Life swap game

76. The old lady in Xinshou Village

Seeing that the two colleagues were about to start a quarrel, the remaining three people hurriedly spoke to stop them.

After this episode, the judges stopped saying anything and just made a general comment before letting the next person take the stage.

Returning to his seat, Xia Yu was grabbed by Zhong Yunze's hand.

"You actually tied the world record!" Zhong Yunze looked at Xia Yu's fingers excitedly.

"It's only sixty-six seconds." Xia Yu said.

"Just sixty-six seconds to pay back?" Zhong Yunze was speechless.

For Xia Yu, it was really just that. If he hadn't been unable to control the rhythm, he could have gone faster.

"Anyway, you can advance. Unfortunately, I can only accompany you for one trip." Zhong Yunze sighed, feeling a little disappointed.

Too lazy to comfort Zhong Yunze, Xia Yu looked at the next contestant, who was also an acquaintance of his, Feng Ma.

Feng Ma's performance was quite satisfactory, and the judges each said something and then ignored him.

By the time the fifteenth person finished playing, the morning game was over.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the game started again, and the next fifteen people came out.

After listening to what Zhong Yunze said, except An Siyao, the three players who would definitely advance, Xia Yu understood the level of this competition area.

As he expected, these three are all at the upper level of lv3, which is the same as Xia Yu's current real level.

As for An Siyao, he was probably in the upper reaches of level 4 or level 5. Xia Yu couldn't tell because of his insufficient level.

No matter what industry, there are always some geniuses who can draw many people away from them.

There is still a long period of time before the third round. By the time of the third round, he can probably reach level 4. There is still a long way to go before An Siyao, but entering the finals will not be a problem.

After thinking about it, he continued to listen to the performance.

An Siyao was placed last. It was probably the organizer's behind-the-scenes operation to prevent An Siyao, who was out of specification, from disturbing the performance of the previous contestants. They also didn't want An Siyao's out-of-standard music to make the audience feel uncomfortable. The back is boring.

When the second to last contestant left the stage, everyone present, including the judges, moved around, straightened their clothes, and prepared to enjoy An Siyao's performance.

After An Siyao came on stage, the audience immediately put down what they were doing and treated him seriously.

Only then did Xia Yu notice that the dress An Siyao was wearing looked familiar.

The style was the same as the dress he wore at An Siyao's stepmother's banquet when he went to Abbot City.

Pulling up the hem of her skirt, An Siyao sat in front of the piano and put her hand on it.

There was a smile on the girl's face, and she looked specifically in the direction of the camera.

"Damn it, she actually smiled. Does this smile mean 'I can finally torture you scum'?" Zhong Yunze said.

Xia Yu ignored him, but An Siyao had already pressed his finger.

A somewhat chaotic prelude sounded.

After listening to a few notes with his eyes closed, Xia Yu understood the music the girl was playing.

This is Saint without Purpose, a more basic track.

But such a simple piece of music bursts with strong emotions under An Siyao's performance.

This is the quality and soul that the judges were talking about when they praised Xia Yuflan Old Wolf.

The dull sound of the piano echoed in the hall, and under the tiny notes, the audience's hearts slowly began to twitch.

Their hearts slowly sank into the emotion of the music.

Aimless saint, being without eyes is blind, blindness is darkness, and darkness is frightening.

The melody in the first part expresses such a panic emotion.

The audience all closed their eyes, feeling the uneasiness and fear of the blind saint.

Slowly, the melody of the song changed, with a few brisk sounds mixed in with panic and uneasiness.

It was something, or a person, that broke into the world of the Saint.

The lively musical notes slowly increase in proportion, and when they reach almost half, they begin to compete with the dull musical notes.

The listener's heart is sometimes peaceful and sometimes panicked. The quiet time gradually becomes longer, the panic fades away, and the notes gradually become melodious. In the end, they directly turn into a brisk tune.

The last note echoed and died, and the theater erupted in applause.

"This melody flows down like a mountain stream, with minor and serious illnesses as if they were made in nature, and the mood is like a fish during swimming. It is smart and cute. It is really a rare piece of music!" the first judge said with a smile.

The second judge stared at him for a moment and said, "I thought so."

The third judge opened his mouth and glanced at the first judge resentfully:

"me too."

"That's a pretty good description."

“It’s really wonderful.”

After the five judges have finished their comments, the competition is over.

However, Xia Yu is not old enough to go back yet. Tomorrow morning, the rankings will be announced, and those who have won the promotion will play three pieces of music in the theater.

After leaving the theater and going to the hotel room, the principal, who had been holding back for a while, finally couldn't help but start asking.

"Is your violin so good?"

"Actually, I play the guzheng better." Xia Yu replied.

"Hahahaha." The principal laughed heartily. He thought Xia Yu was playing District 2-style humor with him.

After he finished laughing, he continued to think about the violin just now.

Although he liked the piano far more than the violin, such music still amazed him.

Also thinking about Xia Yu's violin was An Siyao.

The girl was a little moody. Although her skills were superb, Xia Yu completely stole the limelight.

She didn't care about other people's eyes, but what if "he" was watching the live broadcast or recording, and his attention was attracted to him?

After the little emotion passed, An Siyao started to think about another thing.

That boy can play both the violin and the piano, and he seems to be just like "him".

Frowning, the girl began to think.

"He" plays the piano much better, and I have only seen "him" play the violin a few times.

Unable to judge rationally, An Siyao began to use her senses to perceive.

But it is too difficult to compare a disembodied person through feelings.

When Xia Yu came into An Siyao's body, An Siyao still didn't feel it.

"You play very well." Xia Yu praised the girl.

"I will still play tomorrow!" An Siyao said.


After a moment of silence, the girl said again: "Do you like the violin? I can also play the violin, although I can't play the wild bee as fast as sixty-six seconds."

Xia Yu was startled and almost thought that An Siyao was testing him, but then he thought about it and realized that the little silly girl had no such intention at all.

"I still prefer the piano." Xia Yu said.

"Yes." The girl became happy.

Her happiness made Xia Yu confused. No matter how high his emotional intelligence was, he still couldn't fully understand the twists and turns in the girl's heart.

After talking to the girl for a while, Xia Yu finished washing, came to the bed, and got into bed.

Since the last time he took a nap using the black cat's body, Xia Yu discovered that sleeping with different bodies also has different flavors.

Anyway, I will give you game points during bedtime.

"Good night." Xia Yu said to An Siyao.

"Good night."

An Siyao's body was not as comfortable to sleep with as Xia Yu's own body or Black Cat's body.

After a while, Xia Yu finally fell asleep.

Eight hours later, he was back in his own body.

The next day, the results of the competition came out, and five people were promoted. Xia Yu ranked second, and Golden Glasses ranked fifth.

During the performance the next day, gold-rimmed glasses evaded him.

After finishing the ordinary performance, Xia Yu returned to Zilang.

The classmates in the class invited him to have dinner together in the evening; Youxue made a phone call and talked excitedly; Kong Hanyue also asked him to come over in the evening to receive the task reward.

After declining the dinner invitation from his classmates, Xia Yu went home and had dinner with Youxue, and then went to Kong Hanyue's villa.

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