Life swap game

Chapter 382 380. Hiding a beauty in the bedroom? (2-in-1)

"Okay, my brother can't see you now, let's change clothes." Youxue said to Zhu Mei.

"Thank you." Zhu Mei showed a kind smile.

"There is a towel inside. Wipe the water off your body." Youxue said.

"Okay." Zhu Mei opened the bag.

Two seconds later, Youxue turned her head away. They were all girls, and Zhu Mei had just started to unbutton her pajamas, but she didn't see anything yet, but her face felt a little hot.

It’s all because her face is so charming!

No wonder my brother cares so much about her, he must have been seduced by her!

No, my brother is not a person with poor self-control. He must have taken a fancy to her and wanted to occupy her!

By the way, the three security guards couldn't find it after searching outside for so long. My brother found it after he went out for a walk. What kind of special skill is this?

Does my brother have the special ability of smelling beauty?

She couldn't help but glance in Zhu Mei's direction again. Zhu Mei was already wearing a dress.

She likes such a beautiful girl very much and wants to spend more time with her.

The last girl who made her feel like this was An Siyao.

By the way, is this girl a threat to Sister Yaoyao's position?

Youxue compared the two of them in her heart.

An Siyao has the ideal appearance of a long and straight young lady with a ladylike temperament, while the girl in front of her has the ideal appearance of a vixen who brings disaster to the country and the people. The legendary Queen of District 45 is probably nothing more than this, right? However, this is just the face, the body still needs to grow.

Sister Yaoyao's relationship for such a long time should not be a problem. The best my brother can do is hide this girl so that he won't change his marriage partner.

Fuxue breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little guilty again. She knew clearly that her brother was behaving like this, but she couldn't tell An Siyao.

After all, Xia Yu is the elder brother, and An Siyao is just An Siyao.

Sighing, Youxue felt that at such a young age, she was burdened with too many things that she should not have to bear at this age.

"I'm fine." Zhu Mei's voice restored Youxue's energy.

"You should eat something and drink some water first." After saying that, Youxue came to the entrance of the cave and told Xia Yu that he could come in.

When Xia Yu came in, he saw Zhu Mei biting bread. The girl looked very hungry. She could finish a fist-sized piece of bread in two bites.

The open red lips and the looming tip of the tongue forced Xia Yu to leave his sight.

After eating three pieces of bread, Zhu Mei's hunger was relieved. She slowed down her eating speed, took a sip of water, and looked at Xia Yu and Youxue.

Her eyes moved between the two for a while, and finally landed on Xia Yu.

"Thank you." She said to Xia Yu.

"It's okay." Xia Yu waved his hand.

"Thank you very much." Zhu Mei said again.

Originally, when she was discovered by Xia Yu, she was already prepared to be arrested. Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not arrest her, but also brought her clothes and food.

"Can I borrow your cell phone?" she asked cautiously.

Youxue took out her cell phone without hesitation and gave it to Zhu Mei.

After taking the phone, Zhu Mei dialed Lihua's number. The call was quickly connected, but there was no sound.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Mei knew that Lihua's cell phone had fallen into the hands of the enemy.

She tried hard to recall her brother Zhu Mengbing's number and dialed it.

The phone was quickly connected, and a voice came quickly, but it was not his brother's voice.

"Who are you?" the person on the phone asked.

"What do you want?" Zhu Mei asked.

"As long as you come here, we will let everyone go. How do you feel?" the other party replied.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Zhu Mei asked back.

"Hahahaha, it doesn't matter if you don't get fooled. We will find you, Her Royal Highness the Princess of District 232." The other party hung up the phone directly.

Zhu Mei bit her lip. She didn't expect that her identity as a princess would be exposed.

Returning the phone to Youxue, she sat on the rock listlessly.

Youxue looked at Zhu Mei and then at Xia Yu. She barely heard some of the chat just now. Based on the previous situation, she came to the conclusion that Zhu Mei was being hunted and her family had fallen into the hands of evil forces.

She grabbed Xia Yu's hand and pulled Xia Yu to the entrance of the cave, away from Zhu Mei.

The girl asked Xia Yu in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to take care of this matter?"

"What do you think?" Xia Yu asked Xiang Youxue.

"Of course you can't control it. They are evil forces. This is not the first area. It is very dangerous!" Youxue held Xia Yu's hand. The strength in her hand showed her determination to stop him.

Although in movies, there are often plots where the male protagonist destroys an evil force by himself, Wu Xue knows that this is just art, and how can an ordinary person defeat an evil force.

Even if you use money and power to pressure someone, there is no guarantee that the other party will have an idiot to stage a blood-splattered ten-step show.

