Life swap game

299. I already have a girlfriend! (2-in-1)

When Le Miaomiao was wondering why Yan Wei and Yan Li were here, Yan Wei moved.

Yan Wei grabbed Le Miaomiao's collar with an angry expression.

Le Miaomiao thought that her seduction of Xia Yu was discovered. She hurriedly explained: "There was a misunderstanding, I just tested him!"

"Testing her? What does my sister want you to test?" Yan Wei looked at Le Miaomiao with disgust in her eyes, and her words were filled with sorrow, "I treat you as a good friend, but you want to sleep with my sister!"

"Eh?" Le Miaomiao was stunned.

She turned to look at Yan Li, who shrank behind Yan Wei and looked at her with fearful eyes.

"I can accept that you like women, and I can understand that you like little girls, but with the relationship we have, you actually attacked my sister!" Yan Wei pushed Le Miaomiao against the wall with a hard push.

"Wait a minute, what does it have to do with your sister?" Le Miaomiao was confused, and Yan Wei's expression made her a little scared.

"You still want to quibble, I have read all the chat records between you and Lili!" Tears were already gathering in Yan Wei's eyes, "Ask my sister to come to your room to help you apply sunscreen, and you should apply it all over her body! "

"Ah?" Le Miaomiao's mind became even more confused.

She seems to have said this indeed? But she wasn’t talking to Yan Li!

"No," unable to understand the logic, Le Miaomiao chose to avoid the topic of her sister, "I am planning to take pictures..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yan Wei: "Are you actually planning to take pictures?"

Taking two steps back, Yan Wei saw her best friend clearly for the first time. She didn't expect that the other party was such a pervert.

Yan Wei glanced around and found the camera lens from behind a stack of books.

"You're actually planning to shoot!" She grabbed Le Miaomiao's collar and punched him.

Le Miaomiao, who didn't want to be beaten, ran away.

The two of them ran away and chased each other, but were discovered by Mrs. Yan.

"Stop, stop, what happened?" Mrs. Yan grabbed Le Miaomiao and pushed away Yan Wei who was about to hit Le Miaomiao.

"Grandma, she is going to bully Lili!" Yan Wei's anger was still lingering. She looked around and took the sword hanging on the wall in her hand.

"It is normal for each other to be bullied and bullied. As long as it is not intentional, there is no problem." Mrs. Yan thought that what Yan Wei said was just ordinary bullying.

The old lady asked again: "Why did she bully Lili?"

"She asked Lili to go to her room and help her put on sunscreen," Yan Wei said.

Mrs. Yan glanced out the window in confusion. It's night now. What kind of sunscreen should I put on?

"She also said that she would also help Lili wipe her whole body." When she said the last three words, Yan Wei emphasized her tone.

Mrs. Yan turned her head and looked at Le Miaomiao with strange eyes.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Le Miaomiao hurriedly explained to herself.

She started from the moment she met Xia Yu and explained clearly what she had done.

The anger on Yan Wei's face slowly disappeared and turned expressionless. The reason for being expressionless was that she didn't know what kind of expression she should show.

Taking out Yan Li's phone and flipping through it, Yan Wei told Le Miaomiao: "The one you added is not Xia Yu, but Li Li. Xia Yu told Yan Li that you wanted to add her, and then gave you Li Li's number. .”

"Ah?" Le Miaomiao's expression became wonderful.

In other words, the person she just seduced was actually Yan Li?

A little exciting.

After resolving the misunderstanding, the two shook hands and made peace, and Yan Wei put the sword back on the wall.

Le Miaomiao gritted her teeth and chanted Xia Yu's name in her heart.

"Okay, okay, the banquet is almost over. You can go down and have some fun. Weiwei, please remember to keep that boy Xia Yu." Mrs. Yan's face was full of smiles. She was happy about what just happened. .

She wasn't involved, so she didn't have any complicated emotions, she just found it interesting.

Le Miaomiao's clothes were a little messy from running. She went back to the room to change and apologize to Yan Li. Yan Wei came downstairs and extended an invitation to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu frowned slightly. He went to meet Yan Wei's family in private. What a big deal.

Yan Wei tempted him with white jade dumplings. He originally wanted to say righteously that white jade dumplings could not corrupt his personality, but the white jade dumplings were made by Yan Baiyu.

"Okay." He nodded in agreement.

He thought that as long as he told Yan Wei that he had a girlfriend while Yan Wei's parents were around, the matter could be resolved satisfactorily.

