Life swap game

348. The princess was abducted by a bear in a car!

The dexterous Xiong Yu noticed when Mei Mei untied her belt, but because his claws were bear claws, he was not able to catch the girl in time.

After Meimei ran out, Xia Yu hesitated again. There were at least two teams and nearly twenty soldiers on this stretch of road. Even if he rushed out, he would probably die.

At this time, a familiar anger arose in his heart, the anger coming from the brown bear.

Xia Yu already understood the brown bear's decision. He clenched the bear's claws and rushed out.

The big cap officer in the truck pulled the trigger on Meimei. His hand was quite steady. Meimei was only ten meters away from him. Hitting the target was not a problem at first, but suddenly a bear jumped out of the forest. Knocked down Meimei and dodged his bullet.

When they saw the bear, the soldiers were frightened and retreated, grabbing their guns.

Pressing Meimei under him, Xiong Yu roared at the soldiers.

He wants to bring back Mei Mei by creating the illusion of a wild bear attack.

At the same time he used intimidation.

The soldiers took another step back, but did not collapse. Intimidation is very useful in daily life, but on the battlefield, it has very limited effect on real soldiers.

The soldiers had seen a lot of death and had a strong will. With the strength of their numbers, they could not be intimidated by a bear.

Xia Yu knew this, so he had never placed any hope on intimidation before. This time he used it just to give it a try.

Although they were not scared to death, the soldiers still felt that this was an extremely ferocious bear and they did not want to conflict with it.

When they are traumatized, other animals will choose to escape, but brown bears rarely have the word escape in their dictionary, and their injuries will make them even crazier.

Although it is not a big problem to kill a brown bear, it is not a big problem for a brown bear to kill one or two people.

Seeing the retreat on the soldiers' faces, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He patted Meimei under him with his paws, asked the girl to hug him tightly, and then stepped back step by step.

The soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief, and they did not want to fight the brown bear.

However, the soldiers did not dare, but the officer with the big cap sitting on the truck and protected by the truck did.

He pulled the trigger again, and the gunshot caused the soldiers to fire bullets.

As expected, Xia Yu rolled a few times and moved away from his original place.

He dodged very well and most of the bullets missed it, but one shot was deflected due to poor technique and scratched his front paw.

While he quickly pulled out his belt and fixed Mei Mei under him, he continued to roll to avoid the next bullets.

At the same time, he thought about how to respond.

Running along the road was impossible. He could get away from the soldiers, but not from the truck.

It was impossible to return to the forest. At this time, the big cap officer had sounded the alarm, and soon the troops in the forest would surround him. Moreover, it was already dawn.

There is no way out, so the only option is hard anal.

At this time, Xia Yu had rolled to the back of the truck.

The truck blocked the soldier's perspective and trajectory, and Xia Yu and Meimei were temporarily safe.

He stood up and gritted his teeth. The brown bear was probably shot three or four times, one of which was particularly serious in the head.

Holding back the pain, he turned over and got into the back of the truck.

Twenty soldiers slowly approached the back of the truck, and the big cap officer also stuck his head out to look around. He opened the door and was about to go down to take a look. After thinking about it, he closed the door again.

Seeing that he did not come down, Xiong Yu felt regretful. He untied the belt around Xiong's waist, came to Meimei's side and whispered, "Lie down quietly."

The girl's eyes widened, and before she could be shocked, Xiong Yu had already jumped out.

The soldiers divided into two groups and surrounded the truck from the left and right. They were wondering why the brown bear suddenly disappeared. They did not expect that the brown bear would jump into the back of the truck.

The back barn is so high that it is impossible for an ordinary brown bear to climb up in a short time.

Their mindset gave Xia Yu a chance to fight back.

Xia Yu jumped from the back warehouse to the front of the truck, jumped behind the soldiers, and started the attack.

The team whose backs were attacked were completely unable to resist effectively. They either fell under Xia Yu's bear paws or fled to the right side of the truck.

Hearing the screams of their companions on the left, the soldiers on the right immediately became alert. The alert made them stay where they were and no longer take the initiative to attack.

Xia Yu jumped onto the truck again, but this time his target was not the rear compartment, but the driver's seat.

Chief Big Cap heard the sound and was looking around in panic.

"What happened! What's wrong with you!" he shouted.

The soldier on the left side of the truck was nervous, and no one answered. Just as the officer was about to ask again, a voice came from the door of the truck: "Sir, we have three dead brothers, and the brown bear has been killed, but... , you’d better come down and take a look.”

Hearing that the brown bear was dead, Chief Big Cap breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little curious about what the word "but" was used for. He put his hand on the door handle and was about to open the driver's door.

At this time, the remaining soldiers also reacted: "Sir, that is the enemy!"

Hearing this voice, a cold light flashed in Xiong Yu's eyes. He almost succeeded.

In this case, there was no other way. Xia Yu smashed the window glass with one punch. Chief Big Cap, who was just glad that he had not been fooled, used his brain to understand the sharpness of the bear's claws.

Chief Big Cap did not die immediately. Looking at the brown bear outside the window, he let out a piercing scream. It was not until Xia Yu pulled out the bear's claw that he gradually became silent.

The remaining soldiers were frightened again. Two of them, who were more alert, climbed onto the truck lightly and wanted to check.

What they saw was the brown bear returning to the back of the truck.

One person was given a bear claw, and Xia Yu threw their bodies down, making the remaining soldiers even more afraid to act rashly, and then he got out of the car with Meimei in his arms.

Through the broken window, he pushed Mei Mei in and asked the girl to open the car door for him.

Holding the edge of the car door, Xia Yu got up and got into the car. Next, he only needed to sit on the seat and start the truck to escape from here.

However, things often go wrong at the end.

A gunshot rang out, and Xia Yu felt a chill on his back.

He quickly judged that these were soldiers coming out of the forest.

It happened to be stuck at this juncture!

He knew that one shot was just the prelude to more bullets to follow.

He was stuck in the car door, and it took too long to get in and close the door. The best option at this time was to let go of the car, hide under the car, and then move the tiger away from the mountain and return to the truck. I believe the soldiers would not do anything to the brown bear. Be careful when trying to grab a car.

But the problem now is that Meimei is still in the car. If he dodges, the bullet will hit Meimei's body.

He thought quickly, and only one second passed before bullets came one after another, hitting his back and the truck.

Against the hail of bullets, Xia Yu entered the car and closed the door.

As the forest team watched in shock, the brown bear started the truck and drove away.

The soldiers dropped their rifles and scratched their heads, too stunned to even pursue the pursuit.

Xia Yu had never driven a truck, but with the help of driving level 3, he drove pretty well. With a calm mind, he turned onto the south road as Ah Wei said before.

His body was equally calm, so calm that he now felt cold all over.

This is a sign of excessive blood loss.

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