Life swap game

440. Ending 7 - I clearly said to take my time!

"The bank came here? I know, this is expected, but I didn't expect it to be so soon... Well, that's it, I'll go back right away." Turning off the phone, Yu Ningmeng sighed.

"What about online payment?" Xia Yu picked up the tea and drank it.

This was the tea that An Siyao and Zhu Mei liked. He couldn't find anything good about it, but in order to maintain his dignity, he never said it out loud and drank it silently.

He successfully deceived An Siyao and the others. Subtly, the amount of Coke and Sprite at home became less, and his daily drinking became tea.

Now he can only go to Xu Youxiang's place to get a drink.

Sitting back in the pavilion, Yu Ningmeng took a sip of tea and said, "Yes, I have to go."

She looked at Xia Yu reluctantly.

"The days are long," Xia Yu replied.

Yu Ningmeng's expression first changed to relief, then turned to shyness, and she glanced at Xia Yu angrily.

I mean it literally!

Xia Yu's thoughts were suddenly distorted, and he rubbed his waist. He thought that as long as Yu Ningmeng went back, he would be much more relaxed.

The stamina at level 3 is no longer enough. You have to find a way to find a body with relevant skills and then level up.

"I'm leaving now." Yu Ningmeng put down the tea cup and stood up.

"Shall I see you off?" Xia Yu also stood up.

"No need, I'll go back with my assistant." After saying that, Yu Ningmeng turned to look at Wen Ziying next to her.

Wen Ziying drank tea quietly and looked at the flowers as if Yu Ningmeng and Xia Yu didn't exist.

She came with Yu Ningmeng as a translator.

"Are you coming with me?" Yu Ningmeng asked her.

"The scenery here is good. I'll enjoy it for a few days." Wen Ziying replied.

"Okay, contact me if you have anything." Yu Ningmeng turned around, blocked Xia Yu's sight with her back, and made a cheering gesture to Wen Ziying.

Wen Ziying didn't respond. She didn't know how to respond.

Together with Xia Yu, she sent Yu Ningmeng to the door and turned back.

The two of them were sitting in the pavilion and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Over the years, although Wen Ziying often came here with Yu Ningmeng, she had never been alone with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu has never visited Wen Ziying's body in these years.

There was silence in the pavilion, a little awkward.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Xia Yu tried to change the topic.

So the question is, what kind of topic is better?

Is the wind really noisy today?

Is the weather really nice today?

Putting these two questions aside, Xia Yu asked a very common question: "Where are you going to play?"

"I'm not going to go out to play anymore," Wen Ziying said.

"What to do?" Xia Yu asked curiously.

"Write." Wen Ziying's words were very slow, a bit deliberate.

"Didn't you stop writing?" Xia Yu asked subconsciously. Then he realized that this answer was very inappropriate, as if he was saying "Didn't you lose weight?"

He quickly changed his words: "What to write?"

"Written about a young man who gained superpowers." Wen Ziying played with the delicate teacup.

"Then what?" Xia Yu asked. He admired Wen Ziying's ability to tell stories. He believed that Wen Ziying would tell a wonderful story and couldn't wait to know the plot.

"His ability is puppet control." Wen Ziying looked at the pattern on the cup and stroked it with her hand.

Puppetry? Heading to the battlefield with several dolls?

Xia Yu couldn't help but think of an outdated game character.

"Superpower battle?" Xia Yu was curious about the subject of this book.

"No." Wen Ziying raised her head and stared at Xia Yu, "After he discovered his abilities, he was keen on manipulating women's bodies to do bad things."

Xia Yu instinctively dodged his gaze.

No, I haven't done anything bad, this is not about me.

After calming down, Xia Yu continued to listen.

"For example, going to the toilet, taking a shower, etc." Wen Ziying glanced at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was a little uneasy. He seemed to have done this before, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't quit the game for eight hours, so he couldn't go eight hours without going to the toilet, right?

As for taking a shower, the toilet is already available, what else is missing? Besides, what Wen Ziyu did has nothing to do with me, Xia Yu?

"Then, he completely revealed his evil side." Wen Ziying's voice deepened.

Xia Yu's heart also sank.

What other evil things have I done? No.

But maybe I forgot, after all, so many years have passed.

He waited anxiously for Wen Ziying's explanation, but Wen Ziying picked up the tea and drank it slowly, letting Xia Yu get impatient.

After half a minute, Wen Ziying finally put down the tea cup.

"When he got tired of playing with her, he cruelly left the woman behind without thinking about the psychological pressure the woman whose innocence he had ruined would have to endure."


"Why, do you feel like that man didn't ruin other people's innocence?" Wen Ziying stared at Xia Yu and asked.

"This...maybe?" Xia Yu couldn't refute.

"Then do you think that man should be responsible?" Wen Ziying asked again.

Xia Yu clenched his hand, not sure what Wen Ziying meant by what she said.

The number of times he met Wen Ziying over the years was less than the number of times he met Yu Ningmeng, and each time he didn't say a few words.

He slowly probed: "Is this true? If I take responsibility, won't there be nothing to write about?"

"It doesn't matter. If that man took charge, this would be a sweet love story." Wen Ziying smiled.

"What if I'm not responsible?" Xia Yu asked curiously.

Wen Ziying's smile did not diminish, but became even brighter: "If she is not responsible, that woman will awaken the ability of eighteen kinds of torture."

"What ability is that?" Xia Yu asked.

"It means forcing the person involved to be taken to the execution ground and experience eighteen kinds of torture." Wen Ziying answered.

"Are you so shameless?" Xia Yu was shocked.

Wen Ziying continued: "Actually, I haven't thought about the eighteen kinds of torture yet. What do you think is good? The dismemberment of six horses is about the same."

Isn't it Wuma?

Xia Yu thought carefully, analyzed carefully, and came to a conclusion.

Oh my god, so cruel!

Is this a threat? How should I take up this topic?

When Xia Yu was in trouble, Wen Ziying changed her words again:

"Of course the reality can't be like this. The ability to awaken is just a dream of a woman. She has no ability, and the other person never appears again. She can only spend this life in loneliness. When she died, there was no one around her, and her body was It rotted for half a month before the thief discovered it.”

It suddenly went from bloody to depressing.

Compared with the sudden change in painting style, the ending of dying alone surprised Xia Yu even more.

After a moment of silence, Xia Yu asked, "How will the plot develop?"

"Hmm - how about a man approaching a woman in person, slowly building up his favorability level like a normal relationship, and then confessing to her?" Wen Ziying pinched her fingers, looking a little uneasy.

Xia Yu calmed down completely. He looked at Wen Ziying: "How to get close?"

Wen Ziying lowered her head: "For example, a chance encounter in the garden?"

"Then you want to go to the back courtyard to see it?" Xia Yu stretched out his hand.

Wen Ziying grabbed Xia Yu's hand.

Half an hour later.

"Well, I clearly said that we should take it slow like a normal relationship!"

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