Life swap game

Chapter 394 392. Are you my bear?

Although Youxue comforted her, Liu Manman did not calm down.

Asking Youxue to look at An Siyao, Liu Manman was lying on the bed alone, kicking the pillow twice angrily and feeling relieved.

She originally thought that Xia Yu would forgive him after he came over to say hello last night, but she didn't see Xia Yu until she fell asleep last night.

When Liu Manman got up in the morning, she thought that Xia Yu hadn't coaxed An Siyao to live with her, so she had no time to pay attention to her.

For the future of the two of them, she hurriedly went to discuss with Youxue, but Youxue told her that Xia Yu eliminated An Siyao in an hour and lay in bed playing games all night!

Liu Manman felt that Xia Yu might not be aware of her anger, so she just snorted intentionally and looked awkward, but Xia Yu was still indifferent.

Could it be that he was waiting for Youxue to leave and find some free time?

She hugged the pillow and waited for an hour, but still didn't wait for Xia Yu.

Now, she could no longer deceive herself. She understood that Xia Yu did it on purpose.

Pressing the pillow under her body, Liu Manman strangled the neck of the pillow and vented her dissatisfaction.

When An Siyao got angry, he took her into the room to comfort her, but when he saw me getting angry, he didn't react at all!

This beast, this nymphomaniac! I would rather flirt with the woman I just met than look for me!

As he thought about it, the anger in Liu Manman's heart faded, and grievance arose.

She hugged the pillow and fell on the bed.

At this time, Xia Yu had been playing on the beach with An Siyao for a long time.

Lying on the recliner, drinking ice-cold Sprite, Xia Yu recalled the feeling of applying sunscreen to An Siyao just now.

Blessed are you after marriage.

But if you want to marry An Siyao, you have to cross two mountains.

One is An Tianfeng, and the other is Yu Liang.

A chairman of Anjia Group and a chairman of Daliang Capital, two figures on the rich list.

I have already contacted An Tianfeng and it seems that he is easy to talk to.

There was also a friendly meeting with Yu Liang, and the meaning in Yu Liang's words was that he had recognized him.

All it takes is An Tianfeng.

After thinking about his married life with An Siyao for a while, Xia Yu's mind flashed with the figure of Xu Youxiang.

No, how could I forget Xu Youxiang?

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead. His beautiful fantasy was shattered and he started to have a headache.

Although Xu Youxiang didn't mention dating or marriage at all, she couldn't pretend to be stupid after kissing her.

It's not Xia Yu's style to pick up his pants and leave, but if he doesn't leave, he won't get any honors unless he has wronged the other party.

Even if Xu Youxiang agreed to this matter, Xia Yu would have no way to tell An Siyao.

Xia Yu's mood suddenly dropped, and he regretted why he had not withstood the temptation.

Mainly because when he went to An Siyao's house in person, An Siyao didn't recognize him and avoided her, so he was a little depressed. Xu Youxiang happened to be there too...

And then before you knew it, it was like this.

If you think about it this way, something is not good now!

Xia Yu sat up and looked at the villa behind him.

After careful analysis, he is the only man in the villa. An Siyao is his girlfriend, Kong Hanyue is his mother, and Youxue is his sister. There is no problem with the three of them, but what about the other two?

Hu Lianglu is An Siyao's little follower and is excluded from watching. Liu Manman...

The past between himself and Liu Manman flashed through Xia Yu's mind.

Five minutes later, he felt relieved and lay back on the recliner.

There's nothing wrong with Liu Manman, she just doesn't know how to keep her distance. After all, they started flirting with each other as soon as they met, and now that they are familiar with each other, it is normal for them to travel together.

The most important thing is that Liu Manman knew An Siyao, knew Xu Youxiang, and knew her own situation, how could she still jump into the pit.

Xia Yu opened a new bottle of Sprite and took a satisfied sip, shaking his head for being careless.

At eleven o'clock the sun became intense.

Kong Hanyue took Youxue and An Siyao and buried herself in the sand to avoid the sun. Xia Yu was not interested in burying herself in the earth and returned to the villa.

When he arrived on the second floor, he saw that Liu Manman's door was still closed, and asked the maid: "Has Liu Manman come out?"

"No," the maid replied.

That means you are still in the room. Why are you so angry?

Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll just coax you.

Arriving at Liu Manman's door, Xia Yu knocked.

There was no response from inside.

Xia Yu knocked on the door again, but still got no response, so he directly opened the door himself.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly break in. Liu Manman was so frightened that she grabbed the quilt and rolled over, wrapping herself into a meat roll.

Xia Yu touched his chin and had an idea.

In Liu Manman's panicked eyes, Xia Yu tied up the quilt with the sleeves of the clothes next to him.

"What are you doing!" Liu Manman was wrapped in the quilt and couldn't untie her sleeves, so she couldn't leave the quilt.

Just in case, Xia Yu picked up another piece of Liu Manman's clothes and tied a knot around her neck.

In this way, Liu Manman couldn't get out of the quilt, and was completely sealed by the quilt.

"Let me go!" Liu Manman struggled.

Hearing this voice, Zhu Mei, who had just walked out of the room, walked back silently and closed the door.

To actually play this kind of scene, the first district is indeed perverted per capita.

Holding the pendant on her chest, Zhu Mei was worried about her future. Can she really adapt?

There is no point thinking about this now.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zhu Mei tried her best not to pay attention to Liu Manman's screams. She took off the pendant from her chest and placed it in the sun.

In the small transparent glass bottle, the silver ashes flowed with her movements.

Zhu Mei began to miss her brown bear and no longer cared about the sounds outside the door.

She then thought about the golden eagle that Lihua mentioned. The golden eagle and the brown bear were so similar. Are the two animals related?

If there is contact, does Xia Yu know anything?

She touched her head with her hand and recalled the scene where Xia Yu patted her head two days ago. She felt that Xia Yu's movements were a bit like her bear.

Are you hallucinating because you miss Xiongxiong so much?

Hallucination or not, if Xia Yu looked a bit like a bear, everything wouldn't be so hard to accept.

It would be nice if he had more hair on his body.

The claws also need to be fleshy.

Zhu Mei was immersed in her imagination. When she came back to her senses, the outside had returned to calm.

Zhu Mei opened the door. She was hungry and wanted to eat something.

When she passed by Liu Manman's door, she saw Xia Yu who opened the door and came out.

The cry for help flashed through her mind, and Zhu Mei couldn't help but panic and almost fell to the ground.

Xia Yu caught her in time.

"Be careful." Xia Yu said to the girl, patting Zhu Mei on the head.

As a brown bear before, he often patted Zhu Mei like this, but now the feeling is a little different because the brown bear is taller than Xia Yu's real body.

This was a nostalgic action, so he couldn't help but take the photo a little longer.

After realizing this, he immediately wanted to take back his hand, but Zhu Mei grabbed his hand.

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