Life swap game

323. The sumo wrestler who accidentally entered the boxing ring

The girl named Meimei hid behind Xiong Yu, and the bodyguard named Awei opened his clothes to make his body appear larger to intimidate the three tigers in front of him.

At the same time, he also held a pistol in his hand.

Holding the gun, Ah Wei fired a shot into the open space next to the tiger. The two tiger cubs were frightened by the gunshot and retreated hastily, but the tiger mother did not panic at all and remained where she was.

The two tigers returned again and continued to peek at the two people.

If Xiong Yu wasn't here, they would immediately come forward and start talking.

Ah Wei didn't dare to shoot anymore. The pistol in his hand only had seven bullets, and he had just knocked out one. He had just seen the tiger shoot one before, and now he still had five bullets left, and the tiger had three.

With five bullets, it would be difficult to hit three well-trained people, let alone three tigers.

As cats, tigers are extremely explosive and fast. Once they start to attack, Ah Wei feels that he only has one shot.

However, he didn't dare to strike first. Even if he got lucky and killed one, the remaining two would tear him apart.

Now it seems that the tiger is just observing, how can he start a fight on his own.

He could only hope that Xiong Yu's intimidation ability would be stronger.

Xia Yu felt that the three tigers would never give up.

Although the chance of a tiger killing a bear is small, it is nothing new. Moreover, these three tigers were not preparing to attack the bear, but wanted to snatch the bear's prey.

Meimei and Ah Wei are the prey of the bear in the eyes of the three tigers.

Xia Yu continued to observe the three tigers.

There is a big difference in size between male tigers and female tigers. A male tiger can fight a brown bear head-on, and there is a high chance of killing the brown bear in a sneak attack, but a female tiger cannot do that at all.

The other two male tigers, who were still underage, were already the size of female tigers, but they still couldn't do it.

Just like no amount of eggs can break a stone.

The power gap cannot be made up by quantity.

If it were only Xia Yu, Xia Yu would definitely go up and spar with the three tigers, but the two people around him made the scene a little dangerous.

Xia Yu stood up straight and looked at the three tigers.

The main way a tiger kills its prey is by biting the back of the prey's neck. The same goes for killing prey larger than itself.

In other words, as long as the bear straightens up, the tiger will find it difficult to eat.

At the same time, standing up can also intimidate the tiger, after all, it looks bigger.

The three tigers walked around Xiong Yu, unwilling to attack or leave.

It was already October 31st, the beginning of November. These three tigers probably couldn't find prey, so they couldn't give up.

After understanding this, Xia Yu decided to take action first.

He winked with Ah Wei next to him.

Ah Wei pondered, what was wrong with the brown bear blinking at him, was it a discharge?

Stepping forward and patting Ah Wei, Xia Yu pointed his bear paw at the tigress in the middle, waved his paw first, and then made a gesture of shooting.

He looked at Ah Wei: Do you understand?

Ah Wei nodded: I understand!

Although the three tigers on the opposite side are smart, they are not smart enough to guess the meaning of the exchange between one person and one bear. They are still watching.

Xiong Yu lifted Meimei, let her hug her on the tree on the side, and looked at Ah Wei.

Ah Wei started taking aim.

As Xiong Yu swung his claw, the gun in Ah Wei's hand immediately rang out.

Three bullets hit the tigress, one in the face, one in the front leg, and one missed.

The pain in her body not only did not make the tigress retreat, but aroused her blood. She roared and rushed towards Xiong Yu and Ah Wei.

Then it was kicked aside by Xiong Yu.

The two tigers who came forward were stunned, and even Ah Wei was also stunned.

I've never heard of a bear being able to kick.

While the two tiger cubs were stunned, Xiong Yu wanted to pursue them, but as cats, tigers are extremely flexible. They avoided Xiong Yu and ignored the tiger mother, preparing to catch them first. Ah Wei.

But at this time, Ah Wei had already climbed up the tree.

As long as there is enough run-up, a tiger can easily climb a tree below ten meters. Unfortunately, trees in the forest are generally only four or five meters tall.

Ah Wei on the tree prayed that Xiong Yu could use his power to drive away the tiger, otherwise the fate waiting for them would be to be eaten.

The two tigers quickly divided the work. One tiger stayed to entangle with Xiong Yu. The other tiger judged the distance between Ah Wei and Meimei, gave up on Mei Mei on the tree next to Xiong Yu, and ran towards Ah Wei. great.

Ah Wei hurriedly shot at the running tiger to delay.

Xiong Yu glanced at Ah Wei dissatisfied. If Ah Wei and Meimei both climbed on the same tree, he could stand guard under the tree while competing with the three tigers. Wouldn't the two trees now increase his workload? ?

Looking at the man in front of him who also straightened up and prepared to make a tiger gesture with him, Xia Yu threw a left hook.

Huzi staggered two steps, landed on all fours to stabilize his body, and stood up again. What greeted him was Xiong Yu's crotch kick.

Huzi fell to the ground after being hit in the crotch. Although Xiong Yu also fell to the ground because his legs were too short, he got up faster than Huzi because he fell to the ground in a planned manner.

He stepped forward again, jumped hard, and sat on Huzi's head like a mountain.

Huzi was stunned, and Xiong Yu added two more claws to its head, making it completely lose its fighting ability.

Lying on the ground and looking at Xiong Yu who had attacked his brother, Huzi felt great doubts in his heart:

To be fair, shouldn't we be like sumo wrestlers, holding each other together and biting each other in one round and two rounds? Why do you box?

What's a flying kick, what's a left hook, what's a crotch kick, what's a Tarzan press? Forget about boxing and go down the road, use your claws and teeth!

A deep sadness arose in Huzi's heart. He felt like a sumo wrestler who accidentally broke into the boxing ring, and he was a heavyweight.

Its vision gradually became blurred.

Before it completely lost consciousness, it saw its brother who was also knocked down by Xiong Yu.

Xiong Yu ran to the other Huzi, without any nonsense, he swooped down, hugged Huzi and spun around, his left bear arm hooked around Huzi's neck, his right bear claw grabbed the left bear claw, and he held it hard Pull.

This move is called a naked choke. Xiong Yu's face-to-face attack is also called a guillotine. It is a frequently seen fighting move.

The principle of this move is to compress the densely packed carotid artery nerves, causing carotid sinus syncope or vasovagal syncope.

Theoretically, this trick is applicable to most mammals with necks.

Under Xiong Yu's claws, Huzi's struggles became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no movement.

Xiong Yu held on for another minute and then let go of Hu Zi.


Huzi fell to the ground limply.

Ah Wei, who was lying on the tree, looked shocked.

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