Life swap game

434. Epilogue 1——Mysterious Snack Shop

On the street behind the palace, there is a chef who has refused invitations from international restaurants several times and opens a small shop.

The price of the food there is extremely casual. The same dish costs one hundred today and one thousand tomorrow. When the chef is unhappy, it will rise to ten thousand. The price is limited and the food is limited to goo-gu-gu from time to time. But even so, there are still many people waiting to make reservations.

The service there is terrible. Customers are asked to serve their own dishes, clean up the dishes, and by the way, they have to clean the table, oh! God, this boss is crazy.

The diner quit the mobile news and sighed to his companion: "How about it, do you know how great this store is?"

However, his companion had no time to chat with him and was busy eating the steamed buns on the table.

"Fuck, wait, leave two for me!"

"Boss, let's have another basket of steamed buns!" the diner shouted towards the door of the store.

Yan Wei stood at the door of the store, looking expectantly at the back of the palace without looking back: "Not for sale!"

"Boss, why are you like this? Can't you learn from the past and charge high prices? Why don't you just stop selling?" The diner's voice was desperate.

"I won't sell it anymore. Hurry up and leave!" Yan Wei said impatiently.

The diner could only slowly enjoy the last basket of steamed buns. He sighed: "Oh, I have a pretty face, but my personality is too bad."

The diners at the two tables next to him took the opportunity to laugh: "My boss is so gentle to the person he likes. It's because you're not good at it!"

"Hey, why are you talking?"

The three tables of diners started to make a lot of noise.

Yan Wei, who was standing at the door, looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock, and there was still no movement at the palace. She probably wouldn't come.

Returning to the store, she began to drive away the diners inside: "I'm closing, you guys finish up quickly."

The three tables of diners were not surprised and ate breakfast quickly.

After the diners left, Yan Wei pulled down the rolling shutter door and prepared to lock the store.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind her: "Is it closed?"

Hearing the sound, Yan Wei's face showed surprise. She turned her head and saw Xia Yu walking from the other side of the palace.

"I thought no one was here to eat." Yan Wei opened the door again, and Qin Xiayu walked in with a smile.

A diner who was walking slowly looked at Yan Wei dumbfounded. He obviously drove people away, but said that no one came to eat!

After Xia Yu entered, Yan Wei hung a temporary suspension sign at the door.

She led Xia Yu to the second floor and sat down. There was only one table on the second floor. The floor-to-ceiling windows facing the street provided excellent lighting, making it warm and tidy.

"What are you eating today?" Yan Wei asked Xiang Xia Yu.

"Old rules." Xia Yu replied.

Yan Wei went downstairs and first brought Xia Yu a bowl of boiled dried shredded silk and a basket of soup dumplings.

Picking up the chopsticks, Xia Yu sighed as Yan Wei's cooking skills improved again while eating.

Halfway through eating, Xia Yu saw Yan Wei walking up carrying another small bamboo cage.

Yan Wei placed the bamboo cage in front of Xia Yu and said expectantly: "Try the new soup dumplings."

Xia Yu looked at the soup dumplings in the bamboo cage curiously.

They were five buns the size of a baby's palm. The skin was smooth and the soup flowing inside could be vaguely seen.

"What's this called?" Xia Yu picked up a soup dumpling. Under the sunlight, the soup dumpling became even more crystal clear.

"White jade bag." Yan Wei urged, "Try it quickly."

Xia Yu took a bite. When he bit it, he felt the texture of white jade dumplings, and when he put it in his mouth, he felt the delicious taste of soup dumplings.

Still a little sweet.


Hearing Xia Yu's comments, Yan Wei narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Xia Yu quickly finished one and picked up the second one.

The bite was a bit urgent this time, and the soup came out and touched Xia Yu's neck.

Before Xia Yu responded, Yan Wei became anxious and came to Xia Yu. She leaned down, took off her apron and wiped Xia Yu's neck.

Her palm touched Xia Yu's neck, which made Xia Yu feel itchy thanks to it. Lowering his gaze, Xia Yu wanted to tell Yan Wei that this was not good, but was distracted by the sight.

After taking off her apron, Yan Wei was wearing an ordinary T-shirt, which could easily be revealed when she leaned over.

Yan Wei didn't know the situation, so after wiping Xia Yu's neck, she raised her head.

"Be careful when eating," she said to Xia Yu.

Feeling guilty, Xia Yu picked up the third white jade bag in a daze and tried to change the subject: "This bun is really big."

When he said it, he reacted and was going to suffer.

Yan Wei glanced at the white jade bag in confusion, wondering how such a small bun could become so big.

However, Xia Yu said big means big.

She continued: "Not only is it big, but it's also very tender, right?"

Xia Yu glanced at Yan Wei in shock and nodded awkwardly.

"If you smell it, you can still smell the waxy fragrance." Yan Wei said happily. There is nothing more satisfying than getting Xia Yu's approval.

"Oh." Xia Yu's eyes wandered a little.

"Because it uses the improved skin of white jade dumplings..." Yan Wei was about to continue the introduction, but her subconscious slowly reacted and told her that the conversation just now seemed a bit off.

It took five seconds to figure out the cause and effect, and Yan Wei's face immediately turned red.

Seeing Yan Wei's reaction, Xia Yu knew that the matter was exposed, so he lowered his head and ate the steamed buns pretending to be stupid.

Yan Wei got Xia Yu a cup of tea and sat aside.

After finishing morning tea, Xia Yu stood up and prepared to leave.

"If you want, I can cook it for you tomorrow." Yan Wei lowered her head and said.

Before Xia Yu could reply, she nervously raised her head and clarified: "I'm talking about the white jade bag."

Xia Yu thought for a while and sat back on the chair. He looked into Yan Wei's eyes.

When he was in high school, Yan Wei often hung around him and even confessed to him. Xia Yu thought that after so many years, Yan Wei would forget this relationship, but he did not expect that Yan Wei would be so persistent.

This store has been open next to the palace for a year.

Xia Yu was not a hard-hearted person, and he saw Yan Wei's persistence. The feelings that he had not had before were slowly nurtured in the three meals a day this year.

Stretching out his hand, he touched Yan Wei's cheek.

Yan Wei looked at Xia Yu anxiously.

"Just a white jade bag is not enough."

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