Life swap game

294. A generation of bear saints (first update)

Xiong Yu didn't go directly to teach the strong man a lesson. He thought that maybe the strong man was just passing by.

But the strong man's calm expression after seeing him told Xia Yu that the strong man was indeed coming for him.

Looking at his burly bear body, Xia Yu didn't know where the strong man got the courage to stand in front of him, just with a wooden gun in his hand?

Leaning against the tree, Xiong Yu looked at the strong man in front of him.

In addition to the wooden gun in his hand, the strong man also carried a backpack on his back, and he didn't know what was in the backpack.

However, Xiong Yu, who has a bear body and superb skills, is not afraid at all.

He saw the strong man put down his backpack, holding a wooden gun horizontally, opening his hands and legs, and moving around.

After thinking for two seconds, Xia Yu understood what the strong man meant. The strong man was trying to make his body look bigger to put pressure on him.

If it were a real bear, it might have been coaxed by the strong man at this time, but in Xia Yu's opinion, the strong man was just teasing.

After walking around like this for a while, seeing that Xiong Yu was unmoved, the strong man's face hardened, and he let out a roar imitating a tiger.


I learned pretty well.

Not only did his mouth move, but the strong man's hands also made new movements. He grabbed the wooden gun with both hands and turned the gun hard. The gun turned into an afterimage, and it looked full of momentum.

Xia Yu sat down and watched slowly.

Seeing that the action still failed, the strong man retreated behind the backpack. He stared at Xiong Yu and took out something from the backpack.

That's a bunch of firecrackers.

Place the firecracker on the ground and the strong man lights it with a match.

There was a beeping sound, and the strong man danced with the wooden gun.

The sound of firecrackers is very loud and is very effective in driving away wild beasts. There is even a legend that firecrackers can be used to drive away the Nian beast.

The strong man felt that no matter how calm the brown bear in front of him was, he would be frightened and run away after hearing the loud noise of the firecrackers.

Sure enough, when he saw the expressionless brown bear just now, his expression changed.

Xiong Yu looked amazed and clapped his hands.

The strong man's hand froze, and the wooden gun fell out of his hand and was thrown aside.

Judging from the expression of the brown bear in front of him, the strong man felt like a monkey performing in a zoo.

It's obviously just a bear!

I'm setting off cannons and dancing with guns. Don't you, a bear, even know how to be afraid?

You forced me to do this!

The strong man reached his hand to his waist and took out a handful.

This time, he finally saw a look of horror on the brown bear's face.

Smiling with satisfaction, the strong man was about to fire two shots to scare the brown bear away, but the next moment, there was no shadow of the brown bear in his field of vision.

The brown bear ran behind the tree and ran towards him in an arc.

Although it was an arc, the brown bear was very fast. The brown bear ran upright with his paws behind him, like a ninja.

As he got closer, the brown bear flew up the tree, kicked off the trunk, and rushed to his position.

Without enough time to turn the gun, the strong man hurriedly dodged to the side.

The strong man rolled around on the ground and stood up, pointing the muzzle of the gun in the direction of the brown bear. At this time, a bear paw came and slapped the gun out of his hand.

At the same time, a bear leg stepped towards his body.

The strong man rolled again and dodged the kick.

"Come on!" The strong man shouted. Although his weapon was gone, he was not panicked and his fighting skills were not bad.

The brown bear is too fast and there is no way to run. The only way is to fight head-on to win time.

He got into a fighting stance and punched the brown bear in the eye.

He thought that if the brown bear didn't hide, it would lose its combat effectiveness for a while after being hit in the eyes. If the brown bear did hide, he would have a secret move to sweep his vaginal legs. Even the bear couldn't withstand this blow.

The brown bear avoided his punch, which was what the strong man had expected. The strong man retracted his hand and kicked his foot hard.

The brown bear's leg bent again, blocking the path of his foot.

The strong man kicked the brown bear's leg, causing a burst of pain.

Holding back the pain, the strong man immediately responded. He took a step forward, entered the brown bear's arms, grabbed the brown bear's paw, and used force on his waist to throw the brown bear out.

