Life swap game

315. An Siyao who dominates the court (two-in-one)

At the beginning, the boys served first. According to the rules, Liu Manman should receive the ball. Liu Manman was already ready.

She thought to herself that she could catch the ball she served.

Then, the boy in the opposite corner fired the ball in a very standard posture. The ball passed over Liu Manman's head at an extremely fast speed and landed on the ground.

Liu Manman hasn't reacted yet.

The opponent scored a point, and the referee wrote a 1 on the scoreboard.

I didn’t catch the first ball! Liu Manman roared in her heart.

She comforted herself that the other party didn't know her own level, so she used too much force. Now that they understood her own weakness, they would definitely let go.

The right to serve still belongs to the opponent, but to that person.

However, the opponent changed the venue and the receiver became An Siyao.

An Siyao, like Liu Manman, raised the racket when the ball had already hit the ground.

Next, we return to Liu Manman.

Liu Manman looked at the server with expectant eyes.

The expression on the boy's face did not change, and he served the ball again in the same posture as before.

Liu Manman caught the ball in a hurry, but this was not the result of the opponent's interference, but the result of her full concentration.

Her ball was hit too high and was easily smashed by the opponent's second boy.

Two boys scored one more point.

The scene entered a state of no suspense.

An Siyao couldn't catch the ball sent to An Siyao, and Liu Manman would throw away the ball sent to Liu Manman after hitting it back twice at most.

In this way, the score quickly reached zero to ten, and increased at a rate of more than ten seconds and one minute.

Liu Manman breathed a sigh of relief at first. An Siyao didn't catch a single ball. She also caught a few balls, which at least seemed like she wasn't too waterlogged anymore.

Then, she looked at the two boys opposite with sadness and anger:

Are you not giving in to us at all? At least give me a point!

You won't have a girlfriend like this!

Her resentment was accurately conveyed to the two boys. The two boys looked at each other and smiled:

Sports don’t need a girlfriend!

They continued their unilateral killings.

Xia Yu watched with great interest on the stage.

Liu Manman had nothing to look at. He was looking at An Siyao.

When she catches the ball, An Siyao is very cute, from her seriousness before the opponent serves to her confusion of not being able to find the ball after it is served.

When Liu Manman was catching the ball, the way An Siyao was walking around trying to catch the ball but not being able to catch the ball was also very cute.

If there were barrage, the screen should be full of awsl at this moment.

By the time he recovered from An Siyao's cuteness, the score was already 20-0.

Whoever gets 21 points first wins the game. Now as long as the two boys get one more point, An Siyao will lose!

Xia Yu immediately clicked on the field and logged into An Siyao's body.

At this time, the boy opposite An Siyao was serving. He suddenly felt that the aura of the girl in front of him suddenly changed. The original confusion disappeared, and her eyes became sharp.

He calmed down. It was now twenty to zero, and there was no way anything could go wrong. Besides, reality was reality, so there was no sudden explosion.

It was useless even if it exploded. According to the rules, the ball was caught by the person named Liu Manman from the opposite corner. The woman named Liu Manman had obviously completely lost her fighting spirit. Once she failed to catch the ball, the game would be over.

Liu Manman had indeed completely lost her fighting spirit. She thought: With An Siyao's support, she was already very powerful, so she should end it as soon as possible. There was no need to catch this ball.

The badminton came to her, and she had no intention of raising her hand.

It's over, she thought.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed the palm of her hand holding the racket.



Grabbing Liu Manman's hand, An Siyu used Liu Manman's racket to hit the ball back.

The two boys on the opposite side didn't expect this kind of play. They were stunned for a moment, but they still caught the ball.

In An Siyu's skill bar, dexterity, endurance, strength, and fighting all lighted up, and his firepower was fully unleashed.

Liu Manman stared blankly as An Siyu and the opponent fought back and forth, which was exciting.

The audience on the stage also looked at a loss, and even the two teams competing in the nearby field were stunned by An Siyao's sudden change.

It felt like seeing a cat being chased by a pack of dogs, suddenly jumping up, pulling out two lightsabers, and using starburst airflow to engage in a heated battle with the pack of dogs.

I thought it was the boss who abused the dish, but it turned out that the dish was on par with the boss.

No, not just the same.

As he became more proficient in using the badminton racket and An Siyao's body, Xia Yu's strength also increased rapidly.

The pressure on the two boys opposite was increasing, and finally a mistake allowed Xia Yu to score a point.

The two boys looked at each other, feeling the confusion in each other's eyes.

Especially the operation of grabbing Liu Manman's hand to catch the ball, can it still be played like this?

They looked at the referee, who silently scored a point for An Siyao's team.

