was a little emotional. She was hinting that Xia Yu hadn't come over for five days.

"I've been a little busy recently." Xia Yu explained, and he assured, "It's almost settled now, and I will come here more often in the future."

Explanations make no sense, humans cannot understand each other, and only tangible means of compensation are real.

Xu Youxiang snorted and stopped talking.

Xia Yu returned to the room. He took out the bank card from the drawer, took out Xu Youxiang's mobile phone, and looked through her address book.

From inside, Xia Yu found the phone numbers of Yu Liang and An Tianfeng.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu called Yu Ningmeng.

He and Yu Ningmeng asked for a villa.

Yu Ningmeng arranged for someone to go through the transfer procedures for Xu Youyu, and took Xu Youxiang to the new villa.

Xia Yu and Yu Ningmeng asked for a nanny again.

Maid is a servant specially trained by the upper class, and has a special school. Even if the average person has money, there is no way to hire a regular maid, so they can only play cosplay.

Xia Yu could also ask Yu Ningmeng for a maid, but Xu Youxiang didn't want one. She even rejected the young and beautiful nanny Xia Yu chose and asked for a middle-aged aunt.

"I am an upright person!" Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang said.

"You are an upright person, but those nannies may not be." Xu Youxiang has recently read some novels and was deeply impressed by the plot in which the nanny deceived the male protagonist into taking the position.

Xia Yu didn't know that Xu Youxiang specially screened out nannies who had daughters and chose one without children.

"Can they still have eyes like yours?" Xia Yu couldn't help but take out his phone again and took a look at Xu Youxiang's eyes.

Xu Youxiang suddenly became frightened: "Are you the kind of pervert with special hobbies?"

"I'm not interested in individual human organs." Xia Yu replied.

"I'm talking about those who like to tarnish beauty..."

"Okay, don't say any more." Xia Yu stopped Xu Youxiang.

Leaning against the wall, Xia Yu thought about how to continue communicating with the knowledgeable Xu Youxiang.

"Let's play games." He opened his laptop.

Waiting until two o'clock in the afternoon, he saw the nanny coming. After using his telepathy and sensing that what came from the nanny were kind thoughts, Xia Yu returned to his body with peace of mind.

He picked up Tuo Yu's diary and saw that Tuo Yu had written a phone number.

Picking up the phone, he found it was an unfamiliar number.

I called the number again, and what sounded on the other side was a sweet and very deliberate voice.

That was Xia Yu's secretary, the secretary of the company An Siyao gave him.

After Yu Ningmeng gave him the news yesterday, she asked the company secretary to urge him today. It seemed that she was determined to give Xia Yu a test.

It just so happened that Xia Yu was also planning to go there now.

Half an hour later, the secretary drove his car outside the villa.

When Xia Yu came downstairs, he saw a woman who was about twenty-five or six years old, with a sweet smile and a fake face.

As he got closer to the woman, Xia Yu felt a faint hostility from her body, but after he got closer, the hostility slowly disappeared.

Xia Yu frowned slightly, thinking about what was going on.

The secretary introduced herself to him.

Xia Yu didn't listen carefully. There was probably something wrong with this secretary and he wouldn't be able to be a secretary soon.

Opening the door at the back and letting Xia Yu in, the secretary closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

"Sit tight," she reminded.

"Okay." Xia Yu thought the secretary's driving skills were a bit showy, so he tensed his muscles and made preparations.

As a result, the car drove very smoothly, with almost no impact.

After driving the car onto the avenue, the secretary started chatting with Xia Yu. After hearing that Xia Yu was a Hua student, her body felt hostility again, but after hearing that Xia Yu was a Chinese major, the hostility disappeared.

Xia Yu touched his chin and basically confirmed the problem.

Do you think that since I majored in Chinese, I don’t understand company management?

When he arrived at the company, Xia Yu saw the management waiting in line at the door again.

They all said "Hello, Chairman" and the like, looking very solemn and loyal. If it weren't for the faint hostility coming from them, Xia Yu might have believed it.

Under their arrangement, Xia Yu visited this small company and listened to their boasts.

After going around like this, Xia Yu found that all their hostility had disappeared.

Do you think I'm being fooled?

Xia Yu smiled slightly. He came to the office and asked his secretary to bring him the accounts.

The moment he said it, Xia Yu felt strong hostility.

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