Life swap game

310. Hua Siyao (two in one)

Below the post, replies are constantly refreshing.


"As expected of a boss, there is only one I don't recognize"

"It's normal for An Siyao and Liu Manman to recognize them. It's normal for Yan Wei from Baiyue College to recognize them. It's normal for Xia Youxue from Huada High School to recognize them and accept it reluctantly. But that Yin Ling from the affiliated elementary school, why do you Will you know each other? 』

"At first glance, it seems that I often stare at the elementary school students. It's scary."

"I'm even more curious about that beautiful aunt. Although she is very beautiful, her breasts are really not a cross-dressing figure." 』

"I know that one. He was the former assistant of Yu Liang, the richest man in Nanming. He often followed Yu Liang in the newspapers! 』

"I'm shocked. I want to move this post to the forums of Baiyue College and the Affiliated Middle School and Elementary School."

"New information, the student council president has also passed by! 』

"Brothers, form a team and go have a look!" Come on, group number 906666858』

Although most people only have fun online, there are still some people who believe that seeing is believing.

If only one of these six women appeared, they would not be happy and went to see it. The young lady after looking at the photos online was also quite happy.

However, six people appeared together, ranging from primary school students to working women, which made them unable to sit still.

The timid ones added a group account and formed a team to watch together, while some brave ones went directly to the milk tea shop on their own.

Their influx made the originally large milk tea shop suddenly crowded.

Xia Yu, who was planning to get off work as a gangster, also looked confused.

The queue in front of him had already reached the door.

Although it was Duan Yikangkang and Yan Wei who prepared the milk tea, it was very tiring even to hand it to each other.

There was no time to think about where these people came from, so Xia Yu devoted himself to his busy work.

While the flow of people was out of control, something also happened backstage that Xia Yu didn't notice.

Yan Wei mixed a cup of milk tea and handed it to Duan Yi.

Duan Yi took a sip and was shocked.

"You need to add less of this, as it will suppress the sweetness of the milk tea..." Yan Wei adapted the recipe.

Duan Yi kept nodding, sighing that Xia Yu was such a good partner. He invited such a master to the milk tea shop and attracted so much customer traffic. It can be said that he spared no effort.

Isn’t my 10% share too stingy?

But now is not the time to think about that.

Duan Yi continued to devote herself to the intense work. She and Yan Wei learned new proportions, started to mix new milk tea, and thanked Yan Wei enthusiastically.

Yan Wei responded with a smile, feeling happy in her heart. She felt that she had done the right thing by going to her senior sister to learn how to prepare milk tea.

This milk tea shop is opened by Xia Yu, and if I can help him, I will definitely gain a lot of points.

However, Yan Wei completely misunderstood Xia Yu, and Xia Yu now only hoped that this milk tea shop would close down soon.

Looking at the longer and longer queue and the customers who said "Oh my god it tastes good" after finishing their drinks, Xia Yu was at a loss.

After being busy until ten o'clock in the evening, Xia Yu took off his clerk uniform and handed over the work to Duan Yi and Kangkang again.

It was already very late. Yu Ningmeng took An Siyao and Yin Ling and left first. Yan Wei also left the milk tea shop. The only ones still in the shop were Xia Yu and Youxue, and a few others who were helping. girl.

Only then did Xia Yu have time to analyze this strange and explosive situation.

He found the post on the forum and realized that the popularity was entirely brought about by himself.

He underestimated his ability to draw traffic.

However, diversion is only a temporary solution. If you want to continue doing it for a long time, you still need to rely on your true strength.

In the catering industry, this strength refers to taste.

When he came here at noon, Xia Yu had already tasted the taste of milk tea. The taste at that time was obviously average, but now, it can be said to be excellent.

With both traffic and flavor, Xia Yu couldn't imagine what kind of milk tea shop could be popular if this one wasn't popular.

The location of the milk tea shop is not bad, but there are competing products on the left and right. Now, the competing products can no longer be called competing products. This milk tea shop is already a standout near the university town.

Xia Yu waited for closing time at twelve o'clock. He wanted to see what today's profit was.

By eleven-thirty, there were no more customers, and Duan Yi and the other girls were counting the money together.

