Life swap game

8. Late night snack

The door was locked and Xia Yu couldn't open it. He kicked it hard twice, but no one answered.

If Youxue got the phone, it would be impossible not to mention it at all. Needless to say, the phone must have been taken away by someone. As for who, only Xia Dongyang has the possibility.

Xia Yu called the man's name twice more, but still got no answer.

Xia Dongyang must be in the room, and his shoes are still outside. With his financial resources, he is not allowed to open a room to sleep outside.

Before leaving the door, Xia Yu came to the balcony of the living room and looked at the balcony of the master bedroom.

The balcony of the master bedroom is half a meter away from the balcony of the living room. Due to the hot weather, the window is open.

Climbing up the window, Xia Yu reached out and grabbed the window edge of the master bedroom and climbed in.

He saw Xia Dongyang at a glance. The man was holding a rolling pin in his hand and looking out through the crack in the door.

Coming behind him, Xia Yu kicked him up.

"Ouch!" Xia Dongyang, who was lying on the door, screamed and turned around quickly.

When he saw Xia Yu, he was at a loss for a moment and a little panicked. Then he looked at the rolling pin in his hand. The panic disappeared and he raised the rolling pin.

If he hadn't gained the dexterity from the black cat, Xia Yu would have been a little more hurried, took some effort, and was beaten twice before he could subdue Xia Dongyang, but at this time, he was no longer the same person as before.

After dodging the rolling pin, Xia Yu reached out and grabbed Xia Dongyang's wrist, twisted it hard, and pushed the other person to the ground.

"Wait a minute, I was wrong!"

Ignoring his plea for mercy, Xia Yu punched him in the waist.

Xia Yu wanted to hit him in the face more, but considering the other party's ridiculous pride, he still made some concessions.

"Where's the cell phone?" Xia Yu asked.

He was a little nervous now. He put his cell phone on Youxue's table last night, which meant that Xia Dongyang took it away last night. This time was enough for him to sell the stolen goods.

Although Xia Yu could beat him up, there was no way for him to pay for compensation.

Fortunately, Xia Dongyang didn't have time to deal with the phone yet.

"In the drawer, in the drawer!" the man said honestly.

Opening the drawer of the TV cabinet, Xia Yu saw the mobile phone box. In the box, the mobile phone and accessories were intact.

Putting away the mobile phone box, Xia Yu came to Xia Dongyang again.

"You are not allowed to enter Youxue's room in the future." He warned the man.

"Didn't you just go in directly?" Xia Dongyang said hard.

"I can, you can't!"

Seeing Xia Yu's clenched fist, Xia Dongyang closed his mouth.

Xia Yu stared at the other person for a while, and after his eyes averted, he opened the door and walked out of the room.

Getting up from the ground, Xia Dongyang covered his waist and grinned.

A question came to his mind: Where did that kid come in?

He looked in the direction where Xia Yu attacked him and saw the window he had not closed and the balcony of the living room next to the window.

This is the fourth floor!

But no matter how powerful he is, he is still my son.

Using the spiritual victory method, Xia Dongyang relieved the pressure. He came to the bedside, took out the potion, and skillfully applied it on his waist.

After he finished painting, the sound of the door opening came from the living room.

That's when the snow came back again.

"Brother, your eraser." The girl handed the eraser to Xia Yu's hand and took out the remaining money. "There is still money."

"I'll give you the money." Xia Yu accepted the eraser.

"Thank you, brother." Youxue narrowed her eyes happily. Xia Yu gave her pocket money.

"And this." Xia Yu handed over the mobile phone box.

After taking the mobile phone box, Youxue looked in disbelief. She opened the box and saw the white mobile phone inside.

"Brother is the best!" Holding the phone, the girl hugged Xia Yu.

After touching Youxue's head, Xia Yu's mood that was ruined by Xia Dongyang improved again.

After getting the mobile phone, Youxue couldn't wait to return to the bedroom to operate it.

After a while, she ran out again.

"Brother, can you teach me?" the girl asked in distress.

After setting up Youxue's computer, Xia Yu first downloaded Penguin Chat, created an account, added his own number, put it in the family category, and then started downloading some other necessary software to teach the girl how to use it.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, the excitement of the snow had passed.

Back in the room, Xia Yu played by himself for a while. At six o'clock, he logged into the game on time and had sex with An Siyao.

After his eyes went dark, what he saw was a black piano.

At this time, he was in the piano room.

"You're back!" An Siyao's surprised voice sounded in his mind.


What's with this homecoming tone?

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Yu replied with a yes.

"Did you have anything to do yesterday?" An Siyao asked why Xia Yu didn't come last night.

"There was something wrong with yesterday's ceremony." Xia Yu played the piano casually, familiar with the feel.

"Is everything okay?" The girl's words were filled with worry.

"It's nothing, I just accidentally blew up the moon." Xia Yu said casually.

"Don't try to lie to me, there was clearly a moon last night!" An Siyao was happy that she had seen through Xia Yu's lie.

"It was my moon at that time." Xia Yu casually added another setting.

An Siyao fell silent. She had no way to determine whether Xia Yu was telling the truth or a lie.

"Come on, start teaching." Xia Yu urged the girl.

Five hours later, he stretched.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening and he was a little hungry.

Twice before, he felt hungry at this point, but he ignored this feeling because of the excitement of just starting to play the body swap game.

"What do you call a maid?" Xia Yu asked An Siyao.

"There is a program on your phone, just click on it." The girl pointed at Xia Yu.

A minute later, the maid Xia Yu had met before came to the piano room.

"Get me something to eat." Xia Yu said.

"Miss, the nutritionist's customized diet does not include midnight snacks." The maid's attitude was cold.

Xia Yu slowly put down the palm that was pressing the keys.

There was silence in the piano room.


Xia Yu closed the piano cover. The sudden sound made the maid's heart skip a beat, and then Xia Yu's cold gaze made her body tremble.

"I-I'll let the kitchen do it now." The maid left the room in a panic.

With a chuckle, Xia Yu opened the piano cover and continued practicing.

In this life, because his father Xia Dongyang is a gangster, he has dealt with gangsters a lot before. He knows how to use facial expressions and atmosphere to put pressure on people.

From slowly stopping your hand, to suddenly closing the piano cover, to then watching silently, it is a set of psychological tactics. If there is one missing link in the middle, it will not be effective.

The disadvantage of this set of procedures is that the process is too long and extremely dependent on the unequal relationship between the two parties. It is not as convenient and practical as the black cat's intimidation skills.

After a while, the maid brought a bowl of porridge and retreated timidly.

"You're so awesome." An Siyao envied Xia Yu's ability to intimidate the maid.

"You are too weak." Xia Yu ate his porridge.

The girl changed the subject: "You have made great progress today."

Her words were not flattery, and Xia Yu felt that his fingers were much more dexterous.

Now, he can already play the world's famous song, Gouda etude.

After he finished eating, the maid came over and cleared away the dishes.

Before exiting the room, the maid glanced at Xia Yu's back and thought to herself:

The head maid will be back soon, let's see what you can do to her!

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