Life swap game

432. Wedding

After receiving Xu Youxiang's parents, Xia Yu received Kong Hanyue and Youxue the next morning.

Kong Hanyue looked like the king of children, playing around with her daughter and three daughters-in-law.

In the evening, some of Xia Yu's friends, An Tianfeng's family, Yu Liang and Yu Ningmeng also arrived.

Yu Liang and An Tianfeng took Xia Yu to a small garden. They took wine and forcefully gave Xia Yu a glass.

Xia Yu could only drink with the two of them.

"Yao Yao, I'll leave it to you." Yu Liang looked at the garden under the moon.

"Me too." An Tianfeng said.

Glancing at An Tianfeng, Yu Liang looked up at the moon in the sky: "I am not a good father, nor a good grandfather. I have always neglected Yaoyao's growth. I hope you can help her in the rest of her life. , became her support and her guide.”

An Tianfeng took a sip of wine: "I think so too."

After frowning, Yu Liang continued: "No matter how busy you are or how irritable you are, I hope you will set aside at least one day a week to put aside everything and spend time with your family."

"That's what I want to say." An Tianfeng nodded frequently.

Yu Liang walked to the other side of Xia Yu and distanced himself from An Tianfeng. He looked into Xia Yu's eyes: "It's okay to socialize outside, and it's okay to have feelings occasionally, but you have to know that you not only have love, but also love. responsibility."

"I think so too." An Tianfeng took another sip of wine.

Yu Liang turned his head and stared at An Tianfeng.

"Cheers to our agreement?" An Tianfeng raised his glass.

"Fuck you, learn from me!" Yu Liang scolded him directly.

"I just wanted to express our agreement!" An Tianfeng was a little innocent.

"If anyone wants to agree with you, you have to speak in your own words!" Yu Liang glared at An Tianfeng.

"You've finished talking, what else can I say." An Tianfeng muttered.

Xia Yu hurriedly changed the subject: "Come, come, let's drink and drink!"

"Who wants to drink with a bumpkin like him!" Yu Liang poured the wine into the garden to express his disdain.

"I don't want to drink with an old antique like you!" An Tianfeng also poured the wine into the garden.

"Who are you talking about?" Yu Liang clenched his fists.

"Who said it first?" An Tianfeng also clenched his fists.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Xia Yu thought of a way.

He knew that ordinary provocation was ineffective, and he might still get involved. Only by finding another way could he achieve his goal.

After thinking about it, Xia Yu squatted in front of the flowers and said to Yu Liang and An Tianfeng, "These are flowers planted by Yaoyao herself. You are finished."

Hearing Yaoyao's name, An Tianfeng and Yu Liang reacted: "What does it have to do with us if you plant it with your own hands?"

"You spilled wine on it. This kind of flower is very delicate. If you water it too much, you will fall ill, let alone the wine." The first thing she needs to do is come over and water the flowers, and then she will notice something is wrong with the flowers.”

Yu Liang and An Tianfeng were a little confused.

Before they could figure it out, Xia Yu said again: "Last time I broke a section of flowers, Yaoyao didn't talk to me for a day, this is still me, your words..."

Thinking of the scene where they were ignored by Yaoyao at tomorrow's wedding, Yu Liang and An Tianfeng became anxious.

"What should we do? Don't even think about running away. When the time comes, we will say it was you who did it!" The two of them were very skillful in shirking the blame.

Xia Yu pretended to be shocked and looked at the two of them: "Why are you so mean!"

"Either you solve it, or you take the blame." Yu Liang said.

Xia Yu pondered for two seconds: "How about we just pretend we haven't been here?"

An Tianfeng and Yu Liang both felt that this suggestion was very reliable. They took the wine glasses and quickly left the scene of the crime.

Xia Yu was the only one left there. He shook his head, poured the wine from his glass on the flowers, and returned to the bedroom.

Tomorrow is the wedding time, so the three girls are all in their bedrooms today, and Xia Yu can only stay in the empty room alone tonight.

At six o'clock in the morning, Xia Yu was woken up by the maid to prepare for the afternoon wedding.

The wedding venue was in the hall of the palace, with many cameras set up around it, broadcasting live broadcasts.

On Daliang Weibo, a group of people watched the live broadcast and commented.

This house is so big!

I saw Ning Qiuer! There are also a group of big guys who can only be seen on Xinwen Network!

I want to sneak in quietly and be together

What about the bride and groom? Why haven't you come out yet?


Xia Yu took the three girls to the door and greeted the guests.

These were either Xia Yu's own acquaintances, or acquaintances Xia Yu had met with Zhu Mei's body, or acquaintances he had met with An Siyao's body, or acquaintances he had met with Xu Youxiang's body.

In summary, except for those reporters and envoys from other countries, they were all acquaintances of Xia Yu.

Xia Yu and the four of them smiled and accepted the blessings from the visitors one by one. After this process, Xia Yu felt that the muscles on his face had become stiff.

Originally, these people should be handed over to the leader, but there is no qualified person in the palace, so only four people, Xia Yu, can come.

When everyone was almost there, Xia Yu came to the altar.

The three bridesmaids, Youxue, Liu Manman, and Wen Ziying, and the best man, Zhu Mengbing, came to the altar and took their places.

Xu Youxiang stood up with the help of Xu's father, and Zhu Mei stood up with the help of the old prime minister. They had to be supported by their elders across the red carpet.

Something happened at An Siyao's place.

An Tianfeng and Yu Liang stood up at the same time and went to help An Siyao.

An Tianfeng stood in front of Yu Liang despite his obesity, and he smiled proudly.

Yu Liang snorted coldly, stretched out his foot and tripped An Tianfeng to the ground.

Instead of taking the opportunity to laugh at An Tianfeng, he hurried to An Siyao's side and pulled his granddaughter onto the red carpet.

The four of them arrived at the altar, and the priest began the ceremony.

"Dear guests, we are gathered together today to witness the happy moment of our respected Queen, her King, and the two Princesses."

"We are kind..."

Because it was a royal marriage, the instructions were very complicated and there were many procedures in between. Fortunately, the four of them had practiced it several times and went through the procedures smoothly.

After half an hour, the ceremony finally came to an end.

"Now you may kiss your wives," said the priest.

Xia Yu looked at the three wives beside him.

The noisy guests in the audience were all guessing who Xia Yu would kiss first.

This order usually represents status.

Under their gossipy eyes, An Siyao, Zhu Mei and Xu Youxiang kissed Xia Yu's cheeks.

"Oh——" The pastor was also a little surprised. He smiled and continued with his last words:

"On this occasion of wedding, please allow me to join the ranks of blessings..."


The ceremony was finally completed and the banquet began. Xia Yu led the three wives and chatted and joked with their friends.

At night, they slept in a room.

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