In the morning, Xia Yu returned to his body. He sat up and whispered: "Skills panel."

The next moment, a small panel appeared in front of him.

There are two skills on the panel:

[Painting lv1, Music lv1]

lv1 is probably the entry-level level. If you want to apply for a job, you need to be at least lv3 or lv4.

According to the estimate given by An Siyao, it would only take a month at most.

When he came to the desk, Xia Yu looked at his homework, took over his body's system, and completed the homework very well.

Relying on this, it is impossible to become a dark horse in the college entrance examination.

However, body exchange is the foundation, and body trusteeship is just a trick. Even if you become the top pick in the country, you don't have the strength and it will have no effect.

Xia Yu doesn't like a life like castles in the air. Only by being down to earth can people feel at ease.

After returning to bed, he turned on his phone and started searching for the rich people in District 1.

An Siyao's family is not ordinary rich. Her father's name may be seen on the ranking list.

As for how to tell who her father is, just look at the surname. An Ke doesn't have a big surname like Ma Liu.

After scanning the rich list, Xia Yu settled on a target.

That was the richest man in District 1, real estate developer An Tianfeng.

Touching his chin, Xia Yu searched for news about An Tianfeng on the Internet again.

Most of them were An Tianfeng's business activities. Fortunately, this world also has encyclopedia-like web pages, and Xia Yu found out the other party's family situation in it.

In the information, there is only one wife and one son.

Did you find the wrong one?

But there is no other surnamed An on the rich list.

Forget it, searching for this is just to satisfy my curiosity anyway, and it has no effect.

After exiting the webpage, Xia Yu casually clicked on a mahjong game.

It's not that he doesn't want to play other games, but that the development of mobile games in this world is very backward, but stand-alone games and online games are very prosperous.

Today is Saturday, and there are no classes during the day. Xia Yu went out to eat breakfast made by Youxue, and then returned to his room, doing nothing.

At around nine o'clock, Youxue knocked on his door.

The girl who came in said to Xia Yu, "Brother, lend me the dictionary."

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment before he remembered that his sister didn't have a mobile phone.

Xia Yu took the dictionary off the bookshelf and handed it to Youxue.

After the girl left, Xia Yu fell into thinking.

Youxue is already in the first grade of junior high school. Unlike the earth in the previous life, primary school students in this world have already begun to use mobile phones, and girls should also have one.

However, it was wishful thinking to let that cheap father buy it. Xia Yu's own mobile phones were all bought by working part-time in the first year of high school.

Opening the text message, Xia Yu took a look at the deposit in his bank card.

In three years of high school, he saved a total of 6,000, and originally planned to save 7,000 to 8,000 to buy a laptop that can play AAA games.

Which one is more important, the game or my sister?

If you choose the game, your sister will just lose her phone, but if you choose your sister, the game itself will disappear.

Weighing the pros and cons, Xia Yu sighed.

At noon, after lunch, he went to the convenience store where he worked and started working.

His shift lasts all afternoon on Saturday, but he doesn't have to work on Sunday.

Although cashiering is an easy job, it is far less easy than in the previous life. In the previous life, payment could be completed with just one swipe of Alipay, and basically no hands were needed. However, in this world, mobile payment has not yet appeared, and people can only use banknotes.

It is very easy for counterfeit currency to appear in the transaction of banknotes. However, Xia Yu also experienced the days without mobile payment in his previous life. He is very clear about the tricks of using counterfeit currency and has not made a single mistake so far.

The sun slowly slanted from the center to the west. Under the lazy orange light, the pedestrians hurriedly passing by on the road seemed to be much more leisurely.

Xia Yu's work had been completed, and the person who came to pick him up was a female student from the university next door. She had an average appearance but a good figure.

"Feng Lin said that he has something to do tomorrow. Can you please cover him?" the girl said to Xia Yu.

"I still have something to do." Xia Yu said casually.

This surprised the girls. People often asked Xia Yu to take over the class before, but Xia Yu never refused.

This is because Xia Yu, who got the body swap game, no longer cares about the money. He can continue to work in the convenience store, which is considered very stable.

"Okay, then I'll get rid of him." The girl asked hesitantly, "Did something happen? Maybe I can help."

Xia Yu also has a good impression of some handsome guys who are not as naive as his peers.

"Thank you, it's just that I haven't been short of money recently." Expressing his gratitude to the girl for her concern, Xia Yu entered the dressing room.

In this world, not to mention convenience store sales clerks, even cake shop sales clerks have special uniforms.

Xia Yu felt that apart from providing more material for short films, these uniforms had little effect.

I can only say one thing: be particular.

After changing into his own clothes, Xia Yu went to the mobile phone store and chose a white mobile phone with a discount of more than 1,900 yuan.

Without Alipay, online shopping is very immature. Buying mobile phones in physical stores has become the only feasible operation.

Returning to his home community, Xia Yu saw Xia Dongyang downstairs. He was sitting by the flower bed not far from the stairs, smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

I guess I encountered something, and I was worried about how to solve it, but I didn't want to let myself and my sister see it.

However, this is not out of concern for the child, but because of his humble self-esteem.

Just like some people don't want to step on the lawn, not to care for the flowers and plants, but because they are afraid of getting their shoes dirty.

Xia Yu ignored him. He admired his father's ability to fight to the death. He had troubled a group of gangsters before and owed a lot of gambling debts, etc., but he had safely gone around to find someone to settle the matter.

Avoiding the man, Xia Yu entered the corridor and returned home.

There was no Youxue in the living room. When she opened the door to the girl's room, there was no one inside. She probably went out to buy groceries.

Putting the phone on the girl's desk, Xia Yu returned to his bedroom.

He lay on his bed and entered the game.

【Please select a character】

【1.An Siyao】


The game gives a total of two character empty slots. An Siyao occupies one, and there is another one available for use. Moreover, deleting An Siyao can also free up the slot.

Despite this, two slots are still missing, and I hope new slots will be opened later.

After clicking on column No. 1, Xia Yu's vision went dark. When he opened it again, he saw a huge trash can.

It was truly huge, five or six times as tall as him.

what's the situation?

[An unknown bug has occurred, players please do not panic and wait for the eight hours of game time to be completed]


Xia Yu lowered his head and glanced at his hands.

Those are the paws of a black cat.

When he came to the glass window of a store, he saw a black cat.

Turned into a cat? This game is so unreliable that a bug appeared in the game only for the third time.

[Body exchange has been achieved]

[Based on the opponent's body, a bonus is being generated...]

[Bonus generation completed]

[Bonuses obtained: night vision bonus lv1, intimidation bonus lv1, dexterity bonus lv1]

【Wish you a happy game】

Intimidation? dexterity?

Seems like a good skill.

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