Life swap game

Chapter 372 370. Xia Yu: Follow Him (2-in-1)

After briefly sorting out the collected information, Xia Yu planned to ask Yu Ningmeng when the time came.

No search engine is better than Yu Ningmeng.

He didn't have to be so concerned. An Siyao followed. The An family and Yu family would definitely arrange everything properly, but Xia Yu felt uncomfortable if he didn't take matters into his own hands.

"Brother?" Youxue opened the door to the room, "Let's go, Sister Manman is urging me."

"Okay." Xia Yu closed the notebook and walked out of the door together with Youxue.

Today is the last weekend before the winter vacation. I heard that Xia Yu and the others are going on a trip during the winter vacation. Liu Manman said that they would get together in these two days.

Driving out of the garage, Xia Yu drove Youxue to An Siyao's house.

The car was given by An Siyao on New Year's Day. An Siyao also wanted to give it to a company. This time she gave it to a subsidiary company of the Yu family. Without Yu Ningmeng's help, Xia Yu succeeded. He persuaded An Siyao.

The security guards at An Siyao's villa were already familiar with Xia Yu's license plate, but they still stopped the car to check.

Handing the car keys to the security guard, Xia Yu and Youxue entered the villa together.

In the living room on the second floor, Liu Manman, Ning Qiu'er, Hu Lianglu, and An Siyao were watching a movie on the projector.

Seeing Xia Yu coming up, An Siyao immediately stood up, came to his side, and hugged his arm.

After pinching An Siyao's face, Xia Yu and Youxue also sat on the sofa and watched the movie.

It was a zombie movie, and all the scenes were in a building. The zombies are realistic, the graphics are dark, and the music is spooky. It's a good movie.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu watched the movie with relish.

Although he didn't see the beginning, Xia Yu still fully understood the plot based on his deduction.

In short, the zombie virus broke out, and many people in the building began to mutate. The protagonist who delivered the food happened to enter and was trapped on the top floor. So he and the heroine who ordered his own food fled downwards.

After a lot of hard work, the protagonist and his party finally reached the first floor, killed the mutant zombie that was the boss, opened the fire escape door, and saw the sunshine outside.

At the same time, they also saw groups of zombies.

The movie ends abruptly here, and it's obvious that the director wants to make a sequel.

After watching the movie, Xia Yu looked at the group of people next to him. Youxue and Ning Qiuer hugged pillows, Liu Manman covered her ears and curled up, Hu Lianglu was enjoying it, and An Siyao looked dull.

Xia Yu was not surprised by the performance of the four Youxue people. What surprised him was An Siyao's calm appearance.

Liu Manman also noticed An Siyao's behavior. Before Xia Yu asked, she rushed to An Siyao's side, hugged An Siyao, and asked, "Yaoyao, why are you not afraid at all?"

An Siyao tilted her head and thought for a moment before replying: "The plot in the middle where the male protagonist and the female protagonist almost separated was quite scary."

"...Why is it so scary there!" Liu Manman couldn't understand An Siyao's brain circuit. She grabbed An Siyao's shoulders and shook her hard, "Zombies, cannibals, aren't they scary?"

Letting Liu Manman shake herself, An Siyao said weakly, "Isn't it normal for zombies to eat people?"

Liu Manman stopped when she heard this, lowered her head and pondered: "It does seem normal for zombies to eat people."

"So it's still scary to almost break up." An Siyao peddled his own view of fear.

Before she could finish speaking, the maid arrived with snacks, and everyone's attention quickly shifted to the snacks.

While eating snacks, Xia Yu thought about what An Siyao had just said.

Is separation more terrifying than zombies eating people?

While he was thinking about it, An Siyao handed him a white jade dumpling. The girl held it directly with her hands, and the translucent dumplings looked even more delicious against the backdrop of her white palms.

An Siyao was about to let Xia Yu pick it up from her hand and eat it, but she didn't expect that Xia Yu took her hand and bit down the dumpling directly.

She clearly felt Xia Yu's lips sliding across her palm.

She couldn't help but blush on her face, and she looked at Xia Yu.

When the atmosphere between the two was good, Liu Manman intervened: "We have so many singles here, so don't show off!"

She pulled Xia Yu to Youxue's side, and An Siyao to Ning Qiuer's side, forcing them to separate.

"Okay, let's play games next." Liu Manman took out a big cardboard box. In the cardboard box, there was a big map and various chess pieces. "Look at my new toy. I'll teach you. Play."