After scoring, Xia Yu won the right to serve, and he continued to fight with the two.

Looking at the vigorous and fierce battle in front, looking at An Siyu fighting one against two, Liu Manman behind him looked confused.

Who am I, where am I, what do I do?

Didn’t you say you can’t play badminton? She looked at An Siyu with strong resentment.

Looking at the high-speed moving ball again, Liu Manman gave up her struggle.

The plan failed, and it seemed that she could only quietly be a salted fish.

However, God did not give her this opportunity.

The badminton flew towards Liu Manman. The position where she stood was the best position for hitting the badminton. The ball was too high in front of her and too low behind her.

Xia Yu then came behind her, held her waist with his left hand, picked her up, grabbed her hand with his right hand, and hit the ball back with her racket.

Because Liu Manman's hand was used, the ball was not hit perfectly. The two boys on the opposite side easily hit the ball back.

Xia Yu hurriedly put down Liu Manman and went to pick her up.

Liu Manman, who was put down, fell to the ground sadly:

They don't even let me do salted fish, but they treat me like a tool!

Without the time to understand Liu Manman's mood, Xia Yu continued playing.

His hands are getting better and better, and scoring takes less and less time.

Finally, he caught up from zero points to twenty-one points.

competition is over.

As the applause rang out from the stage, the two boys opposite him knelt on the ground.

Mud horse, why!

Compared to Liu Manman, they were the ones who suffered the greatest impact.

They thought they were a strong man chasing two helpless girls in the dark night, but one of the girls pulled out a gun and Kuai Mo killed them.

Why! How could such a plot happen?

You are so powerful. You should have taken action earlier. You had to wait until the last minute to start. Are you kidding us?

The referee patted their shoulders, expressed sympathy for them, and asked them to leave the playing field as soon as possible. The next game had to start.

On the other side, Xia Yu and Liu Manman also returned to their seats in the stands.

As soon as she sat down, Liu Manman hugged An Siyu and said, "You actually lied to me!"

"What lie to you?" Xia Yu pretended to be confused.

"You obviously fought so well!" Liu Manman and her words seemed to be accusing An Siyu of his crimes.

"I just suddenly felt it, just like playing the piano. You know that, right?" Xia Yu knew that Liu Manman had always been very concerned about talent. Now that he has directed the reason to talent, Liu Manman will definitely believe it.

Liu Manman really believed it.

"Damn it, can you do whatever you want if you have talent? Why don't I have any talent!" Liu Manman was angry.

Xia Yu was also a little curious about what kind of talent Liu Manman had, but he had used up all the game slots and couldn't go to Liu Manman's place to take a look.

After Liu Manman calmed down, Xia Yu was questioned by Yu Ningmeng again.

Yu Ningmeng held his waist: "When did you exercise so hard?"

She didn't believe that she suddenly had a feeling. If she suddenly had a feeling, it would be extraordinary. How could it increase exponentially?

After thinking about Yu Ningmeng's character, Xia Yu quickly found an excuse that Yu Ningmeng could accept.

He showed a mysterious smile to Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Ningmeng grabbed his waist and whispered, "Why didn't I know you were so bad before?"

Youxue took in the reactions of Yu Ningmeng and Liu Manman, and she felt a little proud in her heart, because she was the only one who knew what made An Siyao become so powerful.

She was already thinking about asking her brother to do it for her, but unfortunately, her sports meeting had to wait until next year.

Off the field, the game continued. After this game, An Siyu and Liu Manman went down to play another game. The morning game was over.

They had lunch outside at noon. After shopping for a while, the group came to the stadium again. Xia Yu and Liu Manman still had to play one more game.

After a day of competition, Xia Yu did not get out of An Siyao's body, but followed him back to An Siyao's villa.

It had been a while since An Siyao's body had been used, so Xia Yu walked casually under the villa.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" An Siyao's voice sounded. She was asking about the badminton match.

"Do you want me to come?" Xia Yu asked.

After thinking seriously for three seconds, An Siyao gave the answer: "I think."

"Then I will come again, but when you are about to lose, you have to cheer for yourself." Xia Yu couldn't say that he really wanted to see An Siyao's cute look when he couldn't hit the ball, so he pretended to be for peace of mind. The growth of Siyao.

"I will work hard." An Siyao was full of enthusiasm.

Xia Yu was thinking about bringing a camera with him tomorrow to take pictures of An Siyao.

He walked all the way until he came to the artificial river in the backyard.

By the river, Yin Wan was cleaning the pavilion on the river, while Yin Ling stared blankly at the water below the pavilion.

When he came to Yin Ling's side, Xia Yu looked in the direction of the girl's gaze and found a group of red carps.

"You can't eat this." Xia Yu put his hand on Yin Ling's head.

