Life swap game

443. Ending 9——It’s the uncle

In the afternoon, Xia Yu, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

Taking his hand out from under Zhu Mei's body, Xia Yan picked up the phone.

In his daze, he didn't look at who was calling and asked directly: "Who is it?"

A girl's voice came from the mobile phone: "Uncle, I was in a car accident. Come pick me up."

"What's going on?" Xia Yan woke up immediately. He got out of bed and put on his clothes.

"I'm on Sakya Road, come here quickly." After saying that, the girl hung up the phone.

Xia Yan casually put on a coat and came to the garage.

Another random car drove him to Sakya Road.

There was a car parked next to the telephone pole at the intersection. A piece of paint was missing from the front of the car. It seemed that it had rubbed against the telephone pole.

This is not a big deal at all.

Arriving at the car, Xia Yan knocked on the back seat window.

The car door opened, and a girl with blond hair got out of it.

The girl held Xia Yan's hand and was a little unhappy: "You came so slowly."

"I also have a lot of things to be busy with." Xia Yan declined.

Lowering his head, he looked at the girl next to him. The girl has grown up a lot compared to when we first met.

The girl frowned dissatisfied: "What is more important than coming to see Tina?"

She is Tina. A few years ago, Zhu Mei successfully lured her over and became the finance minister of District 24 with the temptation of helping her grandmother commute her sentence.

Of course, she is the invisible minister. She has never appeared in public.

When the girl first came to District 24, it was Xia Yan who used her body to do business planning. In the past three years, the girl has completely become a master, so all the work was delegated to her.

Because he was worried about girls, Xia Yu also used his real body to provide a lot of help, so Tina got to know him and had a good relationship with him.

"Forget it, it's just those women anyway." Tina curled her lips, lifted up her long skirt and turned it around, "Uncle, look, summer school uniform!"

Compared with when she was in District 2, the girl's personality is much more cheerful.

Just calling him Uncle Xia Yu all the time gave him a headache.

Obviously, when you take Yin Yin out to play, you will be regarded as brother and sister, but how come you have an extra seniority when you come to Tina's place.

This plus and minus is a difference of two generations!

"Hey, give me a reaction!" Tina waved her hand in front of Xia Yu.

Putting back his divergent thoughts, Xia Yu focused on the girl's clothes.

The girl wore a white shirt on her upper body and a pleated skirt on her lower body.

This is the uniform of Royal Middle School in District 24. Although Tina is good enough to be an economics professor, her grandmother still hopes that she can go to school well.

"Is it sexy?" Tina lifted her skirt to her knees and gave Xia Yu a wink.

Xia Yu glanced at the girl's chest covertly, hehe, even Xu Youxiang couldn't compare, she was even sexy.

But you can’t say that.

Xia Yu answered perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, you see, even the car looked at you and it hit the telephone pole."

"The car had a flat tire!" Tina glared at Xia Yu angrily.

"Then aren't you even more powerful?" Xia Yu said.

Tina heard Xia Yu's perfunctory tone, she got angry and taunted: "No girl will like you like this!"

"But I already have seven wives." Xia Yu led Tina to his car.

Tina sat in the passenger seat, put on her seat belt, and retorted: "Those are old women."


Xia Yu actually couldn't refute that Tina was younger than Youxue, so she was indeed qualified to say that they were both old women.

Tina, who had won the battle, smiled proudly.

"Where are you going?" Xia Yu changed the topic.

"Pet hospital." Tina's mood dropped.

She went to the pet hospital to see the white cat.

The white cat's lifespan is coming to an end.

This is something that Xia Yu cannot interfere with.

After driving to the pet hospital, Xia Yu and Tina came to the ward together. The white cat was lying in the nest and had no strength to move. When Tina came over, it just opened its eyes and meowed.

Tina sat next to her and combed the white cat's fur.

Xia Yu took the opportunity to ask the doctor and learned that the white cat's time was running out.

In the evening, the two walked out of the hospital, and Xia Yu sent the girl home.

The girl currently lives alone, and her adoptive parents traveled to District 11 with her grandmother. The white cat was still healthy before they left, and Tina didn't tell them about it.

"I'll pick you up from school tomorrow." Xia Yu said to Tina.

White Cat's death is expected to happen in these two days, and Tina will definitely be very sad by then.

"What are you doing, do you want to attack me?" Tina said pretending to be cheerful.

"I'm afraid your grandma will beat me to death." Xia Yu replied.

After saying goodbye to her, Xia Yu returned to the palace.

When they came to the bedroom, Zhu Mei was still lying on the bed. Seeing him coming back, Zhu Mei asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Xia Yu talked about the white cat.

