Life swap game

Chapter 391 389. Leniency for confession

Seeing the disbelief on several people's faces, Xia Yu sighed and gave up explaining.

He said directly to Lihua: "The three of you can go together, it's up to you, but Meimei must go."

Lihua and the housekeeper looked at Zhu Mengbing.

Zhu Mengbing shook his head: "If I don't leave, I won't regain my homeland. How can I leave?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something," Xia Yu interrupted, "It's impossible for the rest of your men to come back."

Hearing that he was almost alone, Zhu Mengbing's face turned pale. He looked at the housekeeper: "Is there any hope if we just rely on us?"

The housekeeper analyzed carefully, thought carefully, and came to the conclusion: Even if Lihua did not leave with the princess, there would only be three of them left. Lihua was a bodyguard and could not do anything else. The prince was unreliable, and everything was just like that. It's all on his head.

"No." The butler said firmly.

In order to prevent Zhu Mengbing from forcing others into trouble, the housekeeper fanned the flames: "Actually, it's good to go to the first district. Haiming City is not a place to stay for a long time. And in the first district, maybe we can open up a new situation."

"But isn't this an escape?" Zhu Mengbing was still a little reluctant.

"Your Highness, we are not escaping, we are going to the first area to open up the second battlefield! We definitely can't do it alone!" The housekeeper knew Zhu Mengbing's temper and coaxed him.

"Then go." Zhu Mengbing's eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

After the matter was resolved satisfactorily, Xia Yu touched his chin and almost figured out Zhu Mengbing's character.

How could such a childish prince possibly revive the royal family?

But this has nothing to do with him, as long as Zhu Mei is well.

This will end the brown bear's wish.

Xia Yu sighed as he recalled the brown bear's determination when faced with more than ten guns and two soldiers.

Such a decisive thought had never appeared in him before. He was a little envious of the brown bear, and even more envious of Zhu Mei.

"Let's eat first." Xia Yu stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Lihua stopped Xia Yu.

"Is there anything else?" Xia Yu turned around and was a little confused.

"I want to ask about that eagle." Lihua felt that the golden eagle was as smart as a brown bear. There might be some connection between these two animals.

"It's the latest research from one of my institutes." Xia Yu lied.

"Isn't he a messenger of Buddha?" The housekeeper grabbed the beads in his hand and asked solemnly.

"Of course not." Xia Yu replied.

As soon as the butler's hand was loosened, the beads bracelet fell to the ground and scattered in all directions. Also scattered were the butler's twenty-four-hour belief in the Buddha.

"Science is really amazing." The housekeeper sighed.

"Any more questions?" Xia Yu asked again.

"Have you ever done experiments with a bear before?" It was Zhu Mei who asked this question.

Xia Yu was silent for a moment, thinking about how to answer: "It seems that a brown bear was lost."

"Can you talk?" Zhu Mei asked again.

"How is it possible? The vocal organs of animals are different from humans!" Xia Yu denied that there was no way he could lie about this.

"How exactly is it done?" Zhu Mengbing also chimed in, "Can I buy a golden eagle army?"

Xia Yu had a headache, and it seemed that the panic was not going well.

"No comment." Xia Yu said directly. There was no need to be polite to Zhu Mengbing and the others.

After saying that, Xia Yu went back to the second floor and asked the four of them to eat down there.

After Xia Yu left, Lihua sat next to Zhu Mei. Zhu Mei was still thinking about the brown bear and looked very disappointed.

"I feel like we were lied to." Lihua said to Zhu Mei, "How could there be technology that makes animals become so powerful? Even if it does exist, how could it be possible to tell us?"

The housekeeper thought that it was indeed the case. He picked up the beads on the ground one by one and strung them on again.

"Yeah." Zhu Mei also reacted, and she grabbed Lihua's hand.

"No matter how I came here, I just want an army of golden eagles. Even if I don't have an army, one will do. Use that golden eagle to kill the leaders of the puppet government and the rebel army, and then I can return to my homeland." Zhu Mengbing thought. How to get the golden eagle from Xia Yu.

"It's useless. If you kill one, there will be another, endless." The housekeeper stopped Zhu Mengbing.

When the maid brought lunch to the table, they stopped talking and started eating.

After they finished eating, Xia Yu went back downstairs and took the four of them to the embassy to go through the procedures for the four of them.

The procedures were complicated, and by the time everything was completed, it was already evening.

Looking at Zhu Mengbing, who was waving his hands after signing the last word, Xia Yu said to him: "I have already agreed with the people in the embassy that the three of you will stay here tonight."

"The three of us?" Zhu Mengbing noticed something was wrong with the number.

"Yes, Meimei and I will go back," Xia Yu said.

It was impossible for him to let Zhu Mengbing live in the beach villa, and if he left Zhu Mei in the embassy with him, Xia Yu was a little worried, fearing that the four of them would run away together.

"You pervert!" Zhu Mengbing stood up angrily and punched Xia Yu.

Xia Yu, who was misunderstood again, was already used to it. Xia Yu grabbed Zhu Mengbing's hand and twisted it hard. He pressed Zhu Mengbing's hand behind his back and pressed him against the wall next to him.

"I'm not discussing with you, but informing you." After saying that, he pushed Zhu Mengbing hard and walked out of the room.

Outside, Zhu Mei and three others were waiting.

Taking Zhu Mei's hand, Xia Yu repeated what he just said. Li Hua and the housekeeper had no objection and allowed Xia Yu to take Zhu Mei away.

Driving the car, Xia Yu quickly returned to the villa.

He rubbed his forehead. What he had to face next was the doubts of Kong Hanyue and the others. They hadn't told them about this yet.

Leaving Zhu Mei to stay on the first floor, Xia Yu went to the second floor and knocked on the girls' door.

After bringing them together, Xia Yu thought of a question.

He just needs to explain to An Siyao. At most, he can tell Youxue and Kong Hanyue why they called Hu Lianglu and Liu Manman?

Forget it, call until you call.

"I have something to say." Xia Yu thought about how to speak.

"Hurry up, you called me out in the middle of the game!" Kong Hanyue urged.

"Zhu Mei will go back to the first area with us." Xia Yu looked at An Siyao.

An Siyao yawned, looking sleepy from playing, and had no special reaction.

Kong Hanyue, Liu Manman and Hu Lianglu also had no reaction.

Only Youxue thought of something. She covered her mouth and looked at Xia Yu in shock.

Xia Yu didn't know what Youxue was thinking, but it must be wrong.

"You mean Berry Pearl?" Kong Hanyue asked doubtfully, "Is she going to take refuge in the first area?"

They don't understand the core of the problem.

The core is not that Zhu Mei wants to go to the first area, but that Xia Yu wants to bring Zhu Mei to the first area.

"I want to take her back. Her name is not Berry Pearl, but Zhu Mei. She is the princess of District 232." Xia Yu replied.

The four people except An Siyao's eyes widened.

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