Life swap game

312. Yu Liang’s approval (Additional update 14)

Xia Yu was a little surprised when Yu Liang called him, and he followed Yu Liang.

An Siyao also wanted to follow, but Yu Liang stayed behind.

Taking Xia Yu with him, Yu Liang called Yu Ningmeng again.

The main purpose of Yu Liang's visit this time was to have a meeting, the secondary purpose was to see An Siyao, and the third purpose was to see how Yu Ningmeng's company was doing.

As for bringing Xia Yu along, it was the third secondary purpose, to test Xia Yu's abilities.

Although Yu Ningmeng told him that Xia Yu had earned tens of millions from An Tianfeng, they were all from selling products. What the Yu family's company wanted was not a labor force to develop products, but a person who could The person at the helm who leads the group forward.

The car arrived quickly.

Yu Ningmeng rented an office building near Huada University, where more than a dozen people were already working.

Arriving at Yu Ningmeng's office, Yu Liang sat at his desk and looked at various data reports.

This errand-running industry is not going smoothly, but it is still within an acceptable range.

"What's the problem now?" Yu Liang asked Yu Ningmeng.

"First of all, the delivery efficiency is very poor, and secondly, there are relatively few people willing to try it..." Yu Ningmeng said one by one.

Xia Yu, who had nothing to do, picked up the information Yu Liang put down and looked at it.

After glancing at it twice, he was surprised. Isn't this just takeout?

This takeaway is a bit crude, though.

Instead of communicating with the platform, the buyer places an order with the seller first, and the seller then goes to the platform? This is not called a platform at all!

Actually still use chat software to communicate? Riders or give away one by one?

This plan is very problematic, but considering that the world has not even developed the express delivery industry, this is not unusual.

He continued to flip through the plans.

The sound of flipping papers disturbed Yu Liang, who was thinking hard about how to solve the problem, so Yu Liang vented his anger on him: "Stop turning the pages and answer the question."

Seeing Xia Yu's confused expression, Yu Liang felt a little proud. Seeing that Xia Yu, who was competing with him for favor, was defeated, his annoyance was relieved.

However, what Xia Yu was confused about was not how to answer Yu Ningmeng's question, but what Yu Ningmeng's question was.

Yu Liang continued to make things difficult: "If you want to marry my Yu Liang's granddaughter, you can't do it without some skills."

Under Yu Liang's provocation, Xia Yu gave up asking questions. He turned over the planning book in his hand and said: "Sending one rider to another is a bit wasteful and the cost is high. We can send several orders together. "

Yu Liang was noncommittal. This was a very easy answer to come up with, and he didn't think he was capable of answering it.

"Using Penguin Chat to arrange work is too inefficient. We can make a special mobile phone software." Xia Yu added.

Yu Liang nodded, he also thought of this. At present, mobile phone software only serves the purpose of some gadgets. It is already very rare to be able to think of borrowing software.

Xia Yu then said something more, and Yu Liang and Yu Ningmeng were both satisfied.

Yu Liang was already somewhat impressed by Xia Yu.

"These are all minutiae, there is another fundamental problem." Xia Yu looked at Yu Liang and Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Liang and Yu Ningmeng couldn't help but concentrate. Xia Yu had just explained his abilities and his suggestions were all effective.

"Business should not be received from stores, but from buyers," Xia Yu said.

Yu Ningmeng's mind hadn't turned around yet, but Yu Liang's eyes lit up.

He slapped the table: "Okay!"

When you receive business from sellers, the errands are just the store's subordinates, but when you receive business from buyers, you can bypass the store.

No, there are still some details involved.

"What we want to do is a platform, just like a forum. The customers are the customers of the forum, not the customers of a certain poster." Xia Yu proposed the concept of platform, which is still vague in this world.

"Take all the customers from the store and develop them into your own users! Once you get bigger, you can completely suppress the store!" Yu Liang has already thought of the prospect.

Yu Ningmeng also understood, and she saw a broader future for this industry.

Going to the computer, she jotted down the ideas that came to her mind.

Yu Liang leaned on his seat. He was also brainstorming, but he was not thinking about takeout, but the concept of the platform.

Since the errand business can be used as a platform, can it be used as a platform?

For example, a taxi-hailing platform? A shopping platform?

Yu Liang originally felt that the cakes on the market had been completely divided, but now he realized that there was still such a large piece of meat to eat.

Five minutes later, Yu Ningmeng raised her head. She looked at Xia Yu excitedly, ready to say something, but before speaking, she hesitated.

"What are you thinking about?" Yu Liang asked Yu Ningmeng to speak directly.

"I'll think about how many shares are appropriate for Xia Yu." Yu Ningmeng didn't think that he should get this guidance for free. After all, Xia Yu was considered a member of his family.

"Whatever you do for him will belong to him in the future anyway." Yu Liang's tone was poor, but the meaning behind his words was very pleasing.

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Yu Liang's situation was over, and the old man had recognized his affairs with An Siyao.

He didn't know that there was still some Xiao Jiujiu in Yu Liang's heart.

Recalling the concept of that platform, Yu Liang felt that if he really had to pay for this concept, it might be too huge a sum.

And after saying this, he could eat for free with peace of mind.

Judging from An Siyao's appearance, as long as Xia Yu didn't have an affair or get into anything bad, it was a sure thing that they would be together. The group would belong to Xia Yu, and he had not deceived Xia Yu.

If something happens to Xia Yu that makes An Siyao sad and the two of them are no longer together, these can be used as interest. My granddaughter, Yu Liang, is not in vain.

Anyway, Yuliang is not at a loss.

Touching his chin, Yu Liang was satisfied with his wit.

Xia Yu doesn't care about these Internet industries either. The possibility of him starting up the Internet industry, which requires a lot of financial, material and manpower, and even some official power, is too low.

He did not dare to underestimate those capitalists. He believed that once he started doing it, other capitalists would smell it, enter the market with a large amount of funds and connections, and annex him.

Even if he saved the company with one operation, he would end up like his predecessors, with only a very small number of shares left.

In the face of capital, experience is of little use, and this is not an era where everything is waiting for improvement. The competition is extremely fierce.

With this in mind, it is better to think about when to start drug development. Medicine is hugely profitable, and relying on hard power, the money you get is real, unlike the Internet, which is full of bubbles.

Yu Liang, who was busy going back to sort out his thoughts, ended his inspection of Xia Yu and was very satisfied.

In the next few days, Yu Ningmeng was also busy making drastic reforms, but she still did not forget to look at Xia Yu and An Siyao.

Xia Yu was very disappointed.

This morning, Xia Yu woke up from bed and picked up his phone. He found that he received an email with Tina in his mailbox.

The sending email address is his trumpet number.

This is not a supernatural event. Xia Yu previously set up a program. When a specific missing person notice appears on a small forum, such an email will be sent.

Tina is the English word for Tina. This means that there is something going on with Tina, and the girl is calling him using a secret code.

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