If it were a human, he would be confident of knocking the opponent out of combat, but he was facing a bear at the moment, and he was not sure how much damage he could cause to the bear.

But thinking about it, the bear that was thrown out would be stunned for a while, and maybe he would just leave.

As long as the brown bear is stunned for a while, he will have time to think about what to do next.

Thinking of this, he increased his strength and used all his strength. He felt that the brown bear's body was pressing on his back.

With one last hard throw, the brown bear can be thrown out.

However, there was no way to use his last strength.

A bear paw pressed against his tailbone.

With the force of the bear's paw, his body that had been sinking had to straighten up. The point of emphasis disappeared and there was no way to throw the brown bear again.

The strong man immediately lost his strength, let go of the bear's claws, rolled forward, separated himself from the brown bear for a distance, and picked up the spear on the ground.

He didn't have time to think about how a brown bear could be so powerful. He turned the spear twice on his wrist, performed two gun dances, put mental pressure on the brown bear, and then rushed towards the brown bear.

When he was five steps away from the brown bear, the gun was aimed at the brown bear's eyes, but at the fourth step, the gun was pointed at the brown bear's paws, and at the third step it was directed at Tianling Gai.

Standing firm on the second step, the strong man flicked the tip of his spear and pointed it towards the brown bear's wrist.

Finally, before the tip of the spear hit his wrist, he made another twist, and the tip of the spear struck the brown bear's eye again.

This series of moves, with many changes and many feints, is the most powerful move in the strong man's family's marksmanship. Originally, the strong man could only use three feints, but under the pressure of the brown bear, he broke through. It has reached the point of four voids!

His eyes widened and he looked excitedly at the tip of the gun poking into the brown bear's eye.

This was a shot that condensed all his martial arts experience, a shot that condensed the first half of his life, and a shot that condensed all his energy and energy!


A bear paw stretched out and firmly grasped the tip of the gun.

The strong man and the brown bear looked at each other in silence for two seconds.

The brown bear used force to dodge the wooden gun from the strong man's hand.

The wooden gun started turning on the brown bear's paw, from the wrist to the neck and then to the waist, even more vigorously than the strong man had just done!

After turning around, he grabbed the gun at his waist. The brown bear poked the tip of the gun into the strong man's eyes.

The strong man hurriedly stepped back and lowered his head. The brown bear took another step forward and poked the strong man's feet with the tip of the spear. The strong man rolled and put away his feet. The brown bear took another big step and attacked his Tianling Gai.

The strong man's scalp was numb, and he was rolling around like a lazy donkey.

As soon as he stopped, he saw the tip of the gun running towards his wrist again.

Before he could get up in time, the strong man kicked the ground and moved his body less than half a meter, out of the attack range of the spear tip.

However, there is a fourth turn at the tip of the spear.

At this time, the strong man had nowhere to dodge. He could only watch the tip of the gun magnify in his eyes.

The tip of the gun stayed in front of his eyes for two seconds. The brown bear retracted the gun and inserted it on the ground between his legs, with a smile on his face.

Only then did the strong man realize that the spear technique used by the brown bear was the same as the one he had just used.

He also knew that the bear was laughing at him.

But there was no mocking anger in the strong man's heart, and he was filled with astonishment.

Looking back at the scene just now, he felt that he was not fighting a brown bear, but a fighting master.

He actually lost to a bear in combat?

Lying on the ground, the strong man couldn't accept it, so he pretended to be dead.

He didn't know that what he was facing was not a brown bear, but Xiong Yu, who had dexterity level 4 and fighting level 2.

Xiong Yu kicked him on the waist to get him up.

The strong man had good hands and good fighting skills. He was obviously not an ordinary person. Xia Yu wondered why the other party came to find him.

Judging from the strong man's actions, he wanted to expel himself from this place.

Just as Xia Yu was thinking about it, he smelled a familiar smell.

Raising his head, Xia Yu looked east.

The strong man also quietly looked to the east. Among the dense trees, a figure ran towards this side.

That's the mask girl.

Seeing the girl, the strong man's expression changed drastically.

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