The chess piece Liu Manman took out was very complicated, but it was also very entertaining and time passed quickly.

After dinner and playing chess for a while, Xia Yu suggested going to the screening room of An Siyao's house and watching another movie.

That was a movie prepared by Xia Yu in advance. It was an action movie.

The plot of the movie is not important. What is important is that there is a scene in the movie where the heroine and her friends spend the night together.

Sure enough, after watching the movie, Liu Manman immediately reached out and shouted: "I want to stay together too! Find a big room to sleep on the floor, and I have to hold up a tent!"

At Xia Yu's signal, An Siyao and Youxue both extended their hands to express their agreement. Seeing their high spirits, Ning Qiuer also raised her hand to pass.

The only one who didn't raise his hand was Hu Lianglu, and everyone turned their attention to her.

Hu Lianglu, who was in a daze, finally realized what he was doing and raised his hand.

"Then everyone has passed. We will sleep together and Xia Yu will stay in the empty room alone!" Liu Manman looked at Xia Yu proudly.

Xia Yu remained calm and let out a cold voice in his heart, expressing his disdain for Liu Manman, not even knowing that he was being used by him.

Liu Manman clamored to take a bath together. Fortunately, there was a large bath in the villa that could accommodate all of them.

After going crazy for a while, at ten o'clock in the evening, they entered the prepared empty room, made their beds and slept on the floor. The excitement made them fall asleep until after eleven o'clock.

At this time, Xia Yu landed on An Siyao's body. He sat up and looked at the group of people sleeping next to him with a successful smile.

Stretching out his hand, Xia Youyu used comfort on everyone including Youxue, causing them all to fall into a deep sleep, and then logged out and returned to his body.

He got up and got out of bed, walked out of the guest room, and came to the door of the bedroom where the girls lived. An Siyao opened the door for him as planned.

His purpose today was to record Ning Qiu'er's body into the column. In order to make the plan perfect, he waited for half a month before Ning Qiu'er came over.

He couldn't wait to enter the room.

It was already twelve o'clock at this time, entering the second day, and the opportunity to exchange bodies had been refreshed.

Looking at Ning Qiu'er, Xia Yu used free selection and came to Ning Qiu'er's body.

Like Liu Manman at that time, Xia Yu did not make any unnecessary movements, preparing to comfort the body again to make it sleep again.

But before going to sleep, he wanted to see what kind of bonus Ning Qiuer had. This was his occupational disease.

After a minute, the prompt appears.

[Bonus generation completed]

[Bonus obtained: Star Boundary Sensing lv0]


What kind of bonus is this? Why only one? What is the astral realm? Are there any lv0 ones?

Xia Yu's mind was full of doubts, but he was still calm, knowing that if the body was not allowed to fall asleep, Ning Qiu'er, who was awake but unable to control her body, would enter a panic state and might kick him out.

Xia Yu used comfort on himself and successfully fell asleep.

At the same time, An Siyao also followed Xia Yu's instructions and asked Tuo Yu to go back to the room and close the door.

There was nothing wrong with this operation on the surface, but in fact, another pair of eyes saw it clearly.

Because she was worried, Yu Ningmeng, who installed a camera in the corridor, stared at the surveillance screen in front of her and frowned.

She sorted out the information she had just seen from the surveillance.

Xia Yu walked out of the room and came to the door of the girls' room. Yaoyao opened the door for him and he walked in with a smile on his face.

When she saw this, Yu Ningmeng's heart was filled with grief. She didn't expect that Yaoyao would become Xia Yu's accomplice and have such an exciting time.

Damn it, the wealth doesn’t flow to outsiders!

Just when she was hesitating whether to take care of it, she saw Xia Yu coming out again.

From the time I entered to the time I came out, it probably didn't take more than two minutes.

It only takes a minute to get dressed and undressed!

Yu Ningmeng knew that she must have thought wrong. It was not that kind of thing when Xia Yu went in. He might have taken pictures first to threaten him.

But Xia Yu didn't have a camera or a mobile phone in his hand.

What are they doing? Visit the sleeping position?

Forget it, as long as it's nothing out of the ordinary, just let them go.

Pushing the notebook aside, Yu Ningmeng continued to organize the documents.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xia Yu returned to his body.

After getting dressed and getting out of bed, he washed up and thought about Ning Qiu'er's bonus.