She added: "If you want to get her, you only need to break her illusions and bring her back to the first district. Without money, she will definitely rely on you, brother. There is no need to deal with the evil forces for her." Get a good impression."

If it were the previous Xia Yu, Youxue wouldn't have said so much, because the previous Xia Yu would avoid even trouble, let alone danger.

But now Xia Yu, Youxue feels that he is too soft-hearted towards beautiful girls. Whether it was being dragged into an ensemble performance by Liu Manman, writing music for An Siyao, or even the act of playing music itself, Xia Yu was not interested in it before.

Although she also received a lot of love and care, such as this trip, if her previous brother would not agree at all, safety is still more important.

Youxue helped Xia Yu analyze again: "If you help her find her family now, she will probably leave with her family. Then brother, you will be fetching water from a bamboo basket - it hurts!"

The girl who was slapped on the forehead by Xia Yu covered her head in grievance and stared at Xia Yu angrily.

"In your mind, am I the kind of man who wants to take any pretty girl home?" Xia Yu said helplessly.

This has been misunderstood by Youxue countless times. It seems that his image in the eyes of girls does have a huge problem.

"Isn't it?" Youxue asked, akimbo.

Xia Yu couldn't explain.

"In short, don't interfere with this matter!" Grabbing Xia Yu's shoulders, Youxue put her face in front of him and said every word.

Xia Yu knew that the girl was worried about him, but with many skills, he really wasn't afraid of the Gray Reef Company. Of course, it cannot be his own body that does it.

"Maybe she has her own way." Xia Yu said.

"Then let her solve it by herself. You can't lose the entire forest for a tree!" Youxue said earnestly in order to dispel Xia Yu's idea of ​​taking risks and save her only brother.

"The whole forest." Xia Yu knocked the girl on the head again and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything dangerous."

After receiving Xia Yu's assurance, Youxue didn't care about being knocked on the head. She held Xia Yu's hand and smiled.

Xia Yu shook his head slightly. The girl was still too young to do dangerous things and not to help Zhu Mei, but they were two different things. Can those people from Gray Reef Company still be considered dangerous?

However, Xia Yu is still thinking about whether to help Zhu Mei. He is not a philanthropic person. Without the spirit of the Holy Father, Zhu Mei can just be fine.

Returning to the cave, Youxue and Xia Yu looked at Zhu Mei, who also looked at them.

The two people leaving just now made Zhu Mei think that they felt the danger in themselves and did not want to risk taking her in.

"I'm leaving now." Zhu Mei stood up.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Youxue pulled Zhu Mei.

Zhu Mei couldn't answer, she had nowhere to go.

"Just stay here." Youxue added.

"But..." Zhu Mei hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you don't go out, there won't be any problems." Xia Yu continued.

"Thank you." Zhu Mei sat back on the ground. Her mind was a little confused at the moment.

Even during the most difficult times, when she was hunted down in the palace and twice in the mountains, she was never left alone. She was used to letting others figure things out, so she didn't know what she should do next.

"Let's go to our house first." Youxue said.

"Huh?" Xia Yu and Zhu Mei looked at each other with doubts at the same time.

"It's going to rain soon. Water might come in here, and it's not safe if there are big waves." Youxue explained.

Xia Yu was hesitant. Taking Zhu Mei back would mean letting Kong Hanyue and others know.

"But there are others in the villa, you have to hide." Youxue continued.

Zhu Mei nodded. Although she was not a pampered princess, as a normal person, she would not like to stay in a cave, especially when it was getting dark and she had no lighting equipment at all.

"Where are you hiding?" Xia Yu asked Xiang Youxue. Youxue did not live alone, but lived with Liu Manman. If he hid in Youxue's room, Liu Manman would definitely find him.

Glancing at Zhu Mei, Youxue said: "Sister Manman and I are together, and my mother comes here often. You can't hide her in my place, of course I'll hide her in your room."

Xia Yu: "???"

Seeing Xia Yu's confused expression, Youxue mentally praised her brother's acting skills. She thought that her brother was attracted by her beauty. At this moment, she sent her directly to her brother's room, which could be said to be a super assist.

As expected of me. Youxue sighed for her sister's power, feeling quite like a master's loneliness.

Zhu Mei, who was about to object, dispelled her doubts after seeing Xia Yu also looking embarrassed.

She had no objection and the matter was settled.

When she came outside the cave, Zhu Mei looked at the cliff as high as one person, thinking about where to climb up. However, she saw Xia Yu easily lifted Youxue, first letting her hold on to the edge of the cliff, and then lifting her feet , sent her up.

Facing Xia Yu's gaze on her, Zhu Mei shook her head. That action was too intimate and she couldn't accept it.

