Life swap game

302. Too old, the president really smiled (two-in-one)

From the woman's words, Xia Yu could get a piece of information:

The woman got together because Wen Ziying was a girl. She was someone who liked to bring people of the same sex home with her.

So, what would happen if she thought Wen Ziying was not a girl?

This is a bit difficult, because Wen Ziying has been exposed before, and now if she wants to change the woman's impression, she needs strong evidence.

The most convenient and obvious evidence is Adam's apple, but unfortunately, it is impossible for Wen Ziying's body to produce Adam's apple.

The second one is the flat chest. Unfortunately, even though Wen Ziying is wrapping it up, it can still be felt by touching it.

In the end, that was the only thing left.

Xia Yu held the woman's waist with his left hand and put his face in front of her.

This is to block the woman's view.

"Does my sister like this, treating boys like girls? If it's you, I might as well give it a try!" Xia Yu said in a false voice.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand, took out the mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and stuffed it into his trousers.

"You still don't admit it?" The smile on the woman's face became even brighter, "Then go back to my sister..."

Her words suddenly stopped as she felt something hard rubbing against her thigh.

She saw Wen Ziyu's twisting waist.

After being stunned for two seconds, as if there were disgusting bugs clinging to her thighs, she stood up excitedly and backed away hastily.

"Abnormal!" The woman said this to Wen Ziyu, picked up her bag and walked out of the bar quickly.

Xia Yu took out the phone from his pants and sighed.

Fortunately, it was a lace that had not been worn by a man, otherwise it would not be able to deceive her.

"Abnormal!" Wen Ziying said in his mind.


It was her I was using my phone to rub, not you. What did I do to you?

After a second, Xia Yu realized that what the girl was talking about was probably putting the phone in her pants.

How pretentious.

Without arguing with her, Xia Yu stood up and left the bar.

On the way back, Wen Ziying apologized to Xia Yu again: "Sorry, I was a little excited just now."

"It's nothing, you scolded me much less harshly than a friend of mine." Xia Yu said he didn't care.

"This feeling is quite novel, shall we try it with another woman?"

After hearing Wen Ziying's words, Xia Yu stopped.

You are the pervert!

"I refuse." Xia Yu replied.

Wen Ziying sighed regretfully.

"By the way, why haven't you come over recently?" Wen Ziying asked again.

"Something happened recently." Xia Yu didn't want to say more, but he still explained.

"Oh," Wen Ziying didn't care, "It feels good to be placed there."


You are really perverted!

An idea suddenly arose in Xia Yu's heart. If he became Wen Ziying's boyfriend, would he be able to make various attempts on the basis of new feelings?

However, this is fine as a lover, but as a wife, the home can easily become a place of corruption.

Xia Yu calmed down.

In the process of life, people will face many sudden temptations. At this time, they must keep their true intentions.

"What are we doing today?" Wen Ziying's words were full of expectation.

She wanted to get new experiences from Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't answer. He asked another thing curiously: "How do you use the experience you gained in the book?"

He knew that, in fact, what novelists wrote was basically created out of thin air. They could just look up information and interview professionals to write it. Even fantasy novels did not require any preparation of information.

If it is professional knowledge, such as medical sports, it can also be used to write professional novels, but what Wen Ziying gained is experience, which is not used in experience novels.

"Some are used to write novels, and some are used to write essays, test, etc." Wen Ziying answered.

Both prose and poetry are genres that focus on the writer's experience.

"You still write prose and poetry?" Xia Yu was surprised. He was sure that he had never seen any prose or poetry published by the girl.

"Never published." Wen Ziying's mood was a little low.

Xia Yu felt something was unusual. With Wen Ziying's reputation, it would not be difficult to publish even if she wrote poorly, and given Wen Ziying's writing skills, it should not be much worse.

He was about to ask, but Wen Ziying changed the subject. She instigated Xia Yu to go to another bar.

Xia Yu sternly refused and returned to the girl's home to read the novel.

He did not continue to use Wen Ziying's body to get inspiration. The inspiration now was basically enough, but there was only LV5 music, which was not enough.

With the music of LV5, he could create commonly circulated songs like White Horse, but the atmosphere of the wilderness he wanted to create could not be written no matter what.

However, he has no way to spend his experience cards on music now. What is more important now is business skills.

He is saving experience cards and plans to get it right in one go.

