Life swap game

49. Whose surprise?

"A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without any close friends, asking the blue sky with the wine, what year is it today? The sound of firecrackers eliminates one year old, the spring breeze..."

After pinching Kong Hanyue's cheek, Xia Yu looked at her and said, "Speak humanly."

"We are a small sect that is about to perish, the flower sect, there is no time."

Kong Hanyue began to explain honestly: "The southern style is quite special in terms of temperament, with wandering tone changes, and most of them are lyrical songs. The northern style often uses the middle finger when pressing strings, and has long slide intervals, and the playing is melodious and profound."

"What about Hua Faction?" Xia Yu asked.

"There are many techniques." Kong Hanyue said.

Looking at Xia Yu's puzzled expression, Kong Hanyue continued: "There are many skills. I won't mention fast four, clipping, and string picking. There are even more difficult ones."

"...Is it because there are too many techniques that no one can learn from this genre?" Xia Yu already understood the situation.

"You can learn the techniques as long as you learn them. What's more important is that if you have too many techniques and are distracted, your grasp of the rhythm will be poor. It's not hard to practice or an outstanding genius. You can't learn them. There are also a group of people who are jealous of us and promote us to show off. More skills than emotions!" Kong Hanyue was angry.

When Xia Yu heard this, he already had the idea of ​​changing his genre.

But he was just thinking about it.

"On to the next one."

After staying with Kong Hanyue until ten o'clock in the evening, Xia Yu took the last subway and returned home.

"Brother, are you back?"

As soon as he entered the house, Xia Yu saw Youxue. The girl was sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

There was nothing interesting to watch on TV. She was waiting for Xia Yu.

Xia Yu used the reason for going out at night to practice for the competition.

"Go to bed quickly, don't wait for me."

After watching Youxue enter the room, Xia Yu put down his schoolbag and walked to the bathroom.

After five minutes of washing, he turned off the light and returned to the bedroom.

Five minutes later, Youxue's door opened. The girl tiptoed to the bathroom, picked up Xia Yu's coat and smelled it.

"perfume scent!"

On Saturday, Xia Yu got up at eight o'clock. After washing, he logged into An Siyao's body at nine-thirty.

Now that he has 4,700 game points, it's time to continue learning piano.

Of the four thousand and seven game points, he exchanged them for nine double experience cards, leaving three hundred and eighty points left.

"Will you continue to learn to praise the sun today?" An Siyao asked.

"Yeah." Xia Yu opened the cover of the piano and started practicing.

Praise to the Sun is a more rebellious song, which is characterized by being slow, very slow.

But slowness is not easy to control, just like riding a bicycle, the slower it is, the more difficult it is. The slower you play, the harder it is to master the balance.

At ten times the speed, with only one hour left before the end of eight hours, Xia Yu could finally finish the piece.

After getting familiar with each other for another half hour, Xia Yu stopped the experience card that still had half an hour left, put down the piano cover, and came to the bedroom.

The remaining time should be spent talking to An Siyao.

But neither of them are people who like to chat. The topics they are interested in have been talked about for so many days, so they entered into a rare silence today.

Since there is nothing to talk about, then don't talk. Forcing to chat will only increase the burden.

Yawning, Xia Yu opened An Siyao's laptop and started browsing on it.

He was watching the jokes made by netizens on the forum, and suddenly a pop-up box popped up below.

Even the upper class can’t do anything with these pop-up frames?

Xia Yu moved the mouse to the upper right corner of the pop-up box and took a glance. It turned out that it was not an advertisement, but a news pop-up box.

His index finger was about to press down when he found another interesting title.

"The first district-wide middle school student musical instrument competition has been confirmed to start in November."

As the principal said before, the competition will start in November and the finals will be in December.

It’s not a tight schedule, there’s plenty of time, so it’s not a problem.

Although An Siyao couldn't control Xia Yu when he used his body, she could still get feedback no matter what sensory stimulation Xia Yu had.

So, after Xia Yu glanced at the title of the competition, An Siyao also saw the title.

"Are you interested in the musical instrument competition?" the girl asked.

Xia Yu thought for a second. Since he glanced at it, it was hard to deny that he was not interested.

"A bit." Xia Yu said.

"Will you participate?" An Siyao asked again.

"I can't participate." Xia Yu lied.

An Siyao had no doubts. In her opinion, how could Xia Yu, who could suppress the head maid and remain calm in the face of more than a dozen strong men, still be a middle school student?

"Then if I participate, can you see me?" she said.


Silently removing the first place from his expectations, Xia Yu said casually: "I can watch the replay. I hope this video can be kept for ten years."

"Hey, are you here since ten years?" An Siyao was surprised.


"Then what will I look like in the future?"

"Died in a plane crash five years ago."

"Why is this!" An Siyao was very frustrated.

She tried to save herself: "I'm not dead now, so can I change the future? I won't fly anymore!"

"Great idea."

After a few perfunctory words, Xia Yu complained in his heart about why he couldn't help but watch the news just now. At the same time, he also reflected on the disguise he had prepared to see if there was anything wrong with it.

He couldn't let An Siyao not participate in that competition, it was too deliberate.

A minute later, An Siyao's voice sounded again: "Were you lying to me just now?"

"You just realized it?" Xia Yu expressed surprise.

"Don't always bully me!" The girl protested weakly.

"Actually, I come from a parallel world." Xia Yu added.

"I don't know which one is the truth." An Siyao had given up thinking, "Anyway, if I participate in that competition, you can see me, right?"

"I can see you now." Xia Yu said.

"That's different." What An Siyao wanted was for Xia Yu to use his real eyes to look at her.

After making sure that Xia Yu could see it, she decided to participate in the competition.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment and said nothing more.

In fact, he also wanted to meet this little silly girl in reality.

As long as they reach the finals, they will definitely meet.

There is no problem with the disguise you prepare, it will not attract attention, and the risk is extremely low.

The first thing is that there is no hope at all.

But the first one is too ostentatious, so don’t do it.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Xia Yu returned to his body. At this time, Tuo Yu had also finished his part-time work.

Taking out his cell phone, Xia Yu glanced at the date.

It is now September 26th, and there is only one month left until November.

Xia Yu went back to the dressing room and changed clothes, then walked towards Kong Hanyue's home.

On the subway, a boy about the same age as him bumped into him because of the push from the people behind him.

"Sorry." The boy was very polite.

"It's okay." Xia Yu nodded and watched the young man sit in the empty seat in the next car.

He felt that the other person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Zhong Yunze, who was sitting in the next car, didn't look familiar to Xia Yu at all. He looked at his phone and smiled.

My mother will be very surprised when she comes home suddenly.

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