What exactly is astral induction?

Xia Yu originally thought that Ning Qiuer's bonus was something like creation in a dream, but he didn't expect it to be such a fantasy thing.

Is there a star realm besides this world? Is this going to shatter the void and fly away?

Following this thought for a while, Xia Yu reorganized the information and began to deduce what this astral induction was from another direction.

If Ning Qiu'er doesn't have any other secrets, the creation in the dream must be related to this astral induction. In other words, this astral induction can allow Ning Qiu'er to obtain the Moonlight Sonata.

A flash of light flashed in Xia Yu's mind:

Is this star realm the earth?

No, no, there's no way to explain why there are two melodies in Ning Qiu'er's song written by herself. There are no two melodies on earth.

After thinking for a long time, Xia Yu still couldn't draw a credible conclusion, but he thought of two more clues.

That is the reward star fragment given by Guiding Wen Ziying's life, and the reward of a star fragment clue saved before.

Although Xia Yu now has some clues about the task of guiding Wen Ziying's life, he still needs further observation and doesn't know when he can get the star fragment.

With no other option but to wait and see what happens, Xia Yu put the matter aside for the time being.

Things that have no solution are solutions. Always worrying about adding troubles, letting go is the best choice.

Spitting out the toothpaste foam in his mouth, Xia Yu washed his mouth with water.

After washing his face again, Xia Yu came to the restaurant.

There were only An Siyao and Hu Lianglu at the dining table. Youxue and the others had just gotten up and hadn't tidied themselves up yet.

Xia Yu waved to Hu Lianglu and led her to the backyard.

"How are you studying?" Xia Yu ostensibly asked Hu Lianglu about the progress of her fighting studies, but in fact he was inviting Hu Lianglu to compete.

Hu Lianglu understood what Xia Yu meant. She put on a fighting stance and attacked Xia Yu with small steps.

Xia Yu has already checked that Hu Lianglu has no talent in fighting. But Hu Lianglu's personality allowed her to learn fighting fairly quickly in the early stages.

The bodyguards of the Yu family taught her ruthless moves that could render the opponent powerless with one blow.

For example, inserting eyes and nostrils to steal peaches.

Xia Yu did not attack and neutralized Hu Lianglu's moves one by one.

He nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, if Hu Lianglu met the gangster from before, one kick would make the gangster lie on the ground with his crotch covered.

When Hu Lianglu started to use repeated moves, Xia Yu reached out and grabbed her arm and pushed her to the ground.

"Okay, not bad." He let go of Hu Lianglu and made plans to push Hu Lianglu down again.

Hu Lianglu would not give in unless she was knocked down two or three times.

However, when Hu Lianglu got up this time, she did not attack again as usual. Instead, she patted the grass blades on her clothes and went back to the villa.

Xia Yu was very surprised by this. He touched his chin, thinking of Hu Lianglu's daze yesterday, and felt that there was something strange about the girl.

After arriving at the restaurant, he was even more sure of his judgment, because Hu Lianglu was asking for leave from An Siyao, saying that she had something to do at noon.

An Siyao looked at Xia Yu, and after seeing him nodding, she agreed to Hu Lianglu.

The three of them started having breakfast, and Youxue and the others came down quickly. After breakfast, Liu Manman started having fun again.

During this period, Xia Yu observed Hu Lianglu, who looked distracted.

At half past ten, Hu Lianglu left the villa.

Xia Yu thought for a while and put down the game controller in his hand.

"I have something to do and I'm going out." Xia Yu prepared to follow Hu Lianglu.

After he went out, Liu Manman also made an excuse and ran out.

She caught up with Xia Yu: "Take me with you!"

The two got into Xia Yu's car together, following Hu Lianglu who got into the driver's car.

Seeing Xia Yu following him in the rearview mirror, the driver deliberately slowed down, took clear directions when turning, and tried his best to cooperate.

In this way, after driving and chasing, we came to a Western restaurant.

It was easy to be discovered if he got closer, so Xia Yu stopped the car not far from the restaurant.

They watched Hu Lianglu enter the restaurant.

Xia Yu was about to follow him in, but was stopped by Liu Manman.

Liu Manman bought two hats and two coats at a high price on the street, and first disguised them with Xia Yu.

Afterwards, the two sneaked into the restaurant and lurked two tables away from Hu Lianglu.

Hu Lianglu was sitting opposite a man in a suit.

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