At twelve o'clock, Duan Yi went to the city and calculated today's profit.

"Ten thousand!" Duan Yi said to Xia Yu excitedly.

Ten thousand is already very high. In this world, food delivery has not yet emerged. There are no online orders, and everything depends on offline sales.

It won't be so popular in the future, but it can still maintain a high level. It only takes more than a year to recover the capital, and the rest is pure profit.

This sales volume shocked the girls present. Youxue counted her fingers seriously. In just one month, she can earn 600,000 yuan. She can buy ten of the cameras she has now!

If you have a set of equipment, you can probably only buy four or five sets!

Youxue was very moved, and she was thinking about whether she should encourage her brother to open more restaurants.

"Don't think too much. It's been very popular these days. It would be nice to have a few thousand a day in the future." Xia Yu hit them.

"That's at least tens of thousands a month." Kangkang said.

Youxue's enthusiasm suddenly waned when he heard that he could only buy one camera a month, and even the package might not be affordable.

It's not worth making my brother work so hard for the price of a camera.

Not knowing that the camera he bought for Youxue had become a measure of value for girls, Xia Yu looked at Duan Yi who was in a happy mood and sighed in his heart.

I didn't expect that a milk tea shop that must be cool would actually be built. Fortunately, I still have a hand.

After taking his share, Xia Yu handed it to Youxue.

Youxue happily accepted the money.

The two returned to the villa together.

The next day, Xia Yu didn't go to the milk tea shop again, but with Yan Wei's help, the milk tea shop had become a popular business, with a daily profit of five to six thousand.

Three more days passed, and news finally came from Yiyi Catering Management Co., Ltd.

On the first page of the financial section of the local newspaper, there was a report about the same company declaring bankruptcy.

The main product of this company is a different milk tea shop. According to Yu Ningmeng, the milk tea shop has been losing money. It relies entirely on recruiting leeks to join and collecting franchise fees and material fees to make money. Now that they have made enough, it is time to run away. .

At the bottom of the newspaper, there is another report, also about this company. It talks about how the contract signed by this company contained legal traps and trapped a group of franchise stores.

Xia Yu didn't continue reading. He threw the newspaper aside and looked at his phone.

Five minutes later, Duan Yi sent him a message.

"It's cold. 』

There are only two words in the message, but they are two words with profound meaning. One word is cold, which refers to today's weather and one's own heart. It is a double entendre. That one is both a modal particle and represents a kind of helplessness. That period represents the end, which corresponds to the previous word "lei" and constitutes cause and effect.

Xia Yu felt that he couldn't invite the other party now and had to be reserved.

He called Duan Yi directly.

The music played for five seconds before Duan Yi answered the phone.

"What's the specific situation?" Xia Yu asked.

"It's all gone. I bought the things from that company. Now they have been collected. I have to go through procedures to get them back." Duan Yi thought Xia Yu didn't know, and continued to explain, "I can't hear the specific situation. I understand. In short, there is a trap in the contract. The boss has long been prepared to run away. The milk tea shop will probably not be able to continue operating. It may have to be slightly compensated, but I can make up for it with what I earn these days."

Xia Yu expressed his sadness and expressed condolences to Duan Yi.

Then he extended an invitation to Duan Yi: "A temporary failure is nothing. Since your project has failed, come over and work with me."

"What are you doing?" Duan Yi was a little disinterested.

Just when she was feeling satisfied, she was suddenly knocked to the ground by an unexpected situation. At this time, she was thinking about whether to get up quickly or lie on the ground for a while.

"Play mobile games." Xia Yu said.

"Mobile games, what are they?" Duan Yi wondered. There is no concept of mobile games in this world.

"It's just a mobile game."

"A mobile game of Landlords playing mahjong? Why do you want to do this? Now everyone is used to the chess and card software of those old manufacturers, who would jump to the new platform." Duan Yi couldn't understand.

"It's not playing mahjong in Landlord, but it's like a computer game. You don't have to worry about anything else. Are you coming?" Even krypton gold online games have not appeared, and the games are still mainly based on point cards and buyouts.

"I don't have any money to invest anymore," Duan Yi said.

"I don't want your investment. I want you." After saying that, Xia Yu felt something was wrong. He added, "I want your ability."