When she came to the cliff next to her, the girl slowly climbed up.

Seeing the two girls going up, Xia Yi jumped up, easily grabbed the edge of the cliff, and pushed up.

"How about it? My brother is great, isn't he?" Youxue did not forget to assist Xia Yu.

Under ordinary circumstances, when faced with her brother's new goal, she would at most not cause trouble and would never help him. But Zhu Mei was different. It would be bad if her brother couldn't handle it and decided to deal with Gray Reef Company to gain favor.

Facing her question, Zhu Mei glanced at Xia Yu and nodded.

Even Ah Wei probably couldn't jump up all at once. I just don’t know if Bear can do it.

Thinking of the brown bear, Zhu Mei felt a little relaxed, but then she became depressed.

She grabbed the pendant on her chest.

Sensing the change in Zhu Mei's mood, Youxue thought she was worried about her family and silently held her hand.

As they approached the villa, Xia Yu and Zhu Mei hid aside and then entered the villa again to see if they could explore a safe route.

Before she came back, Xia Yu thought about it. Hiding Zhu Mei in his room sounded very exciting, but how could he hide such a living person without being discovered?

Even if it is well hidden this week, it will still be exposed a week later when Yu Ningmeng is asked to go through the formalities and take Zhu Mei away.

There's no point in hiding it, so let's bring it in openly.

Xia Yu originally planned to tell the two of them when Youxue came back, but after seeing Youxue come back with a suitcase, he felt that it was not too late to wait until he sent Zhu Mei in.

Facing the open suitcase in front of her, Zhu Mei looked at Youxue with an urging expression and Xia Yu with an expectant expression, gritted her teeth and took steps.

Xia Yu looked at the girl hugging her legs and huddled in the suitcase, and felt that the phone's camera was a little hungry.

However, Zhu Mei is not An Siyao and Liu Manman. Teasing girls with whom they are not on good terms will greatly reduce their favorability, so Xia Yu can only give up.

"Hurry up. I tricked them into Sister Manman's room to look at her clothes. I guess they won't be able to see her for a long time." Youxue said to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded, squatted down, closed the suitcase, and zipped it up.

Taking the suitcase, he and Youxue quickly arrived at the villa.

A bodyguard and a security guard standing guard downstairs glanced at the suitcase in Xia Yu's hand and looked away consciously.

Paying less attention to the master's affairs is a matter of self-cultivation for the servant.

When they arrived on the second floor, sure enough, there was no one in the living room. Xia Yu opened the door to his room and walked in with Youxue.

Opening the suitcase, Zhu Mei stood up from inside, her face a little pale.

Being carried by Xia Yu, the suitcase inevitably shook a little and she felt a little dizzy.

Holding on to the wall for a while, she recovered.

After the physical discomfort subsided, Zhu Mei began to think about what had just happened. Although she was not heavy, she was not light either. This man could actually lift her with one hand and look relaxed.

Too bad the Gray Reef guys have guns.

Zhu Mei was a little desperate. The other party had already recognized her and the others' identities, so they would definitely be very cautious. Is it really possible to rescue Lihua and the others?

"Let's take a shower in the evening. I'll get a towel to wipe your hair first." Looking at Zhu Mei's wet hair, Youxue said.

"No need." Xia Yu stopped her, "Just take her out, they won't have any objections."

Of course Youxue knew that those girls wouldn't have any objections. An Siyao seemed to be able to do whatever Xia Yu did. Kong Hanyue was the mother, Hu Lianglu was An Siyao's follower, and the rest Liu Manman had to have no objections.

The reason why I proposed to hide in your room is to create opportunities for you, stupid brother!

Youxue was a little angry, feeling that she had violated her conscience to help Xia Yu, but Xia Yu didn't appreciate it.

"Forget it." Youxue held Zhu Mei's hand angrily, opened the door and walked out, closing the door forcefully.

Xia Yu was confused and didn't understand how he had offended Youxue.

He reopened the door and thought about his explanation with the girls.

After stuffing Zhu Mei into the bathroom, Youxue went to pick up his slippers. Xia Yu sat on the sofa, drinking Coke.

After a while, Kong Hanyue walked out of Liu Manman's room.

"Snow again? Snow again?" Kong Hanyue shouted, wondering why her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

She walked to the living room and saw Xia Yu. Just as she was about to ask, she heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

"It's almost noon. What are you doing in the shower?" Kong Hanyue muttered and walked towards the bathroom. She mistook Zhu Mei in the bathroom for Youxue.

Xia Yu, who found it interesting, did not stop him and watched as Kong Hanyue quietly opened the bathroom door and went in to attack "Youxue".

"Ah——!" Two screams sounded.

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