Life swap game

423. Zhu Mei leaving

Being nominated for the Morning Prize is not the end of Wen Ziying’s nightmare.

Half a month later, Xia Yu saw the news that Wen Ziying won the Morning Award from the news push.

He observed two seconds of silence for Wen Ziying and turned off the news.

Compared with Wen Ziying's matter, Zhu Mei's matter is now giving him more headaches. This is not because Zhu Mei is dishonest. In terms of behavior, Zhu Mei has no evil intentions. Apart from her behavior of licking a bear, which makes people feel helpless, she is very honest.

What troubled Xia Yu was the attitude of District 14. In terms of public opinion, the storm of the king's assassination had passed, but the pressure from District 14 increased. They were determined to take Zhu Mei there to investigate.

Taking out his cell phone, Xia Yu called Yu Ningmeng to inquire about the development of the matter.

"Now that the anti-king faction has completely overwhelmed the pro-king faction, they are eager to convict Zhu Mengbing, so they want Zhu Mei to go through the motions and promise not to do anything to Zhu Mei." Yu Ningmeng said to the other party demands.

"What do you think?" Xia Yu is not good at this.

"I suggest that Zhu Mei go over and cooperate with the investigation. We will arrange a delegation to follow, and everything will be fine." Yu Ningmeng replied.

Xia Yu frowned. Although he said nothing would happen, who could be sure of the actual situation.

Zhu Mengbing was too good at running away. If 14 caught him, he wouldn't have to find Zhu Mei, but Zhu Mengbing couldn't be blamed. After all, he was also the one taking the blame.

"Have they never thought that it might be the reactionary forces in District 232 that did it?" Xia Yu asked Xiang Yu Ningmeng.

"They only want to catch him." Yu Ningmeng hinted to Xia Yu that the anti-king faction did not want to have conflicts with others.

"Can you continue to delay?" Xia Yu talked about the conditions, "The drug has been produced over there and is undergoing clinical trials."

"A clinical trial so soon? What's the effect?" Yu Ningmeng's attention was attracted.

After listening to Xia Yu's introduction to the medicine, she asked others for instructions and told Xia Yu that it would not be a problem to delay.

Xia Yu hung up the phone and relaxed.

He walked out of the bedroom and asked the maid to get a cup of coffee. While drinking, he browsed through the recent games, thinking about which one he wanted to play.

When he finished drinking the coffee, An Siyao and the other four came back.

They went shopping.

Zhu Mei pushed Xu Youxiang into the bedroom, and Hu Lianglu pulled An Siyao into the bedroom.

Two minutes later, Zhu Mei walked out. She came behind the sofa, leaned over and hugged Xia Yu's neck.

Xia Yu didn't respond. He continued to look at the game store and looked for live videos on video websites.

Zhu Mei felt that the time was ripe, and she reached out and touched Xia Yu's belly.

Xia Yu grabbed her hand: "No."

Xia Yu didn't understand that his belly wasn't as soft as a brown bear's, so what's the point in touching it.

"Why not?" Zhu Mei approached Xia Yu and said.

"The body determines the intimacy. I can switch to the golden eagle and let you touch it." Xia Yu explained.

"Can An Siyao and Xu Youxiang touch each other?" Zhu Mei looked into Xia Yu's eyes.

"Because they are different from you." Xia Yu replied.

"An Siyao may be different, but Xu Youxiang can't be the same?" Zhu Mei muttered.

What Zhu Mei means is that An Siyao can become a wife, but Xu Youxiang cannot.

Xia Yu also had a headache because of this. After listening to Zhu Mei's words, he suddenly lost interest in watching the game.

Feeling Xia Yu's loss, Zhu Mei reached out and touched his head: "It would be nice if you were in Area 232."

There are no restrictions on marriage in District 232.

"It's not a matter of district, but a matter of the opinions of the people around you." Xia Yu explained.

"Just to make the people around you accept this?" Zhu Mei pondered.

"That's about it." Xia Yu put the phone back into his pocket and stood up.

He went back to the room.

Zhu Mei did not follow. She sat where Xia Yu just sat, lowering her head and thinking.

She looked out the window and saw two white clouds wandering in the sky. The clouds drifted from south to north and disappeared. The sun also set in the sky and night fell.

At dinner time, Xia Yu came out of the bedroom and saw Zhu Mei carrying a suitcase.

"I think it would be better for me to go to District 14." Zhu Mei said.

"Did Yu Ningmeng tell you?" Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

"She didn't ask me to go, but I felt it would be better to go and resolve the matter." Zhu Mei looked at the suitcase and touched the surface of the lever with her fingers.

Xia Yu pondered, since Yu Ningmeng said nothing happened, most likely nothing would happen, and even if something happened, it would be normal for him to be detained and would not hurt his life.

When the time comes, he can successfully rescue the girl by using the body of the golden eagle to intimidate the forces that illegally imprisoned Zhu Mei.

He nodded, agreed with Zhu Mei's decision, and drove Zhu Mei to the airport.

Using his telekinesis, he observed the bodyguards protecting Zhu Mei, and after confirming that there was no traitor among them, he returned home.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening. He took a brief shower, used today's game opportunity, and came to Wen Ziying's place.

After a period of darkness, what Xia Yu saw was a pile of blank manuscript paper.

Xia Yu looked around and saw only blank manuscript paper, and Wen Ziying didn't write a word.

"How do you feel now?" He asked Xiang Wen Ziying.

"It's so difficult for me." Wen Ziying replied in a tone of despair.

"Maybe you should write a book well?" Xia Yu thought, maybe he should change the direction of completing the task and guide Wen Ziying's life, not necessarily towards escape from writing, but also towards active writing.

He picked up the pen: "Are you thinking about a new book now? Let's discuss it?"

"The publishing house didn't have any special requirements. They just wanted to rely on the connotation and adaptation." Wen Ziying said.

"Then write a story about a Muggle becoming a wizard?" Xia Yu plagiarized the idea casually.

"What do you say?" Wen Ziying asked cooperatively.

After spending five minutes, Xia Yu briefly talked about "Harry Potter".

"No, this is too meaningless." Wen Ziying rejected the proposal.

"Connotation? Then let's tell a legendary story of seven generations, showing a fictional history." Xia Yu said the story of "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

"It feels too boring. Who among today's readers would want to read this kind of thing." Wen Ziying rejected this again.

Still a bestseller?

Xia Yu talked about "The Three-Body Problem" again.

"It's science fiction, but I don't understand it!" Wen Ziying criticized again.

Xia Yu then mentioned some more books, but Wen Ziying rejected them all.

"What do you want?" Xia Yu was so angry that he wanted to take a shower.

Wen Ziying was silent for a while, with confusion in her words: "I think it's better to close the book. Can I still get the translation job you mentioned?"

Xia Yu was surprised. He was ready to change his route, but he actually came back after going around in a circle?

"What do you think?" Xia Yu asked puzzledly.

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