Life swap game

67. Can’t think of it

When the competition rankings were released, it was already the evening of the same day. A group of reporters could not interview at night and had to wait until the next morning. After getting Xia Yu's contact information, they rushed to his house.

They knew that it was Monday and Xia Yu was definitely not at home, so they just wanted to interview Xia Yu's parents. However, Kong Hanyue had been away from home for many years, and Xia Dongyang had been away for many days, so there was no one at home.

When I asked my neighbors again, they didn’t know anything.

The reporters who didn't have any connections could only act anxiously, while the reporters who had connections, thanks to the relationship with the dean of students, went directly to the school.

Xia Yu, who was in class, was called to the dean's office by a broadcast.

"Classmate Xia Yu, this is a reporter from Zilang Daily. She wants to interview you about your first place in the musical instrument competition. Do you think it's convenient for you now?"

Naturally, there was nothing inconvenient for Xia Yu. The dean said this to give him face, so he agreed.

"Then you guys are doing the interview here, I'm going out first." After closing the door, the dean went to do his own business.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu looked at the reporter in front of him.

She was a female reporter who had probably just graduated from college. She had a energetic appearance and a longing for a better society.

Xia Yu had read some books on psychology in his previous life, and he was already relatively sensitive to other people's emotions, so he could feel them clearly.

The female reporter introduced herself first, but Xia Yu didn't listen carefully. For newspapers of this level, there would be almost no chance of interviewing him in the future.

"You won first place in Zilang City this time. Do you have anything to say?" the female reporter asked.



"Just kidding." Xia Yu smiled, "But there is really nothing to say. I didn't plan to participate in the competition. It was the principal who did the ideological work for me."

"Then how did the principal communicate with you?" The female reporter became excited, and words such as dreams and passion flashed through her mind.

"He said that if you have good grades, you might be able to get a letter of recommendation from the university directly, so you don't have to take the college entrance examination."

The female reporter choked again.

Why are you so realistic!

She decided to change the topic: "At the competition, you said that your mother taught you piano. Can you tell me about your experience of learning piano from your mother?"

"When I have free time, I take the subway to my mother's place to learn piano."

"Wait, take the subway to go to your mother's place?" the female reporter grasped the key point.

"Oh, they are divorced." Xia Yu replied. These cases will definitely be uncovered, so it is better to admit them openly now.

When the female reporter heard the word divorce, her heart sank.

The topic seemed to suddenly become heavy.

She changed the subject again: "How did your father behave when you won the championship in this competition?"

She tried to use this festive topic to diffuse the heaviness of the topic.

"He ran away due to debt more than ten days ago."

The topic has become more serious!

The female reporter had no choice but to panic.

"But my sister is very happy." Xia Yu helped her out.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the female reporter began to ask about her sister.

The interview lasted five minutes, and the two shook hands and left.

When Xia Yu returned to the classroom, class was about to end.

A group of classmates gathered around him, celebrating his first place result.

Yan Wei also sent a bag of flower cakes, but Xia Yu refused the flower cakes because of his recent bad gastrointestinal condition.

Although he really wanted to eat it, the other party had an ulterior motive for sending the flower cake.

If you want to eat pastry, just go to An Siyao's place and let the pastry chef prepare it. It saves you trouble and effort, but you just don't get it in your stomach.

You can also ask An Siyao to take it to Xu Youxiang, so that you can play games and eat at the same time.

Yan Wei knew that a bad stomach was an excuse, and she returned to her seat with a sad expression.

These days, Youxue didn't pull her over so diligently, which made her a little uneasy and suspected that she had messed up something.

In fact, Youxue just knew that Xia Yu went to Kong Hanyue's place every night, so she was not in a hurry to find a sister-in-law for herself.

In addition to his classmates, Xia Yu also encountered the onlookers of students from neighboring classes. Even students from other floors came to the third floor to use the toilet just to take a look at Xia Yu.

After ending his life of being watched in school, Xia Yu came to the coffee shop and was once again watched by the customers in the shop.

In addition to classical music lovers, the guests are also young artistic women who join in the fun. After Xia Yu played the song "Flan Old Wolf", the excitement of the young women showed on their faces.

What an incomprehensible group of people.

After receiving some childish congratulations from Kong Hanyue again at Kong Hanyue's place, Xia Yu returned home at night and was hugged by Youxue as soon as he entered the house.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu was confused. Youxue had already congratulated him in the morning, so why was he acting coquettishly again now?

"Brother is so kind." Youxue did not answer Xia Yu, but said something that Xia Yu could not understand.

Of course I'm fine, but what do you think is better this time?

Two minutes later, Xia Yu knew the answer.

The female reporter from Zilang Daily has already sent the report to the push notification in her mailbox.

Although the Internet industry in this world is not very mature, print media has declined and news feeds in mailboxes are becoming popular.

In the report, the part about Youxue took up half of the space.

Originally this was the part about parents and teachers, but Youxue was responsible for all of them.

The girl was naturally very happy when she saw that she occupied such a large space.

Picking up the report, Xia Yu scanned it twice and found no part about Xia Dongyang and Kong Hanyue.

After pondering for a while, Xia Yu realized that he had underestimated the ethics of journalists in this world.

In previous lives, such plots of mother remarrying and father running away would have been hyped up by unscrupulous reporters, but reporters in this world not only did not use these despicable hype methods, but also helped to conceal it.

Xia Yu reflected that he was too cold to the female reporter during the day.

Anyway, there will be interviews after the second game, so be nice then.

After logging out of the mailbox, Xia Yu searched the Internet for the game situation in Yaoguang City.

As expected, An Siyao was written on the first place.

In addition to An Siyao, there is another acquaintance in fifth place, that is Zhong Yunze.

Zhong Yunze's level is almost in the middle of lv3, worthy of Yaoguang City, so he can only be ranked fifth.

He clicked on the competition video that was just released in the morning and saw An Siyao playing the piano on the stage. The girl played the cold and gentle world of painting. The music was flawless and her level was much higher than Xia Yu.

This was also the first time Xia Yu saw An Siyao playing the piano.

The next game is a competition for the entire Su Province, and Yaoguang City is also included in the Su Province competition area. This means that he can really see An Siyao in the next game.

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