Life swap game

Chapter 385 383. District 1 Bully Xia Aotian (2-in-1)

A bird of prey like this is not something you can just take away casually, it requires detailed planning.

You have to catch them first, then transport them back to your country by air, and then you have to go through various procedures...

It seems like a lot of trouble. Is it really worth it for the three skills of flying, tracking, and distance vision?

However, just like the black cat's use is not just a bonus, the use of the eagle is not just a bonus, but more importantly, the eagle itself.

This is a flying bird of prey!

However, there is no way to use it in the first area. Flying in the city for a while will attract arrests.

Forget it, I definitely won’t be able to get it today anyway, let’s talk about it later.

Like brown bears, eagles are basically not in danger as long as they are not hunted.

Area 26 is not an area where poaching is rampant, so it will basically be fine.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu returned to his body after eight hours.

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning.

Picking up the phone, Xia Yu saw a missed call, which was from Yu Ningmeng.

It seems that Zhu Mei's matter has come to an end.

He dialed the number again and was quickly connected.

"Sleeping?" Yu Ningmeng asked.

"I just woke up, how are things going?" Xia Yu sat up.

If the Yu family cannot let Zhu Mei enter the first district, Xia Yu will have to find a way to accommodate Zhu Mei.

"Yes, District 232 is our ally. Just ask her to submit an asylum application." Yu Ningmeng's words did not end there. Things cannot be done for free. "You know about Xu Youxiang's medicine, right?"

As soon as Yu Ningmeng mentioned the medicine, Xia Yu knew what the price was. He said, "I was also involved in that research. Just tell me."

He took the initiative to take part of the responsibility.

"Can you find a way to get a medicine for ALS?" Yu Ningmeng asked expectantly.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a muscle problem just like Xu Youxiang.

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead. He would have to be busy with this matter for at least a few months.

"No?" Yu Ningmeng was a little disappointed.

"There is no guarantee." Although he has level 6 pharmaceuticals, Xia Yu is not sure whether he can cure this terminal disease.

"The other party just needs to work hard to prevent it from getting worse, or the deterioration will be slower." Yu Ningmeng said.

"Then there should be hope." Xia Yu replied.

"Don't you need to discuss it with Xu Youxiang and Yin Shulan?" According to the information Yu Ningmeng learned, the main people in the pharmaceutical industry are Xu Youxiang and Yin Shulan, and Xia Yu has nothing to do with them.

"I'll give you an answer tonight." Xia Yu couldn't tell Yu Ningmeng that Yin Shulan and Xu Youxiang were both his vests, so he could only make mistakes.

After hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least Zhu Mei's matter was resolved.

After getting off the bed, Xia Yu finished washing and went to the restaurant downstairs.

Zhu Mei and Hu Lianglu were eating breakfast, and the other girls had already finished eating.

Xia Yu drank a bowl of porridge, picked up a bun, bit it, and walked to the window.

Outside the window, the powerful sun was baking the beach. It was estimated that by noon, the traces of yesterday's rain would disappear without a trace.

"What are we doing today?" asked Kong Hanyue, who was lying on the sofa.

A group of people looked at Youxue.

Taking out his mobile phone, Youxue looked through his itinerary and said, "In the morning, I plan to go to the mall for shopping. In the afternoon, I will go to the countryside to experience the local customs and stay overnight."

Liu Manman, who was also slumped on the sofa, raised her head: "Shall we leave now?"

"Let's go." Kong Hanyue stood up, "I heard that you can buy strange wood carvings here."

A group of people went back to the room to pack their things. Taking this opportunity, Zhu Mei came to Xia Yu's side.

"Have you made a decision?" Xia Yu asked.

"I decided to stay." Zhu Mei said, grabbing the clothes on her chest.

"Why?" Xia Yu was a little surprised. He originally thought that Zhu Mei had no relationship with that brother.

"There's no point in being alone." Zhu Mei explained the reason.

Last night, she had a dream that she was back in that familiar village. She ran around the village, looking at the familiar plants and trees, and was overjoyed.

But the joy soon disappeared. There was nothing in the village. The familiar villagers and the familiar giant flowers were nowhere to be seen. The brown bear's cave was also empty, with no shadow of the bear.

The village was peaceful and peaceful, and everything else was exactly the same as before. But in the dream, Zhu Mei couldn't find the feeling she had before.

What she wants is not only a peaceful environment, but also a familiar family.

After going to the first area, she was still alone as in the dream.

After listening to Zhu Mei's explanation, Xia Yu sighed: "I know, I will rescue your brother."