"Okay, you don't care about profit or loss anyway, right?" Duan Yi observed when Xia Yu was with Sixth Girl three days ago that the clothes worn by An Siyao and Liu Manman were all expensive.

Even the camera Youxue uses to take pictures is a well-known expensive brand.

In this way, Xia Yu captured Duan Yi, and he gave Duan Yi a task. He went to the School of Computer Science and recruited a group of programmers with adequate skills, preferably some with experience in game production.

"Okay." Duan Yi agreed readily.

Putting down his phone, Xia Yu also started to prepare. He began to write the gameplay and main modules of the game.

Most importantly, get the gold mods right.

When I played it before, it seemed easy, but it was a bit difficult to write down the key points.

After three hours, Xia Yu finished writing the plan and started writing the program again.

He hooks up a framework, then divides it into various tasks and distributes them to other programmers.

There are too many programs involved in a game. If he wants to complete it alone, he will become a ruthless programming machine.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Xia Yu found that the caller was Duan Yi.

"I've brought you the programmer you want!" Duan Yi said excitedly. It seems that the incident at the milk tea shop didn't have a big impact on her.

Xia Yu was relieved by her mood, but became confused again.

Duan Yi moves so fast?

"How much did you pull?" Xia Yu asked.

"Two, both are juniors. Is that too much? Do you want me to give one back?" Duan Yi replied. In fact, she didn't really recruit anyone, she just asked them if they were free to help.

Xia Yu didn't tell her the scale and investment of the project. She regarded the project as a fun thing, so she felt that it was enough for two programmers to help out in their free time.

The reason why Xia Yu didn't tell Duan Yi this was because he hadn't even written the game plan, and he didn't expect Duan Yi to get into work so quickly.

If you were selling illustrations for ordinary krypton gold, two skilled programmers would be enough, but Xia Yu now has nearly 40 million in hand and wants to get something more high-end.

He silently took a screenshot of his bank card balance and sent it to Duan Yi.

"As long as needed, these can be put into the game"

『! ! ! ” Duan Yi originally thought that Xia Yu was just ordinary rich and had some connections in the family, but she didn’t expect that Xia Yu was so rich.

"I'll make a plan today, and you can start recruiting people tomorrow."

After saying that, Xia Yu continued to write the plan.

In the middle, An Siyao came over to take a look. She was going to tell Xia Yu that her grandfather was coming and made it clear that she wanted to see Xia Yu, but when she saw that Xia Yu was busy, she didn't bother.

Arriving at the piano room, An Siyao lifted the cover and put his hands on the keys.

A series of brisk rhythms appeared under her hands.

This is the Princess Jingmian that Xia Yu gave her before. Princess Jingmian is the name of a legendary flower.

In a grassland, among the endless green grass, the blue princess of tranquility is hidden in it, swaying in the wind.

She played it repeatedly, and the camera slowly zoomed in, looking at the little blue flower.

When the third part was reached, when the blue flower filled the whole scene, An Siyao paused and continued playing.

In her mind, Xia Yu only regarded her as a tool at the beginning, and then gradually became ambiguous.

Is the unusually cheerful and melodious rhythm of this third part just due to the observer's joy at seeing the blue flowers?

That blue flower is also happy that it has gone from a corner of the camera to monopolizing the entire camera.

After playing the song, An Siyao put down the piano cover, rested his elbow on the piano cover, and supported his chin.

In the song, Princess Jingjing gets all the attention of the observer, which makes her happy, but in reality, she doesn't seem to get all the attention of Xia Yu.

She sat up a little more, swinging her legs as she thought about it.

She can't come up with an answer because she's not good at giving answers, either to others or to herself.

When she was distressed, a pair of hands held her waist.

Lifting An Siyao from the stool and holding her in his arms, Xia Yu looked at the girl with a smile.

Xia Yu felt that when he met An Siyao, An Siyao's body tensed up for a moment, which meant that his shock was successful.

An Siyao was not angry because of this. She held Xia Yu's hand and pressed her body closer to Xia Yu's arms.

She remembered the secondary reason for coming here.

"Grandpa said he wants to see you." She said to Xia Yu.

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