Thinking of her brown bear, Zhu Mei said to Xia Yu, "Stay with her for the next two days."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you both." Xia Yu opened the quilt and got into bed.

Late at night, the moon climbed into the sky. Xia Yu was sleeping soundly with Zhu Mei in his arms when his cell phone rang again.

This time he looked at the note and saw that the caller was Tina.

This girl can't sleep at night and calls me again?

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Yu pressed the answer button.

He decided that if the girl didn't say anything important, he would go into her body and teach her a lesson.

Putting the phone to his ear, Xia Yu heard low sobbing.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu was startled and hurriedly put on his clothes.

"Mimi is dead." Tina cried loudly.

Xia Yu's heart sank. Although he knew that the white cat would not live long, he did not expect that he would die so early.

"Where are you now?" Xia Yu asked.

"I-I'm outside the hospital and I don't dare to go in." The girl answered with a choked voice.

"Is the driver with you? I'll be there right away." After getting dressed, Xia Yu said something to Zhu Mei and quickly went out.

Ten minutes later, he drove to the door of the pet hospital.

Tina threw herself into his arms, crying.

Holding the girl in his arms, Xia Yu waited quietly.

After five minutes, Tina's mood slowly stabilized.

Xia Yu asked, "Would you like to go in and take a look?"

"No!" Tina hugged Xia Yu tightly, "I don't want to see Mimi die!"

"Then go back home." Xia Yu took the girl into his car and drove towards the girl's home.

When they arrived at the place, Xia Yu stopped the car.

Tina grabbed his sleeve: "Isn't it bad that I left my breasts there?"

"It doesn't matter, the hospital people will make arrangements." Xia Yu stretched out his hand and touched the girl's head.

"I'm a little scared." Tina stretched out her other hand and hugged Xia Yu's waist.

"I will accompany you today." Xia Yu comforted the girl.

He picked up Tina and came to the door. He found that the girl didn't even close the door and went out.

After entering the house and placing the girl on the bed in the bedroom, Xia Yu got up and went downstairs. He briefly checked to make sure there were no uninvited guests in the house.

This is the villa area for important officials, with complete security, and inspections are just in case.

Back in the bedroom, Xia Yu saw that Tina had sat up and was wiping tears.

"Don't stare at me." The girl turned her head, a little shy.

"Go take a bath." Xia Yu noticed that Tina's clothes were a little dirty. She probably fell because she was worried about the white cat.

"Yeah!" The girl realized it and immediately went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is in the room, and Xia Yu is sitting by the bed, waiting for the girl.

After a quarter of an hour, Xia Yu heard the sound of water and stopped. It seemed that the girl had finished washing.

However, after five minutes, he did not see the girl come out.

I can get dressed in five minutes.

"Tina?" Xia Yu asked.

"Yeah." The girl responded.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Xia Yu continued to ask: "What happened? Do you want my help?"

After half a minute of coming, a very small voice came from the bathroom: "Clothes..."

Xia Yu realized that the girl had forgotten to bring a change of clothes.

He skillfully opened the drawer under the bed and took out a pair of pajamas that Tina often wore, as well as underwear. He used the girl's body from time to time and was very familiar with the location of these things.

Coming to the bathroom, Xia Yu said loudly: "You go into the inner room first."


The sound of pulling the door sounded, and then Tina replied that it was okay.

Xia Yu opened the bathroom door, put a change of clothes in the clothes basket outside, and stepped out.

A minute later, Tina walked out of the bathroom.

It wasn't the first time he saw Tina in pajamas, but it was the first time he used his own body to see her.

The girl's petite body looks particularly cute in her pink pajamas.

Lowering her head, Tina came to Xia Yu's side. She held Xia Yu's hand and lay on the bed.

Xia Yu lay with her and no one spoke.

Xia Yu didn't know how to comfort the girl. Maybe he should bring the black cat over?

Or take Tina out and drive away her sorrow with adult depravity?

For example, overeating or surfing the Internet all night?

Xia Yu was lost in thought when he suddenly heard Tina ask: "Where are my socks?"

"In the drawer next to the underwear." Xia Yu answered without thinking.

As soon as he finished answering, he felt something was wrong.

He shouldn't know where Tina's clothes are, this is something only Ti Yu knows!

"I just turned it over." Xia Yu looked at Tina anxiously.

Tina didn't pursue it, she just hummed and stopped talking.

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ceiling above, and suddenly felt something moving in Tina.

The girl put her hand on Xia Yu's ear and came closer.

Her lips were cold.

Raising her head, Tina looked into Xia Yu's eyes: "My cat god, you turn out to be an uncle."

After saying that, the girl came up again.

Xia Yu held her head and said, "This is not what a child should do."

"I'm an adult!"

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