Life swap game

413. The ghost returns!

A voice soon came from inside the door: "Who is it?"

Many options flashed through the driver's mind, including express delivery, food delivery, and water meter checking, and he looked at Xia Yu.

"Yin Wan's acquaintance!" Xia Yu replied loudly.

Hearing Yin Wan's name, the person inside opened the door. He glanced at the four people and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see Yin Wan.

Xia Yu was also looking at him. He was a young man about thirty years old. The man had a good-looking face and looked a little fresh. Judging from the clothes on his body, he was not a wealthy person.

So, now the question is, a rich old lady has a handsome poor man in her family. What is the relationship between the man and the old lady?

They were probably relatives, coming here to establish friendship.

"What's the matter with you?" the man asked Xiang Xia Yu.

"I have something to do with Yin Shulan," Xia Yu replied.

"What's going on?" The man's eyes were alert.

Xia Yu speculated on the man's inner thoughts. It was obvious that the man came here for Yin Shulan's money. He was relieved to see Yin Wan when he went out just now. He was probably afraid that Yin Wan would come to share Yin Shulan's money.

After understanding the man's core desire, Xia Yu had a countermeasure: "We gave her the money, and now we can give her another sum, understand?"

When the man heard this, he immediately beamed.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!" he shouted toward the door.

After a while, someone familiar to Xia Yu appeared at the door.

That was Yin Shulan's eldest son, Yin Changgui.

Among Yin Shulan's three sons, he is the most unfilial one. He was taught a lesson by Xia Yu before, but he didn't expect that he would get into Yin Shulan's place again now.

The man pulled Yin Changgui with an excited expression: "Brother-in-law, they are my mother's sponsors."

"What kind of sponsor? How can you talk?" Yin Changgui patted his wife's brother on the head and looked at Xia Yu and the others.

He bent down and showed a flattering smile: "What do the bosses want?"

Xia Yu replied: "Your mother helped us develop an important drug last time, and now we want her to come out again and participate in the development of a new drug."

Yin Changgui's eyes widened. He didn't know that Yin Shulan got the money from medicine.

"Can I ask first, how much is the reward?" Yin Changgui asked the question he was most concerned about.

"It won't be less than one million, it can be negotiated if it's tens of millions." Xia Yu replied.

This price is a bit high. The last time Yin Shulan got tens of millions, it was because Xia Yu gave all the scientific research results to Yin Shulan.

However, if you want to get the last price, it is not impossible to negotiate.

With Yin Shulan, Xia Yu can first go into her body and teach her some research knowledge points, just like he taught An Siyao Xiao and Xu Youxiang programming techniques. In this way, Xia Yu has a low-profile clone. , the research and development speed can be greatly improved.

Yin Changgui was already very excited when he heard the number one million. After hearing the number tens of millions, he became even more breathless. He hurriedly opened the door: "Please come inside, please come inside."

Xia Yu and the other two entered the door, and the first thing they saw was the courtyard of the villa.

Looking at the scene in the yard, the corner of Xia Yu's mouth twitched.

The yard was not poured with cement, but had a plain earth floor, and various vegetables were grown on the ground.

"This is my mother's hobby." Yin Changgui searched for the ink in his stomach, trying hard to make his words fit with his identity.

"What kind of flower is this?" An Siyao looked curiously at the plant she had never seen before.

"This is not a flower, it's a vegetable." Xia Yu pinched her face.

An Siyao's face suddenly turned red, and she said stiffly: "I'm asking what kind of flowers this vegetable has."

Her words shocked Xia Yu, who looked at her in disbelief.

He actually knows how to speak harshly. It shouldn't be that long before he learns to push back, right?

In Xia Yu's eyes, An Siyao was defeated: "I know I was wrong."

If he were at home, Xia Yu would take the opportunity to blackmail An Siyao, but now he was at someone else's house, so he had no choice but to give up.

Following Yin Changgui, Xia Yu and An Siyao came to the living room and met Yin Shulan.

Yin Shulan was lying on the recliner, watching TV. The eldest daughter-in-law was peeling oranges for her. It wasn't enough after peeling them, and she had to put them in her mouth herself.

Even Xia Yu only received this kind of treatment when Youxue and Xia Keke were jealous.

Hearing the footsteps of Xia Yu and others, Yin Shulan didn't even look back: "Who is it?"

Yin Changgui stepped forward quickly, and while squeezing Yin Shulan's shoulders, he said, "Mother, these are your former collaborators. I want to ask you to come out and solve a difficult research."

"What are you talking about, mother?" Yin Shulan scolded Yin Changgui.

Yin Changgui could only return to his previous words: "It's the person you used to make medicine who wants you to research another medicine."

After hearing this, Yin Shulan stopped chewing an orange. She turned her head and looked at Xia Yu and the others.

She didn't know Xia Yu, the driver or the bodyguard, but she knew An Siyao.

"What are you doing here?" Yin Shulan was a little scared and stood up.

An Siyao's arrival reminded her of the fear of being dominated by her body.

"Who asked you to come?" Yin Shulan asked again.

"It's Xu Youxiang, Miss Xu." Xia Yu replied. He knew what Yin Shulan was thinking.

"I won't go. The deal has been completed. What else do you want to do?" Yin Shulan refused without even thinking about it.

"It's just a very ordinary pharmaceutical research. I need your participation to help." Xia Yu replied.

"No!" Yin Shulan's attitude was firm.

"Mom, the salary starts at one million, maybe even tens of millions." Yin Changgui advised her.

"I already have enough money, no more!" Yin Shulan still refused.

Xia Yu knew that ordinary conversation could not change Yin Shulan's mind, so he motioned to An Siyao.

Following Xia Yu's previous teachings, An Siyao said, "Go out and let us chat."

"Hey." Yin Changgui didn't dare to object.

Only An Siyao and Yin Shulan were left in the living room, while Xia Yu and others retreated to the courtyard.

Xia Yu clicked on the field and got on An Siyao's body. He chose the two-player mode. An Siyao got into his body and he got into An Siyao's body.

After a period of darkness, Xia Yu looked at Yin Shulan in front of him through An Siyao's body.

"What else do you want to say? I'm not short of money, so I can't agree to it." Yin Shulan reiterated.

"Do you feel like you have a choice?" An Siyu said.

The difference in his tone of voice was noticed by the vigilant Yin Shulan. Yin Shulan's eyes widened. She kept backing away and pointed at An Siyu with a trembling finger: "It's, it's you!"

"Yes, it's me." Xia Yu replied.

"Didn't you find Xu Youxiang's body? Why did you come here to find me?" Yin Shulan reasoned. She thought Xia Yu was a ghost who wanted to borrow someone else's body to resurrect his soul.

"Xu Youxiang still has a disease in her body, and this disease must be solved now." Xia Yu said casually.

"You have the body you have now, what else do you want Xu Youxiang to do?" Yin Shulan asked.

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