Yin Ling sighed.

Only then did Yin Wan notice that her young lady was coming. She stood up straight and felt a little embarrassed.

She always thought that her young lady was a bit weird.

Those innocent maids didn't notice, but she did. Sometimes, when the maids at work inadvertently released benefits, her own lady would stare at them calmly.

Although she had figured out that the young lady had never touched the maid, and she heard that she had a boyfriend recently, she was still a little worried.

The young lady's attitude towards her was obviously abnormal. As a maid who serves the upper class and lives with the upper class, she has strict assessments.

And she became a maid without any examination at all, and she was An Siyao's personal maid. She didn't believe him if he said there was no inside story.

She was facing An Siyu at this moment, just like a maid facing an evil young man in a costume story.

Fortunately, she has her daughter Yin Ling by her side.

It’s hard for a lady to do anything when others are present, right?

As soon as she felt at ease, An Siyu made a move.

After rubbing Yin Ling's head, Xia Yu said, "Stop staring at the fish. Go and ask the kitchen to make some snacks and bring them over. I want cookies."

When she heard about the food, Yin Ling's eyes lit up and she immediately ran to the kitchen.

Now, Yin Wan is the only one left.

Yin Wan panicked.

"I'll clean other places." Yin Wan tried to escape, but was stopped by Xia Yu.

"You stay with me first." Xia Yu said.

Yin Wan could only stay.

"Sit down." Xia Yu pointed to the bench next to the pavilion.

Yin Wan sat down uneasily, and Xia Yu followed suit and sat down next to her.

What made Yin Wan breathe a sigh of relief was that the lady was sitting some distance away from her, but before she could be happy, An Siyu lay down on her side.

An Siyu was lying on her lap.

The moment he lay down, Xia Yu felt the comfort coming from An Siyao.

This girl is too reserved. Since she feels comfortable leaning against Yin Wan, she can just use her power to lean on her. Women have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Xia Yu found a comfortable position.

Five minutes later, Yin Ling and another maid came over carrying biscuits and tea. Cookies are a common snack in the kitchen, so they come quickly.

After asking the other maid to step back, Xia Yu had no intention of getting up to eat.

Asking Yin Ling to bring the biscuits, he first gave one to the girl, and then gave the rest to Yin Wan.

"Feed me," he said.

Yin Wan struggled for a while and could only do as she was told.

Eating the biscuits fed by Yin Wan, Xia Yu sighed that this was the life in the novel.

After experiencing it for five minutes, Xia Yu got out of An Siyao's body, letting An Siyao enjoy it slowly.

Yin Wan felt that the young lady, whose muscles were still a little tense, suddenly relaxed.

This is a sign of trust.

When the muscles are relaxed, if something happens suddenly, there is no way to react.

Picking up a cookie, Yin Wan continued to feed An Siyao.

Eating cookies, An Siyao slowly closed her eyes. Her memory went back to more than ten years ago, when she lived with her mother and her favorite thing was to stay with her mother.

Lying on mother's lap like this is also common.

Her consciousness gradually blurred.

Passing the cookie to An Siyao's mouth, Yin Wan found that An Siyao no longer opened her mouth.

"She fell asleep." Yin Ling and her mother reported, and looked at the remaining cookies in Yin Wan's hand.

After giving all the cookies to her daughter, Yin Wan looked at An Siyao, who was curled up, and asked Yin Ling to get a blanket first.

It's late October now and it's starting to get cold.

After covering herself with a blanket, An Siyao fell into a deeper sleep.

Putting her hand on An Siyao's shoulder, Yin Wan turned her head and looked at the scenery outside the pavilion.

She thought about her life.

Why did I, who was just an ordinary country boy, suddenly arrive in a bustling city and work as a maid for others?

However, life here is indeed much better than in the countryside.

In her hand, she held a cookie and put it to An Siyao's mouth. An Siyao didn't open her mouth to eat it.

She put the cookie into her mouth.

a bit sweet.


Hearing the sound, Yin Wan panicked for a moment, thinking that her daughter had seen her stealing cookies.

However, when she looked at Yin Ling, she saw that the girl was happily eating and had no time to talk.

She looked at An Siyao on her lap again, and An Siyao shrank his head into her arms.

She thought of the similarities between herself and An Siyao.

Did you think of yourself as your mother?

All worries in her heart disappeared, and there was nothing more touching than the words "Mom" she called out in her sleep.

She touched An Siyao's hair with pity in her eyes.

When I peeked at the maid before, I wanted to find the feeling of a mother in the maid, right?

On Tuesday, Xia Yu and An Siyao came to the school together. The game was about to start, but they couldn't wait for Liu Manman for a long time.

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