"It's Ah Hua." Zhu Mei corrected, what she wanted most was Li Hua, not the cheap brother.

"Ah Hua is still alive?" Xia Yu was shocked, "Where is Ah Wei?"

"I don't know." Zhu Mei lowered her head.

I don’t know, but it’s more likely to be bad than good.

Xia Yu's mood also dropped a bit. He quite admired that man.

When he was silent, Zhu Mei, who realized that it would be bad not to save her brother, said again: "My brother, please ask me."

"Okay." Xia Yu nodded. Saving one is saving, and saving two is saving. There is no difference.

"Really?" Seeing Xia Yu agree so readily, Zhu Mei was a little unbelievable.

The dedication failed last night. She thought that this matter was impossible, but she did not expect that she could succeed without sacrificing herself.

She was worried again whether Xia Yu wanted to continue last night's transaction, but it was not convenient in the villa, so she raised her head and said, "I can do it anywhere."

It took Xia Yu two seconds to figure out what Zhu Mei was talking about. He patted her head and said, "You don't have to. I told you that someone asked me to take care of you. When someone rescues you, you Just come with me."

Zhu Mei nodded. She actually really wanted to go to the first area of ​​An Ning. If she took Lihua with her, it would be a dreamlike scene.

It would be better if the bear was still here.

After grabbing the pendant on her chest, Zhu Mei's joyful mood fell back again.

Noticing Zhu Mei's loss, Xia Yu put his hand on her head and silently comforted her.

This action suddenly gave Zhu Mei a sense of familiarity.

Bear also likes to pat her head like this and put his paws on her head.

In a daze, Zhu Mei felt that Xia Yu had turned into a brown bear.

She shook her head, trying to expel this ridiculous illusion, but she remembered another doubt.

She looked at Xia Yu and thought: How did he know about Ahua? Why would he ask about Ah Wei?

It’s not surprising to know that A-Hua, after all, A-Hua was with him after he came out of the mountain. However, A-Wei died in the mountain. He only mentioned it a few times, and not many people knew about it.

Wait, when he heard that Ahua was still alive, he expressed surprise and immediately asked about Awei, proving that he was not the two people he knew after coming out of the mountain, but the two people he knew before he came out.

After the palace was burned, only a few soldiers of the Guards knew that she, A Wei and A Hua hid in the mountains. But if the soldiers had told them, they would never have mentioned A Wei and A Hua's nicknames, but should have told them. It's Li Wei and Li Hua.

After arriving in the mountains, Li Wei and Li Hua changed their names to A Wei and A Hua.

In other words, Xia Yu obtained her information in the mountains. But there is no signal in the mountains, so there is no way to communicate with people outside.

The more Zhu Mei thought about it, the weirder she became. She recalled what Xia Yu said, that someone asked him to take care of her affairs. She had no other family members in the mountains except Awei, Ahua and Xiongxiong. Judging from the previous questioning, Awei and A Hua is not the one, could it be that it was the result of Xiong Xiong's request?

She was just about to ask Xia Yu when she saw the girls upstairs walking down and could only suppress her doubts.

After everyone arrived, Xia Yu found an excuse to meet netizens and got away from their group. With two bodyguards and three security guards following him, and everyone speaking pure Mandarin, Xia Yu believed that nothing would happen to the girls.

Zhu Mei stayed at home because she was still being hunted. Xia Yu and Kong Hanyue were divided into two groups. The girls went to the largest shopping mall in District 26, while Xia Yu went to the fake street.

Since he agreed to Zhu Mei, he must take action. He planned to inquire about the information first.

As the name suggests, Fake Street is a place where counterfeit goods are sold. There are few tourists inside, but there are many locals.

For Xia Yu, it is not difficult to disguise himself as a local. There is no obvious difference in the appearance of yellow people. Xia Yu also has proficient language skills and speaks a pure dialect of District 26.

Entering a teahouse and choosing a seat by the window, Xia Yu watched the movement downstairs, preparing to find a woman from the Gray Reef Company and use the game to come to her body and explore her. If everything goes well, maybe they can even use the opponent's body to directly carry out rescue operations.

His plan did not go smoothly. He sat on the second floor of the teahouse all morning. Except for going out a few times to change his coat and pretend to be different people, he did not leave even half a step, but he never saw a suitable target.

The Gray Reef Company's stronghold was the large warehouse, and he didn't see any women at all.

Sighing, Xia Yu could only give up observation and find another way.

He picked up the tea bowl in front of him and drank slowly, preparing to leave after finishing the drink.

Since his attention didn't need to be on the street, his hearing sharpened and he caught the conversation at the next table.

"Have you still not found that woman?" a sharp male voice asked.