After staying in Wen Ziying's body for eight hours, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

It was early in the morning. Xia Yu first checked his phone and then Tuo Yu's diary. An Siyao didn't look for him.

What on earth did the girl do? Xia Yu became even more confused.

After another long sleep, Xia Yu knew the reason when he woke up the next morning.

An Siyao called him.

"I got a lot of money." The girl said happily.

"How?" Xia Yu thought, it turned out that An Siyao had gotten money yesterday.

"Grandpa gave it to me," An Siyao replied.

Xia Yu didn't pay attention. He simply congratulated the girl, got up and went to school.

After school at noon, the counselor found him and told him that the matter had not been completed.

"That's the responsibility of the student union. The procedure is over and I can't get involved. But if I ask Professor Shen for help, there will be no problem." The counselor said.

If it was Xia Yu's own problem, the counselor would directly help him find Shen Shengsheng, but this is a problem for ordinary students. It is up to Xia Yu to decide whether it is worth going to Shen Shengsheng.

Counselors feel unworthy. Regarding this matter, if you approach me as a counselor, you can barely establish a teacher-student relationship, but if you approach Shen Shengsheng, it seems to be nosy.

Xia Yu also considered this and hesitated a little.

Going to Shen Shengsheng with the Kangkang matter is probably equivalent to your daughter taking a little boy she just met and asking you to let him stay.

If you bother the other party with something that seems extremely boring to the other party, you might become disgusted.

It's because he is not strong enough. If he had a high status, this kind of thing would not be called asking for help, but would be called handing over a task. Even if he suddenly felt that the Sahara Desert was pitiful and asked him to plant a tree, he would not be dissatisfied at all.

"No need." Xia Yu made a decision.

Helping Kangkang was purely based on Duan Yi's face, and Duan Yi's face was actually not that great. People with two legs were easy to find. I found her because I believed in her character and that she was too lazy to bother. It was not because of her. No.

"There is nothing we can do about this. The procedures are not complete." The counselor comforted Xia Yu, "It's probably because a student cheated on student loans last year and the student union tightened the requirements."

"Weren't we strict before?" Xia Yu asked casually.

"Oh, there is a connected person who gets kickbacks every time." The counselor's tone was contemptuous, but his eyes were full of envy.

"Can you still get a kickback?" Xia Yu was surprised.

What can you earn from a loan, interest? How much interest can there be?

"There are other policies. You don't have to repay the loan later." At this point, the counselor exclaimed, "Yesterday I saw him posting travel photos. If it was really strict, how come he still has it now? Feeling cool?"

This topic was not something that could be discussed with Xia Yu. The counselor ignored the topic and said goodbye to Xia Yu.

After the counselor left, Duan Yi, who was waiting, immediately came to Xia Yu and asked about the situation.

She was very disappointed when Xia Yu shook his head.

"I'll go to the student union this afternoon and have a look. If it doesn't work, there's nothing we can do." Xia Yu spread his hands.

He didn't go to the student union mainly for Kangkang's affairs, but after listening to the counselor's words, he had some doubts and wanted to go to the school student union for confirmation.

"Don't look, you can't see the person in charge." Duan Yi has already tried this.

Xia Yu didn't say anything. After lunch, he rested in the dormitory and then headed to the first campus.

The campus where he is located is the second campus.

When he arrived at the student union's office, Xia Yu was stopped.

"What's the matter with you?" The person who stopped him was a boy.

Xia Yu explained his intention.

"There's nothing we can do about it, it's useless." The boy shook his head.

Xia Yu didn't care, he wasn't here for this.

He glanced around the office and spotted a girl wearing glasses.

"One more thing, can I find that person over there?" Xia Yu pointed to the girl with glasses.

The boy glanced at Xia Yu in confusion, turned to the girl with glasses who was reading a book, and said, "President, someone is looking for you."

He actually directly clicked on the president? Xia Yu was surprised.

The girl with glasses raised her head and looked at the strange man in front of her with confusion.

Xia Yu invited the girl with glasses out to talk.

"You must be that Xia Yu." When they came outside, the girl with glasses stretched out her hand, and she recognized Xia Yu.

Holding the girl's hand with glasses, Xia Yu sighed at the convenience of being famous.

If you meet someone casually, you already know him, which is a lot more convenient.