Will some parents let their daughters take advantage of other people’s homes?

After the banquet was over and all the guests had left, Mrs. Yan walked up to Xia Yu.

She grabbed Xia Yu's hand and said, "You must be Xia Yu. You are truly a talented person."

"Hello grandma." Xia Yu responded with a smile. He didn't know how to deal with the woman's parents, so he kept his elegance and mental healing skills enabled.

Mrs. Yan pulled Xia Yu upstairs to the small living room upstairs.

"I hear Weiwei always mentioning you. Compared to you, she is really inferior. If she can go to Baiyue Academy, her grandfather gave her a back door." Mrs. Yan changed the topic to Yan Wei.

From the psychiatric treatment, it was analyzed that Mrs. Yan was not dissatisfied with Yan Wei, but also very satisfied with Yan Wei. However, after saying polite words, Xia Yu immediately praised Yan Wei vigorously.

Mrs. Yan was beaming.

Mrs. Yan originally wanted to start testing Xia Yu's temperament with a few polite words to Xia Yu, but what Xia Yu said always scratched her itchy flesh, making her forget about the test and feel happy. He chatted with Xia Yu.

After chatting like this for half an hour, Mrs. Yan still had more to say.

She looked at the time and stood up: "I'm going to see if her grandpa has prepared the snacks, and call them over by the way."

After saying that, Mrs. Yan walked out of the living room.

A minute later, Le Miaomiao came to the living room first. Without saying a word, she sat in front of Xia Yu and glared at him fiercely.

Xia Yu guessed that the Penguin had been discovered.

He was thinking in his mind: Didn't I just tell you a fake number? How about such a blood feud?

He didn't know that if Mrs. Yan hadn't stopped her and if Le Miaomiao had run so fast that Yan Wei hadn't caught up with her, they would have had a bloody feud.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Li and Youxue walked in.

Seeing Le Miaomiao, Yan Li's face showed fear. She pulled Youxue and sat at the farthest place from Le Miaomiao.

Youxue, who knew what happened, covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

Le Miaomiao glared at Xia Yu even more fiercely.

Xia Yu frowned after being stared at by Le Miaomiao for a long time. He was not a good-tempered person either.

Launching a threat, he bared his teeth at Le Miaomiao.

For a moment, Le Miaomiao seemed to see a mouth full of fangs.

Her body tensed and she wanted to retreat, but her back hit the sofa before she regained her energy.

She looked at Xia Yu's mouth again. Her lips were red and attractive, as if she had just had a hallucination. But the fangs were still flashing in her mind, and she didn't dare to look at Xia Yu anymore.

Xia Yu stood up and came to Yan Li and Youxue. The two girls were playing a hand shadow game with a lamp. Their palms cast shadows like rabbits and crocodiles on the wall.

He joined in.

After another minute, Mrs. Yan and Yan Baiyu came to the living room.

After glancing around inside, Mrs. Yan's body froze, and she hissed in her heart.

She was looking in the direction where Xia Yu and Yan Li Youxue were playing together.

There, Xia Yu used both hands to play with his hand shadows. On the wall, what was a rabbit one second turned into an antelope, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a crocodile.

Xia Yu's speed was very fast, and he had very little time to move his finger position. It looked like a rabbit suddenly turned into an antelope, and then into a crocodile and gray wolf.

In the middle of the change, Xia Yu's fingers almost appeared as afterimages.

Such finger dexterity...

Mrs. Yan glanced at Yan Wei, who was also watching with a blush on her face.

After coming to the coffee table and sitting down, Mrs. Yan distributed the snacks to everyone.

Originally, there were still some people at home, but in order not to put pressure on Xia Yu, Mrs. Yan only asked Yan Baiyu to follow her in.

Yan Baiyu's face was sullen. He had no good impression of Xia Yu who wanted to kidnap his granddaughter.

Xia Yu didn't pay attention. His attention at the moment was all on the white jade dumplings made by Yan Baiyu.

He could see the difference at a glance. The skin of the white jade dumplings made by Yan Baiyu was more crystal clear and more elastic.

Xia Yu poked the dumpling with chopsticks, and was surprised to find that the dumpling trembled, as if what he poked was a jelly.

Seeing the amazement on Xia Yu's expression, Yan Baiyu touched his beard with satisfaction.

He took out a spice box and handed it to Xia Yu: "Sprinkle a little of this on it, it will taste better."

After taking the box, Xia Yu looked at it and smelled it. He couldn't identify what kind of seasoning it was.

