Life swap game

332. Not a love rival, but...

"Isn't this bad?" Xia Yu hesitated as he grabbed his clothes.

"Hurry up, the time is coming, we have to go." Xu Youxiang threw a bag over.

When Xia Yu opened the bag, what he saw was a suit.

"Where are you going?" Xia Yu took out his suit and looked at the size. It was just right.

When I looked at the brand again, it turned out to be a famous brand.

"Go to the party." Xu Youxiang said.

"Work party?" Xia Yu said while getting dressed.

"A party with friends." Xu Youxiang denied.

"You still have friends?" Xia Yu was even more surprised.

"Why do I have no friends? I'm really good at making skirts!" Xu Youxiang said, staring into her amber eyes.

Xia Yu then understood that the so-called friends were just people who made skirts together.

"You don't have any friends!" Xu Youxiang, who felt that she was being despised, began to mock Xia Yu, "Especially those who have girlfriends, they don't dare to get close to you."

Xia Yu's head was full of questions: "Who do you think I am?"

After snorting, Xu Youxiang continued: "Originally, I didn't want to go to that party, but there is someone in the group who always annoys me. You just go over and deal with him."

Hearing this, Xia Yu's expression became serious and he asked, "What's going on?"

"It's a fabric supply boss. After I met him in the group, he always sent me embarrassing messages in private messages. I bought fabrics from his company and he gave me an abnormal discount. I was so scared that I didn't go to that store for ten days. Go shopping." Xu Youxiang explained.

Xia Yu nodded. He thought that if it were just these two points, he would be considered a normal suitor, and he could be dealt with more gently.

Before Xu Youxiang finished speaking, she continued: "I told him that I already had a boyfriend, but he actually asked me in a subtle way how much my boyfriend's salary was and whether I was short of money."

"Huh?" Xia Yu frowned, unable to understand this operation.

Are you planning to give yourself money to get out of here?

No, wouldn’t it be better to seduce the woman directly if you have money? If the man runs away, the woman may not be him.

Is it some kind of special hobby?

Xia Yu was a little panicked.

He quickly dressed and decided to go meet the pervert for a while.

After he finished changing his clothes, Xu Youxiang stretched out his hand and asked him to change his clothes.

With everything ready, the two arrived at the party location.

It was a large room in a hotel.

The party was held in the form of a banquet, with food and drinks placed on long tables.

"Is he there?" Xia Yu asked Xu Youxiang in the wheelchair.

Xu Youxiang glanced around, and just as she was about to identify Xia Yu, five women in western dresses surrounded her.

The leading woman asked excitedly: "Are you the one who 'chopped that Yu to death'?"


Xia Yu suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Youxiang.

He saw Xu Youxiang and nodded.

"It's really Yu Niang." The women were excited.

Question marks appeared in Xia Yu's mind again. What the hell is Yu Niang called?

Xu Youxiang also felt a little embarrassed. She said, "Just ask me to chop."

This nickname is also dangerous!

Why do you use such a dangerous nickname!

There were many people at this time, and it was difficult for Xia Yu to accuse Xu Youxiang.

He watched Xu Youxiang chatting with these women and sighed that Xu Youxiang was so popular.

Also, Xu Youxiang, who has two talents in matching and makeup, would be abnormal if she doesn't mix well.

After explaining the questions raised by the women, Xu Youxiang introduced Xia Yu.

Xia Yu smiled and nodded to these women, and gave a detailed explanation on the makeup issue mentioned by the previous woman.

He has obtained makeup LV2 from Xu Youxiang, and also has outfit LV1.

LV2 is already at the level of a veteran, so some explanations are enough. Moreover, Xia Yu is a LV2 who is good at all styles.

He also intends to explain things that ordinary people don't know and lead them in a remote style.

Two of the women turned on the recording on their mobile phones and recorded happily. The rest also asked Xia Yu to go back and give a video explanation.

After an explanation, Xia Yu gained the respect of the five women and was pulled into the penguin group.

Feeling that they had been around for a long time, these women left voluntarily, leaving Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang free.

When he came to the dining table, Xia Yu forked something at random to eat and fed Xu Youxiang.

The food is okay, not top notch but still delicious.

This is mainly because the hotel chooses dishes smartly and chooses dishes that do not require advanced skills.

"The man coming here now is the one I was talking about." He glanced at Xu Youxiang, who was eating snacks beside him and said.

Xia Yu looked to the right and saw the man Xu Youxiang was talking about.

He was a thin but handsome man. The man was wearing a very well-fitting suit, an unknown but seemingly valuable watch on his hand, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose.

When he came to Xu Youxiang and Xia Yu, the man did not speak to Xu Youxiang. Instead, he looked at Xia Yu: "Are you Zhang Zai's boyfriend?"

Hearing this nickname, Xia Yu felt a little cold on his neck. He touched his neck and replied, "My name is Xia Yu, hello."

The two shook hands.

After letting go of his hand, the thin man asked: "Can we talk?"

Are you ready to pay me? Xia Yu was confused.

He wanted to see what the man wanted to do, so he nodded in agreement.

The two of them came to a deserted corner together, and the thin man asked, "Mr. Xia Yu, are you short of money?"

Is it so direct?

Xia Yu shook his head: "No shortage."

"Even if it starts at 100,000?" the thin man said again.

You want to buy me off with 100,000 yuan?

Xia Yu was a little disappointed, but then relieved.

Reality is not a novel, even those rich people will not misuse their money. The plot of giving you millions or ten million to leave her is impossible to happen.

Facing the thin man's eager eyes, Xia Yu shook his head.

The skinny man's face suddenly became anxious. He reached out and grabbed Xia Yu's arm and added the price: "Where's 200,000?"

Looking at the suddenly excited thin man, Xia Yu was a little confused. He first denied the money the man added: "I'm not short of money. Two hundred thousand is about the same as twenty yuan in my eyes."

The skinny man's spirit immediately slumped.

"Oh, then God is probably going to kill me." The thin man murmured.

Xia Yu was surprised: This is the legendary love brain. For the sake of the person you like, it doesn't matter whether the other person has a boyfriend or not, whether he has children, or even whether he is a human being. If he doesn't get it, he will die?

He felt that things might be different from what Xu Youxiang told him. Xu Youxiang's previous explanation and the words of the thin man now revealed something strange.

"Let's talk about what you want to do first," he said to the man.

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