But this only changed the relationship between the two from strangers to generally friendly. It can be seen from the formulaic smile of the girl with glasses that she is not one of those crazy fans.

In reality, there are not so many crazy fans. The Internet brings together crazy fans from all over the world, which makes it appear huge.

Just ordinary friendship is not enough. If Xia Yu wants to solve the doubts in his heart, Xia Yu needs a further relationship.

He turned on elegance and spiritual healing, and started talking to the girl with glasses.

In the student union, the remaining three members gathered together and chewed their tongues.

"What's going on? Someone actually came over to date that robot?" Boy No. 1 said.

"It's fake. Didn't you see that when the other party said he was looking for her, she had a confused look on her face?" Boy No. 2 retorted.

"That boy came here to talk about the student loan." Boy No. 3, the boy who had just received Xia Yu, said.

"Isn't that something that the vice president is responsible for?" Boy No. 1 interjected.

"I guess I want to go to the president directly. It's fake. It's not a love story. Let's get over it. That woman smiles all the time and is a good colleague. Who wants to find a girlfriend like that?" Boy No. 2 said. Summary.

However, they did not disperse, but continued to talk about the girl with glasses.

"If you are more sincere, the president is quite good-looking."

"Don't think about it. Have you forgotten that the vice-president publicly expressed his pursuit of her and then tried hard for a week without getting a single real smile?"

The three of them thought of the girl with glasses, how she dealt with the vice-president's various expressions of love with a smile. The girl with glasses had a kind attitude and gentle expression, as if she was not the one being shown love, which was a bit creepy.

"It's just a smiling robot, and I wouldn't be able to do it if it were me."

They were talking excitedly when they suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

The three of them closed their mouths and looked at each other in shock.

"Does this laughter sound familiar?"

The three of them came to the door together, opened the door a crack, and peeked outside.

They saw that the president, known as the Smiling Robot, was smiling happily and sincerely. Her shoulders were shaking as she leaned against the unknown boy. Even a child could tell that she was very happy now.

"Yao Shou, that president actually smiles so sincerely!"

"Quick, pinch me!"

"What kind of fairy is that boy!"

Seeing the girl with glasses glancing in their direction, they hurriedly closed the door.

Looking back, the girl with glasses knew that her expression just now had been seen by her classmates. She felt a little regretful and felt that her personality had collapsed.

She looked at Xia Yu again. She had been a relatively indifferent person since she was a child and had never been interested in boys. She didn't know why, but she was a little happy when she saw him, and she became even happier after talking to him.

She couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and changed Penguin numbers with Xia Yu.

After adding it, she put away her smile and asked: "Tell me, if you have anything, I will help you if I can."

She knew that the other party definitely didn't come here to chat with her for free.

Seeing that the girl with glasses was a cheerful person, Xia Yu smiled and told Kangkang's story.

The girl with glasses first asked about the procedures, and Xia Yu showed her the information Duan Yi sent him.

After looking at it for a while, the girl with glasses agreed: "It won't be a problem to add more, just wait for the news."

There is room for manipulation in many things. The question is whether the other party is willing to operate it for you. After all, no one will ask for trouble.

What's more, the operating space is the operating space, and the rules and regulations are the rules and regulations. Many operating spaces are actually skirting around the rules and regulations, which carries risks.

Xia Yu didn't expect that this matter could actually be implemented. He mainly wanted to ask about another thing.

"Has the application for this loan been tightened? I applied once before, but because I lacked the title of a poor family, I was not able to apply." He asked.

After listening to Xia Yu's words, the girl with glasses frowned slightly: "It's not stricter, it's still the same as before, it's not poverty or anything, she was stuck by someone."

When it came to the issue of dark screens, the girl with glasses was a little reluctant to agree so readily. She asked Xia Yu to wait, went into the office, and looked through the list on the computer.

Seeing that Kangkang's name was not on the initial list, the girl with glasses breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that the person in charge at the bottom was stuck, and those little shrimps didn't need to worry about it.

After coming out, she looked relaxed: "No problem, don't worry."

"Can you tell me who got stuck?" Xia Yu asked again.

"It's the person in charge of the student union of your college. I don't know who it is." The girl with glasses actually knew who it was. It was written on the list, but she couldn't say it clearly, so she could only remind Xia Yu like this.

When Xia Yu mentioned the student union of the college, he immediately thought of Yi Shiyou.

He narrowed his eyes.

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