"No, he's either hiding in the tourist's room, or he's been detained by the people from Area 1 of the private property." Another hoarse male voice answered.

"I asked why a brother disguised himself as a sewer man. It turned out he was going to check on those passengers." The sharp male voice was somewhat proud of his reasoning.

"Actually, the most likely possibility is that he was left behind by that District 1 person."

"People in District 1 have no choice. If we make any move, we in Gray Reef may also be delisted. Why should we stay?"

"I heard from the chasing brothers that that woman is more beautiful than Ning Qiu'er." The hoarse male voice took a sip of tea.

"She's actually more beautiful than Ning Qiu'er? Then I'd have to take it off too, hehehehe." A sharp male voice let out a harsh laugh.

Next, the two of them talked a lot about Ning Qiu'er. Xia Yu took a sip of tea and didn't expect to hear Ning Qiu'er's name in District 26. How popular was this girl back then?

After talking about actresses for five minutes, the two of them finally brought the topic back.

"Where are the others besides that woman?" a sharp male voice asked.

"Send them off, we should be almost at Area 232 by now." The hoarse male voice replied, "I was originally going to let me go, but when I saw that the people loaded into the car were the ones arrested the night before, I immediately felt sick and ran away."

"Yes, what the hell is Area 232? Life is at stake." The sharp male voice responded.

After saying this, the two of them finished drinking their tea, and they got up and went downstairs.

Xia Yu also stood up and followed the two of them.

Xia Yu originally thought that Gray Reef Company would wait until they caught Zhu Mei before sending them away together. Unexpectedly, they actually immediately packed up Ahua and the others and sent them to Area 232.

He probably felt that Zhu Mei was being held captive by him and there was no hope of getting her back, so she gave up.

The car is about to reach area 232. No matter how hard we chase, we can't catch up. Do we want to go to area 232 for rescue?

No, we can't let them reach Area 232.

Area 232 and Area 26 are completely two different worlds. Area 26 has few guns and can only be grabbed by hand at most, while Area 232 is in a war, with guns abound, and even rocket launchers are not uncommon. He is still just a mortal, unable to withstand heavy firepower. .

Although a substitute can be used, the substitute is also a human being. How can they die in vain? They can kick themselves out of the body if they resist.

What should we do, let Yu Ningmeng inform the border guards in District 26 to stop the car?

Xia Yu felt that the Yu family did not have such great ability, and if the person was in the hands of the soldiers in District 26, they would not be released easily.

What's more important is that the border defense doesn't necessarily protect the people who live in Gray Reef Company. After all, the border is so big.

Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time.

First tie up the man with the hoarse voice. As the driver, he might know the route of the car.

With this in mind, Xia Yu put on a mask, checked that there were no surveillance cameras around, rushed out, grabbed the husky man's cell phone, and ran away.

Unexpectedly, they would be robbed on their own property. The husky man and the sharp man were stunned for a moment. Fortunately, Xia Yu gave up and chased after them.

Taking them to a remote alley, Xia Yu stopped.

The husky man and the sharp man stopped, holding their knees and breathing heavily.

Unlike Xia Yu, who has endurance skills, they are just ordinary people.

After resting for ten seconds, the two stood up and geared up to surround Xia Yu: "Run, run again!"

With sneers on their faces, they rushed towards Xia Yu with fists raised.

Because they often clashed with others, their skills were pretty good, but in front of Xia Yu, they were completely inadequate.

Avoiding the husky man's fist, Xia Yu lifted his belt and knocked him to the ground. Then, Xia Yu anticipated the sharp man's movements, raised his feet to block the opponent's path, and watched as he bumped into him on the waist.

The two fell to the ground groaning.

Coming to the husky man, Xia Yu pinched his face and asked, "Which way did the car carrying the prince from District 232 take?"

The husky man didn't respond immediately.

Xia Yu took out a pistol from his pocket.

This is the security guard's gun. The security guard gave it to him when he went out to find Zhu Mei yesterday morning, but he didn't return it.

Looking at the gun in front of him, the husky man wanted to cry without tears.

If you have a gun, you should take it out earlier, and I will come up and fight you! Bai Bai was thrown down, and his back hurt terribly!

"Say." Xia Yu hit the hoarse man on the head with the barrel of his gun.

"It should be 11th Avenue." The man said honestly.

"11? I'll give you three seconds to change your answer, otherwise my people won't find the car and you'll be doomed."

"It's 11, the car is a silver van, the license plate number is..." The husky man told everything.

Xia Yu looked happy. If it was 11th Avenue, there wouldn't be so much trouble.

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