Life swap game

79. Improve moral conduct

Looking at the phone, at the last second of fifteen minutes, Zhong Yunxin opened the door.

As an aristocratic school, the student council office of Tonosato Academy is also very spacious. In addition to the outer room with desks, sofas and cabinets, there is also a lounge inside.

On the sofa in the outer room, the two sisters Xia Yu and Feng were drinking tea.

Arriving in front of Xia Yu cautiously, Zhong Yunxin obediently waited for the lecture.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Xia Yu looked at Zhong Yunxin's neat clothes and refreshing face, and nodded.

He looked at Feng Yujia. Feng Yujia left the sofa, came to the desk, and took out an epaulette.

The school emblem of Higashi-no-Sato is painted on the shoulder strap, and the words Higashi-no-Sato Student Union are written below.

Feng Yujia gave the epaulette to Xia Yu, and Xia Yu put it on Zhong Yunxin's sleeve.

"What is this?" Zhong Yunxin was confused. She knew it was the armband of the Dongzhixiang Student Union, but what was the purpose of putting the armband on her?

"From today on, you are a member of the student union. As for your position, you are the disciplinary committee member." Xia Yu said.

Zhong Yunxin was startled, and the thought of pulling him over to teach her a lesson flashed through her mind, but she felt that it was not the case.

"These are the rules and regulations of the school. You should study them carefully when you go back. If there are any unruly ones, write them down and report them." Patting Zhong Yunxin on the shoulder, Xia Yu smiled at her.

After saying that, he asked Zhong Yunxin to leave.

Zhong Yunxin thought about it for a day, but she still couldn't figure out what Xia Yu meant.

However, in order to deal with Xia Yu, she still read the school rules.

At noon the next day, she was still thinking about it.

The ten girls who took pleasure in bullying her looked at each other. One of the girls walked past her with a tea cup, then pretended to be unsteady and threw the tea at Zhong Yunxin's table.

Although Zhong Yunxin was thinking about something, she was still more alert when the girl came over. When she saw the water glass falling, she hurriedly reached out to grab it.

It was a good thing she didn't grab it. After she grabbed it, the water glass was pushed by her, and it fell on the table instead of falling on her body.

Looking at Zhong Yunxin who was soaked in front of her, the girl's face turned pale. She was not prepared to go to such an extreme level.

At this moment, Zhong Yunxin couldn't help it. She grabbed the girl's collar and stood up.

When Xia Yu arrived after receiving the news, what he saw was a confrontation between Zhong Yunxin and eight girls. There were two other girls who were too timid to stand up.

Xia Yu already knew what happened from other people's mouths, so he didn't ask any more questions. He said to the two girls from the student union who followed him and had a relatively thin presence: "Take away the person Zhong Yunxin is holding."

The two girls didn't hesitate, one on the left and one on the right stood next to the girl who splashed water: "Please."

Zhong Yunxin also let go of the opponent's collar. She didn't dare to attack. Even if there were only eight of ten people left, she couldn't beat him, and there was Xia Yu's warning in front of him.

"What are you doing!" Seeing that the student union was about to take away her companions, the tall girl who was the leader of the ten people stood up.

She stopped in front of Xia Yu and said, "Rong Rong just accidentally spilled water on the side. Don't you have slippery hands? Why should you arrest someone!"

"Well, since it was a slippery hand, it's excusable. Let her apologize." The head teacher arrived in time and said to Xia Yu.

Seeing that she had the teacher's support, the tall girl became proud.

"Who said I invited her because of the splashing of water?" Xia Yu said.

The tall girl's face froze: "Why did you catch Rongrong instead of splashing water?"

Xia Yu waved to Zhong Yunxin, who immediately came to his side.

Holding the lace hem of the girl who splashed water, Xia Yu asked Xiang Zhong Yunxin: "What does Article 36 of the school rules say?"

Zhong Yunxin didn't remember the number, but based on the current situation, she guessed which one Xia Yu wanted to ask.

She replied: "Luxurious and frivolous clothing is not allowed."

Xia Yu pulled the skirt of the splashing girl again and asked, "Where's Article 52?"

"Skirts are not allowed to be shorter than two centimeters below the knee." Zhong Yunxin replied.

"And that water cup, according to Article 60 of the school rules, you are not allowed to walk around with unpacked food." Xia Yu turned to look at the tall girl, "Do you understand why now?"

The tall girl's face turned pale. She did not expect that Xia Yu would start from here. Although the school rules stipulated them, they had not been followed since Feng Yujia came to power.

She looked at the class teacher, who looked away. She did not dare to question the school rules, which were set by the board of directors.

The tall girl had no choice but to move her steps and prepare to get out of the way.

But Xia Yu didn't let her leave: "Wait a minute, your wearing earrings also violates school rules. Come here too."

The tall girl's face turned even paler, and she pointed to her other two companions: "They are wearing them too!"

great! Xia Yu cheered for her in his heart. He liked this attitude of cheating himself very much.

Looking back at the two girls, Xia Yu made an expression as if he just realized it. He also invited the two girls to the student union.

Xia Yu couldn't impose any severe punishment on the four people, but it didn't matter. The difference between light punishment and heavy punishment was only physical. A light physical punishment was not necessarily a light one mentally.

Taking out the school rules, Xia Yu educated them. Education itself was meaningless, but education was done by superiors to subordinates. This would subconsciously lower their status in front of Xia Yu.

After the education, Xia Yu threw away the school rules booklet: "Each of you write a 500-word review and hand it over tomorrow, handwritten."

The four of them lowered their heads to show their submission.

"By the way, you reported two people, so there's no need to write." Xia Yu said to the tall girl again.

The tall girl was happy at first, but after seeing the angry looks on the faces of the two companions she reported, she felt something was wrong.

She was still a little immature and couldn't figure out Xia Yu's plan at once.

After sending the four people away, Xia Yu called Zhong Yunxin. Zhong Yunxin has already gone back to the dormitory and changed her clothes.

Zhong Yunxin looked at Xia Yu with admiring eyes. She felt that Xia Yu was doing the same thing as her before. It's great to be able to teach a student a lesson for any reason.

And he was taken away openly and openly in front of the teacher.

"Where are the epaulettes?" Xia Yu looked at Zhong Yunxin's arm.

"Here it is." Zhong Yunxin hurriedly took the armband out of her pocket.

Xia Yu pinned the epaulette on Zhong Yunxin's body again and patted her shoulder: "You are now a mature disciplinary committee member. You don't need me to personally invite people for things like this just now."

Zhong Yunxin thought about it for three seconds, and her eyes lit up.

She was not a stupid person. After studying the school rules thoroughly, she took action.

The ten people who bullied her were very careful not to get caught, but Zhong Yunxin could still find new school rules from the words of the school rules.

The ten people gave up their resistance and did not dare to provoke Zhong Yunxin again.

Zhong Yunxin's class teacher was a little emotional, so she approached Xia Yu.

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