Without rushing to sprinkle the seasoning, he took a bite first and tried the most primitive feeling.

There was also some hot stuffing flowing in his mouth, and the fragrant smell of squid filled his stomach.

After eating it in one bite, he sighed contentedly.

Sprinkling seasoning on it again, Xia Yu took a bite. This time, the squid scent was mixed with a refreshing fragrance. This was the fragrance of plant seasoning, but Xia Yu couldn't tell what kind of taste it was.

All in all it was delicious.

After Xia Yu finished eating the white jade dumplings, Yan Baiyu's initially hostile attitude towards him turned into friendly.

There is no chef who does not appreciate the diners who appreciate his cooking skills, just as there is no author who does not appreciate the readers of his novels.

Yan Baiyu introduced the differences of his white jade dumplings and told Xia Yu about the seasonings just now. Although Xia Yu didn't understand many of them, he still turned on mental therapy and just blew on them at the right time.

After chatting like this for ten minutes, Yan Baiyu was as happy as Mrs. Yan before.

He went out again to make other snacks for Xia Yu.

During his absence, Mrs. Yan talked to Xia Yu again. She felt that Xia Yu was really her rare confidant, and everything he said was exactly what she thought.

Yan Baiyu came back soon. The cooking of the snacks was watched by his apprentice. He came over and continued talking to Xia Yu.

Seeing Xia Yu and her two elders chatting happily together, Yan Wei's face first showed a smile, but slowly, her smile disappeared.

She looked at Yan Baiyu and Mrs. Yan in confusion, thinking:

Why are you all talking about your own affairs? Shouldn't I be the protagonist? Please help me speak!

After waiting for a while, Yan Wei couldn't tolerate being abandoned, so she found an opportunity and intervened.

Her words were all ordinary words, but because Xia Yu's words were so beautiful, her words seemed very inferior.

She only said a few words before Yan Baiyu and Mrs. Yan jointly drove her away: "Go, go, you know what you know, just go and have fun."

Yan Wei felt aggrieved. She didn't understand why things turned out like this.

Xia Yu didn't say anything, but his grandparents disliked him.

Shrinking to one side, Yan Wei could only watch the three of them talking.

At half past eleven, the maid knocked on the door to remind the two old men to rest.

Only then did Yan Baiyu and Mrs. Yan think of business.

Mrs. Yan resisted the temptation to continue talking and began to probe into Xia Yu's outlook and personality without leaving any trace.

Xia Yu, who was still undergoing psychiatric treatment, easily discovered Mrs. Yan's intention. He answered while changing the topic.

Finally, when Mrs. Yan asked him about his hobbies, he found an opportunity.

"Just talking about music, making music, and then playing games and spending time with..." Xia Yu was interrupted by Yan Baiyu before he could say the last three words of girlfriend.

Yan Baiyu said with a smile: "I have listened to the songs you wrote, and those old guys were full of praises. The song "The Land of Origin" that is isolated from the world is a bit sluggish, and the white horse in the rain is too desperate, but the song "White Horse" is the best, the sunshine is unrestrained .”

The Hometown of Isolation from the Earthly World is an ensemble piece that Xia Yu played before in global performances. White Horse in the Rain is an ensemble piece that Xia Yu played with Liu Manman at a previous party. He did not play White Horse in public, but Liu Manman had the music score and Audio he recorded privately.

Yan Baiyu could hear Baima, so he probably had contacts with the Liu family circle.

Xia Yu instinctively conducted an analysis. This was his previous habit and saw how this person could be used.

Now, with An Siyao, he basically no longer needs to take advantage of others. Most of the problems can be solved by the An family and the Yu family.

After Yan Baiyu said a few words of music, Xia Yu brought the topic back.

He said: "I actually have very little time for music. I mainly spend time with my girlfriend."

He thought that the reason why the old lady of the Yan family and Yan Baiyu were enthusiastic about him must be because Yan Wei did not tell the two elders that he already had a girlfriend. As long as he told his girlfriend, the old lady of the Yan family and Yan Baiyu would help him stop Yan Wei. Wei.

Yan Baiyu and the old lady of the Yan family should have looked shocked at first, and then looked at Yan Wei. At this time, he said goodbye and left to let the two elders do some ideological work on Yan Wei.

However, his expectation went awry. Yan Baiyu and Mrs. Yan's expressions remained unchanged.

"It's good to spend more time with your girlfriend." The second elder nodded with satisfaction.


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